Hunting High School

One Hundred And Ninetieth Sixth Small And Big

"Obviously he interrupted first."

At this moment, Li Meng felt extremely wronged.

Zheng Qing looked at the little aunt who was already a little teary, and was very worried that she would pass out from being stimulated by him-this has many previous convictions-so he took a step towards retreated very obediently, and raised his hands slightly.

"My fault, my fault." He apologized with a smile on his face.

"It's your fault!"

The mist in Li Meng's eyes disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his momentum was raised again, and he said indignantly: "You don't go to your battle formation, what are you doing here! ... Besides, I am reciting my text, why are you interrupting! "

"It's ten o'clock in half an hour."

Zheng Qing no longer entangled with the little witch, turned around to look at Jiang Yu, took out a pocket watch and shook it in front of the witch: "I'm here to see if we should send them back first... We probably need a couple of training sessions here Hours."

Jiang Yu nodded slightly: "Well, it's indeed a bit late."

Poseidon writhed greatly in Zheng Qing's arms, feeling very unhappy about driving it back so early. Similarly, Su Ya also showed a very regretful expression.

She hasn't played enough either.

"I will contact the head maid, Su Man, to make sure that you really go back to the mansion obediently." Zheng Qing patted the little fox on the forehead, and gave Su Ya a warning look.

The pair of fluffy ears in the little fox girl's hair drooped weakly, very much like her voice at the moment: ""

"You too." On the other side, Jiang Yu also reminded Li Meng: "When I go back, I wash up and go to bed. I will let Li Neng stare at you...don't try to sew its mouth shut!"

Li Neng is Li Meng's plush bear. In Zheng Qing's impression, it often appears as the object of the little witch's anger, so the wizard doubts how much surveillance the bear can play.

Zhu Si looked left and right, with a trace of envy in his eyes.

In the next second, the crimson gemstone on the little witch's forehead flashed with brilliance, and the deep magic power surged in the night. Several young wizards around raised their arms and subconsciously raised their magic power to cover their eyes.

The brilliance dissipated, and the person standing there was no longer an eleven or twelve-year-old little witch, but a beautiful and graceful big witch. Her face has both the innocence of a girl and the dignity of a mature woman. She has a graceful demeanor but a subtle temperament, which is eye-catching.

This time, not only the hunters who were resting in the distance looked over one after another, even the magic circle guarding the entire school in the depths of the night trembled slightly, casting a faint look of concern.

Of course, that line of sight was fleeting and did not stay.

This is not the first time Zheng Qing has seen such a change in Zhu Si, he quickly came back to his senses, and said with an excited expression: "It's great... I was just thinking about who to send them back!"

The adult Zhu Si glanced lazily at the young public finance student.


"There is nothing worse than disturbing people's sleep at night." She looked like she had just woken up, her voice was a bit sleepy, and also a little troubled: "Don't you know that lack of sleep will make you old faster? Can't you just let her play happily? Why did you make her autistic again..."

The "she" in her mouth should refer to little Zhu Si.

When Zheng Qing realized this, she was a little puzzled by the phrase "being autistic" in Zhu Si's mouth: "What do you mean? Zhu Si, no, I mean, what does she mean by being autistic?"

Big Zhu Si didn't answer immediately, but waved his sleeves first, embraced Li Meng with one hand, and Su Ya with the other, raised his chin, and the little fox in Zheng Qing's arms jumped obediently and jumped onto her bed. On the shoulders, the fluffy tail curled up and hooked around the witch's neck, as if wearing a luxurious fur scarf on her.


Poseidon reluctantly said goodbye to the wizard.

"Come on tighter, I won't hug you anymore." Da Zhu Sichong greeted Lin Guo who was standing stiffly by the side. There was a tinge of red visible to the naked eye on the little wizard's face


Zheng Qing didn't care about the little fox's 'betrayal', nor did he pay attention to the little wizard's shyness, and was still wondering what the phrase 'betrayal' meant.

Then big Zhu Sicai looked at the young public-funded student, and said half-comfortingly: "Don't think about it, it has nothing to do with you, it's just that little girl likes to make ends meet... It's not a bad time for me to come out now, just in time to go back and write lesson preparation."

Speaking of this, some irritation suddenly appeared on her face: "... Those old liars at the school kept telling me that the lecturers of elective courses had a very easy job... Why don't you see them writing lesson preparations easily!...Leave! No deliver!"

Before the words were finished, a bright red swirled around, like a burning tornado, engulfing big Zhusi, three little wizards and a fox, and disappeared from Zheng Qing's sight in the blink of an eye.

Only then did Xin Fatty and several other hunters run over panting.


The fat wizard held an open notebook in one hand and a few messy quills in the other, and ran with a blue face: "That's Zhu Si? Why don't you stop her! I've wanted to do an exclusive interview with her a long time ago." !"

"You didn't mention this when she first came here." Zheng Qing looked at Fatty feeling a little speechless.

"I didn't mention that little girl's movie." Xin Fatty put away his notebook and quill pen regretfully, and plausibly said: "The first university lecturer and the underage little witch are completely different concepts."

"Indeed, you should let her stay for a while longer." Dylan also looked at the direction where the bright red disappeared with a bit of sadness, and licked his lips: "I haven't seen this feels like a cocktail The difference is clear."

Zheng Qing looked at Mr. Vampire Werewolf suspiciously, always feeling that he was coveting the blood of little Zhusi and big Zhusi when they were in different forms. He wanted to persuade Dylan to be more open, and the mouse fairy was not easy to mess with, but before he could organize his words, the fat wizard started yelling again.

"Speaking of which, there are strict restrictions on the use of 'Escape Technique' within the school!" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "I feel that Zhu Si is very relaxed when he uses it..."

"If you have a legendary father, the school will also give you this privilege." The young public finance student finally seized the opportunity, and while answering the fat wizard, he gave Mr. Vampire Werewolf a warning look: ", Some ideas are best snuffed out as soon as they arise."

"Don't waste time!" Another main hunter of the forgiveness hunting team finally couldn't bear it anymore, interrupted the chattering discussion of his companions, and raised his voice slightly: "...Since those little troublemakers have been sent away, let's follow up." Speed ​​up the pace of training! Brother Scum, you and the squad leader will be on the sidelines first... The swordsman will enter the battle formation instead of Brother Scum, and Fatty will preside over the formation.

Zheng Qing looked at the red-faced wizard who issued orders neatly with relief, and felt deeply that it was a very correct appointment for him to be the master hunter.

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