Hunting High School

Chapter 194 Difficulties About Second-Order Expansion

At the end of the first quarter, the half moon faces west.

The cold moonlight covered the gloomy night with the hazy silver veil of First Stage, making the whole world more lively and less boring.

Outside the academy, in the depths of a semi-abandoned hunting ground near the quiet river, a khaki flame-like afterbirth was beating slowly like a heart.

This hunting ground is still the same hunting ground that was used during the last training of the Forgiveness Hunting Team. Although there was an accident in the upgraded Gatraxi, on the one hand, there was no real accident, and on the other hand, the school was also very curious about who was doing it, so not only did it not close the hunting ground, but it reminded the forgiveness hunting team again and again. Go to training on time and don't waste school resources.

In other words, Zheng Qing and his hunting team have become a group of delicious bait. That's why he felt uneasy about Poseidon and those little wizards going to the hunting ground with him.

But on the other hand, the young public-funded students also doubted whether the wizards who had the courage to make troubles in the first university would not have the brains to appear in this hunting ground for the second time—from this point of view, it is different from other corners of the school. Compared with this semi-abandoned hunting ground, it seems safer.

Closer to home.

The number of hunters participating in training today has reached the highest peak since the training camp, and almost all of them are in battle. For the five-member combination of the standard hunting team, this means that there will always be two hunters on the bench.

Jiang Yu took the lead and took over the responsibility of guarding the little witches and Poseidon; followed by the always taciturn Blue Bird, who expressed her willingness to sit on the bench.

Zheng Qing was noncommittal about this.

He didn't deny it because he really needed two hunters to stay off the court; but he didn't agree because he had another consideration for the hunting team's training.

In the official hunting competition, every participant may have an accident. When an accident happens, the existence of alternate players is very important. If you want to maintain a hunting team that is proficient in the second-tier battle formation, not only the five hunters on the field need to be familiar with the formation, but also the hunters on the bench.

So he plans to train with the currently determined lineup first, and then rotate. It's just that before he actually launched the second-tier battle formation, he was not sure about the feasibility of this idea without knowing the difficulty of the deployment.

As it turned out, the wizard's caution was justified.

The first-order form of the Bofu battle formation is very simple. The solid foundation of the forgiveness hunters and the proficiency accumulated in previous training make the development of the first-order battle formation extremely smooth. As for the hunting team, which has changed its formation and moving speed several times, it has maintained the stability of the battle formation.

But when the hunting team began to try the second-order transformation, the difficulty suddenly increased.

"Keep the distance! Keep the distance! Keep! Keep the distance! Don't keep the distance!" Zhang Jixin was in the center of the battle formation, trying to maintain the magic circle stacked around him, while shouting inconsistent orders: "... Fatty , your speed is too slow, you are too far away, you tore off the inverted triangle on the second floor!"

Unlike the first-tier battle formation, which only needs to pay attention to the movement of the feet and the changes in the formation map, the second-tier battle formation is relatively more "three-dimensional". For example, a Tier 1 battle formation is a flat formation drawn on parchment, while a Tier 2 battle formation is four or five pieces of parchment stacked together, with different formations drawn on each parchment.

That is to say, when the second-order changes are launched, the hunters not only need to maintain the correct position, but also need to pinpoint different spells, chant different spells, and at the same time capture the rhythm of the fluctuations in the air, and try their best to maintain their own and other teammates. The 'harmony' between.

For a group of sophomores, those are indeed a bit high to ask.

"It's none of my business!" Xin Fatty is not a good-tempered guy, after hearing the red-faced wizard's accusation, he rolled his eyes strangely: "...When I was the formation leader, the second-order development went very smoothly. You are stumbling here, you don't find yourself a problem, but you blame me?"

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Jixin was speechless.

Because Xin was telling the truth.

After entering the hunting ground, the Forgiveness Hunting Team has adjusted their formation four times, with different hunters in charge. Except Xin Fatty

In the time of Ren Zhenyan, the hunting team barely managed to deploy the second-tier formation, and turned into a titan with a translucent head and a hazy khaki-yellow body, but the other attempts failed.

With luck, for example, when Xiao Xiao served as the eye of the formation, the transformed titan was only slightly shorter - only about three meters, not as powerful as Xin Fatty's blue titan.

Unlucky, for example, when Dylan served as the eye of the formation, the transformed titan directly turned into a huge skeleton, and it was also a strange skeleton with a deformed skull and no ribs.

He directly laughed off the group of little witches watching the battle outside the arena.

The result of Zhang Jixin's role as the team leader this time is neither good nor bad. Because he summoned a fairly standard Bofu's titan, which is estimated to be ten meters high or low, but this titan is slightly 'disabled' and missing a leg, so that just as he took a step forward, Flipping to the ground, the formation also broke down.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise."

Zheng Qing started to mix up, and comforted each other: "It's the first time to try tonight, and there will inevitably be mistakes. I remember when we first learned the binding spell, Li Meng couldn't breathe when he chanted the spell..."

"Are you pulling yourself up to Li Meng's level?" The red-faced wizard squinted at the hunting team leader.

Zheng Qing was not angry after being choked, but still smiling all over his face, and comforted him: "...On the contrary, I think that if Li Meng practices our battle formation, maybe his performance will be better than everyone else's."

"Spirit witches are indeed more compatible with mimicry." The fortune teller of the forgiveness hunting team nodded in agreement—when he spoke, Zhang Jixin, who was about to choke, shut up immediately.


Zheng Qing snapped his fingers and nodded Xin Fatty: "It's like Xin. He performed the best as the center of the four attempts just now. Why? I think there is a high probability that it has something to do with his status as a blue titan... because he I am familiar with the feeling of becoming a titan, so when the battle formation unfolds, I can capture the subtle changes in the formation fluctuations to the greatest extent. This is something that the rest of us do not have."

Xiao Xiao nodded in agreement, pushed his glasses, and added: "In addition, there is another point worth noting, that is, the formation change is very closely related to the 'characteristic' of the hunter who presides over the formation... This is why Dylan would transform into a giant skeleton."

"And you turned into a dwarf." Mr. Vampire Werewolf retorted.

When the others heard this, they smiled knowingly, and the atmosphere of anxiety and tension due to training gradually disappeared.

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