Hunting High School

Chapter 192: Bo Fu's Blood Essence

"You came out to play secretly and didn't call me?!"

"Ah, sorry..."

"None of my business!"

"I told them not to tell you. You work in the Qingqiu mansion, so it's not good to be distracted by such trivial matters, and then be scolded by the head maid..."

When several 'giants' of the Forgiveness Hunting Team seriously evaluated the Bo Fu's Blood Essence, on the other side, the four little wizards also got together and started chatting.

Su Ya was aggressive when she came up, questioning a few companions who left her to play privately. Not surprisingly, Lin Guo apologized in a bewildered face, Li Meng justly blamed it, but Zhu Si, perhaps because he became a teacher, had a sense of responsibility, and embraced Su Ya's anger .

Of course, the little fox girl's anger didn't have the slightest destructive power. On the contrary, the furry ears she erected when she was angry caused Zhu Si to rub her mercilessly, making her quickly forget the subject of the question.

Zheng Qing just glanced at it, confirmed that the four small bombs would not explode immediately, and then turned his attention back to Bo Fu's Blood Essence in front of him.

The most important part of the forgiveness hunting team's training tonight is to master a Tier 2 battle formation. For most hunting teams, when first contacting the second-tier battle formation, using the Blood Essence corresponding to the magic creature in the battle formation can greatly shorten the mastery time.

Kind of like Zheng Qing using the Transfiguration Potion to assist the Transfiguration Charm.

The little fox in his arms swayed left and right, disturbing the thoughts of the young public fee student. He lowered his head and met Poseidon's bright eyes and its soft chirping.

"Don't run too far, the woods are very dangerous at night." The wizard finally let go of his hand helplessly, but still gave a very serious warning.

Poseidon flicked his tail lightly, and jumped out, not knowing if he heard the old father's instructions. But Zheng Qing actually is not particularly worried, because before letting go, he noticed that the amulet worn on the little fox's neck had changed to a new style.

More diligent than changing his quill, the young public fee thought sourly.

"...Although the rules of the school hunting meeting have changed this year, it does not mean that the rules of the hunting competition will change."

When Zheng Qing came back to his senses, he happened to hear Zhang Jixin analyzing the hunting game with a serious face: "The basic rules of the hunting game have been tested for a long time, and it is difficult to have much room for we can't expect to play Bring a copy of Bofu's Blood Essence... You must fully master the second-tier battle formation before the hunting competition really begins."

Before entering the hunting ground, the hunting team and hunters will be strictly inspected. Any magic items, alchemy items, and even talismans that will cause an imbalance in combat power are prohibited. If hunters want to use talismans, they can bring enough blanks Talisman paper, cinnabar and talisman pen.

In addition, potions including Felicia, tranquilizers, and bloodline stimulation are also restricted. If hunters need to use healing potions, they can only collect herbs and mix them on the spot after entering the hunting ground.

From any point of view, Bo Fu's Blood Essence should be regarded as a contraband in the hunting ground.

Therefore, in order to maximize the effectiveness of this Blood Essence, the only way is for the Forgiveness Hunting Team to pass uninterrupted training before the start of the official hunting match, so as to fully grasp the transformation method of the second-tier battle formation, and be able to transform without relying on Blood Essence Out of the body titan.

It's difficult, very challenging.

But if there is no difficulty, how can this group of proud young wizards give up their homework and sleep in the middle of the night, come to the forest to blow the cold wind, and be bitten by insects?

"According to the progress of last year's hunting competition, we still have about half a month to get familiar with this battle formation." Zheng Qing held his chest with one hand, touched his chin with the other, and murmured: "This means that the rest of us Time is running out... If you start to increase the training intensity from today, do you have any opinions?"

As he spoke, he looked around.

At this moment, the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had already surrounded them, including Dylan, who was originally hanging on the oak branch, and stood outside the circle, yawning.

Hearing the hunting team leader's question, almost everyone nodded slightly, expressing in a low voice.


"The good news is that the uninterrupted training some time ago has laid a solid foundation for everyone." Xiao Xiao spoke at the right time, encouraging everyone: "I think we only need to use this Blood Essence to train a few more times to fully master it." A Tier 2 battle formation is not much more difficult than learning a new spell."

Everyone present can be regarded as the best in their respective colleges, and they have a strong ability to accept new magic knowledge. Even Zhang Jixin, who is ridiculed by the doctor on weekdays and his brain has been tempered into muscles, may not hold everyone back—just like when he completed the trial mission at the end of last month, mastering the flying spell and flying communication spell in the cabin was a very difficult task. Good example.

"It would be great if this Blood Essence was delivered sooner." Xin Fatty sighed slightly.

These words made Zhang Jixin's face darken immediately.

Because he was the first to say that he could get the Blood Essence of Bofu's family, but the subsequent facts proved that there is a brother who is Lei Zhe, who is far less than raising a little fox.

After several days of delay, after searching the Sacred will warehouse, the school flea market, and the black market of wandering bars in the pedestrian street, Zhang Jixin resolutely confessed and told Zheng Qing that he would not be able to handle Bo Fu's Blood Essence for a while.

That's why Hu Wu's delivery tonight happened.

"It doesn't do much good to come early."

Zheng Qing was keenly aware of the subtle change in Zhang Jixin's face—it was not easy, especially in the night—and immediately smoothed things over: "...As the doctor just mentioned, it's not that we can master the second essence immediately after we get the Blood Essence." High-level battle formations... the understanding of battle formations and the proficiency of basic battle formations are still very important."

This reassurance made the red-faced wizard's complexion a little lighter.

Dylan pushed aside the fat wizard standing in front of him, leaned in front of the Blood Essence, licked his tongue, and coveted listlessly: "Tsk, I don't know if Bofu's Blood Essence is looks like this Blood Essence seems to be of very high quality...always has the level of a top registered wizard."

The vampire's judgment of blood quality is more convincing than Xiao Xiao's words.

Although he knew that he was just joking and would not really eat the ball of Blood Essence, Zhang Jixin subconsciously raised his hand and pulled Mr. Vampire Werewolf back: "We only have this little thing, don't mess around... In other words , don’t you drink human blood?”

Dylan rolled his eyes: "The blood of magical creatures is also very nutritious, just like you eat staple food, but eat a lot of vegetables and fruits... In addition, Bofu's family name is titan, and titan is also a human genus."

This is true.

"No problem, then we will start training." Zheng Qing clapped his hands, interrupted the chat among his companions, and then threw out the last question: "The only trouble now is... what should they do!"

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