Hunting High School

Chapter 193 Trouble Caretaker

The "they" in Zheng Qing's mouth are not exactly women.

It also includes student Lin Guo.

That's right, he was referring to the 'outsiders' composed of four young wizards, Zhu Si, Li Meng, Su Ya and Lin Guo. If they were regarded as a support team, it would not be impossible, especially since Lin Guo also served as the manager of Yuzui, who possessed superb alchemy skills, and could provide a lot of help to Yuzui even off the field.

The only problem is that it is not an official hunting competition, and the surrounding area is not a safe hunting ground that has been repeatedly detected by the hunting committee.

Although it is still within the campus and within the range of the school's guardian circle, it does not mean that it is absolutely safe here. Last year, the kitten whose eyeballs were gouged out by Linzhong Lake, the Kappa who was killed, and the black goat that ran out of the lake, etc. Not to mention the distant accidents, just not long ago, the group in that semi-abandoned hunting ground suddenly went crazy Gai Traxi made Zheng Qing's heart shudder.

He had an ominous premonition that if Li Meng and the little fox were allowed to go to the hunting ground with them, something serious would happen. It doesn't matter if something happens to Li Meng, if something happens to the little fox, Zheng Qing feels that the owner of the Qingqiu mansion may not only cut off his own shadow next time they meet.

No, something happened to Li Meng. The young public finance student glanced at Jiang Yu, who was quiet beside him, and glanced at the small 'red mole' on Zhu Si's forehead.

Wait, not only Li Meng, but Zhu Si also has a big boss who has just been promoted to the legend behind him. Although he doesn't know where the Mouse Immortal is hiding now, Zheng Qing doesn't think that if Zhu Si gets into an accident, he can still be safe and sound. The first university to continue studying.

After such a simple calculation, among the four 'outsiders', perhaps only Lin Guo, who relied on Talent and worked hard to get into it, is the safest in the forgiveness hunting team.

Thinking of this, the young public finance student couldn't help but look at the little wizard with pity.

When Zhu Si was chatting with a few 'children', he was always paying attention to the movements of the hunters—in contrast, Su Ya's pricked ears were mostly used to catch the movements of Poseidon. Among the four people, perhaps only Li Mengchao was dedicated and cheerful.

Therefore, when Zheng Qing turned the topic to them, the new lecturer at First University immediately turned his head and looked over, interjecting with displeasure on his face: "What should we do? You train yours, so will we interfere with your training? Why are we in trouble?"

Interfere, and be troublesome.

Zheng Qing secretly slandered in his heart, but there was a warm smile on his face: "How come! You heard it wrong... The 'they' I just said are a group of upgraded Gatraxi."

"Gai Traxi?" Li Meng's attention was immediately attracted by the strange name, and his eyes lit up: "Very rare magical creatures, what's wrong with them?"

"They're Upgraded." Fatty Xin followed up. He understood Zheng Qing's thoughts and mustache: "At first they looked like a pack of wild dogs, but after being upgraded, they were covered in pus and their hair turned into wriggling granulation. I can still smell a bad smell... Well, it smells like Professor Li's office has been covered for a month."

The strange smell in the Potions professor's office was a nightmare for all the students of the First University. Even Su Ya and Zhu Si, who had never been there, had heard of the horror there.

Li Meng and Lin Guo, who had experienced it personally, even changed their faces.

Zheng Qing gave the fat wizard a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart, coughed twice, and added: "Yes, our hunting team will deal with those upgraded Gatraxis later, if you really want to see... "

He pretended to invite, and he was already 70 to 80% sure that he would hear the words of these brats giving up. But the subtlety of Murphy's Law is that it will always take effect when you are most sure.

"It's just a group of Gatraxis. I'm the manager of the hunting team!" Student Lin Guo patted his chest in a manly manner: "I've never heard of a manager who leaves the hunting team and runs on his own... Besides, if you meet If you shrink back at the slightest difficulty, how can you become an excellent hunter in the future?"

Bluebird nodded approvingly.

Zheng Qing looked at the little wizard in astonishment—he almost forgot that Lin Guo joined the hunting team in the first place with the intention of becoming an official hunter, but later, by mistake, he temporarily took over

Take up the position of manager.


Zhu Si, who had never personally experienced the power of Professor Li's office, was the second to get rid of Zheng Qing's intimidation, and waved his arms boldly, with the appearance of a big sister: "It's just a little smell. Let me tell you, I'm in the dreamland Have been through worse... Do you know how thick the moon beast feces are piled up in the swamp by Lake Ubbos? Tell me to scare you to death!"

"But those Gatraxis will still transform, from big black dogs to black horses!" Zheng Qing had to continue to strengthen the terrifying image in his impression: " know the 'wild hunt' in the black tide Is it? Those upgraded guys are like skeleton horses under the command of the Wild Hunt, with skin and bones, eyes like coal fire, and a mouth full of interlaced sharp teeth..."

"Can they be ridden?" Li Meng's focus is always very novel.

Looking at her eager expression, Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds before he groaned and waved his arms to explain: "It's...they are not a question of whether you can ride them...they know, they are very disgusting and scary, Not dead yet! No matter what magic we use, burn them to ashes or hack them to pieces, they will recover quickly!"

"Oh? Does it have a strong recovery ability after being upgraded?"

Lin Guo's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously turned the small schoolbag behind his back to the front, unzipped the zipper, took out the notebook and the quill, and asked, " it recovery in place, or recovery from the void? How do you judge recovery?" What about the same head Gatraxi? How does the magic power react when recovering? Will an interruption of the recovery process affect the recovery effect?"

The mouse on the schoolbag looked anxious after being disturbed in its clear dream, and made rude gestures at Zheng Qing, with a bad attitude.

Zheng Qing felt that his own expression would not be much better than that of the mouse. He numbly looked at the alchemist with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes, and his mouth was bitter.

Then he put his last hope on Su Ya.

"Did your lady tell you what time to go back?" He tried to put on an amiable look, and reminded: "Poseidon can't stay out too late..."

"It doesn't matter!" Su Ya kicked the wizard's little abacus away, and the two furry fox ears in her hair trembled happily: "Miss went to the meeting of the next month's council, and I won't be back until tomorrow... I'll just stay overnight If you don’t go back, no one will find out!”

Next to it, Xin Fatty and Dylan laughed maliciously.

Zheng Qing glared at them unhappily.

It was Jiang Yu who finally solved these troubles.

"Leave them to me." The witch raised her hand and brushed her long hair by her ears, and smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I'm not feeling well today, so I'll just sit on the bench outside the court... By the way, watch Li Meng recite the Ming Dynasty. A prescription from Heavenly Devil's medicine class."

This time, the little witch changed her face.

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