Hunting High School

Chapter 197: The Price Of Returning Late

Su Ya lived in the Qingqiu Mansion outside the school, and was the last one to be sent home.

Su Man, the head maid of the mansion, sent Zhu Si out of the house politely, then turned around and grabbed the little fox girl by the ear, carried her to Su Shijun's study room, and lit the magic candle in the room.

"Clean the house or copy books, you choose one." The head maid said coldly, looking at the little maid who was shrinking into a ball with her eyes downcast, with a straight face.

After breaking away from Su Man's clutches, Su Ya's ears were immediately pressed against her hair, lest she be caught again. At the same time, her hands unconsciously picked up own's big tail, stroking it back and forth, groaning and refusing to make a choice.

This is her consistent strategy in the face of punishment, and it is effective most of the time. But today, even though she was in tears for a long while, the head maid's expression didn't change at all.


The little maid sighed secretly in her heart.

"I went out at the order of the lady," she muttered, while threading the tip of her tail between her fingers, trying to find the final justification for her own behavior: "That guy Zheng Qing asked Miss to ask for a blog post." Father's Blood Essence, I went to deliver things together as a supervisor, and Hank was also present..."

"It's Zheng Qing." The head maid corrected the little fox girl's words calmly, without any fluctuation in her expression: "By the way, Hank who sent Blood Essence and his two follower Ratmen came back two hours ago and you and Poseidon..."

As she spoke, she glanced at the door of the study.

In the shadow of the door, a small white head was exposed, looking into the room, thinking it was hiding a secret, but it didn't know that its behavior was very clear in the eyes of the big fox girl.

The head maid laughed secretly in her heart, but she didn't point out Poseidon who showed the fox tail, and continued to reprimand Su Ya with a straight face: "...but you and Poseidon have been stranded outside until now, and you were sent back by the school lecturer of!"

Hearing this, Su Ya suddenly regained his spirits, clutching his big tail, and defended: "That's Zhu Si, not counting the school teacher, you know him too!"

"Put down your tail!"

The head maid reprimanded: "Have you forgotten how the nuns taught the 'walking class'? Don't play with your own tail like a wild fox all day long, what does it look like! Also, the lecturer in the school is a lecturer, no matter what she No matter what relationship you have in private, you can't lose the courtesy of our Qingqiu mansion!"

Like a frightened snake, the big fluffy tail shrank back from the little fox girl's hand, and disappeared under her plain robe in the blink of an eye, arching a faintly visible bulge around the slender waist.

Su Man frowned slightly, and wanted to point out that Su Ya's tail was not beautiful enough, but when she saw the little fox girl cowering and flinching, she finally softened her heart and did not continue to emphasize this flaw.

And Poseidon, who was shivering at the door of the study, was also frightened by the aggravated tone of the head maid, and shrank out suddenly, giving up the great idea of ​​saving his companions.

As the saying goes, a fellow daoist will not die if he dies.


A few sparks exploded from the magic candle hanging from the ceiling, breaking the few seconds of silence in the study.

"Have you chosen?" The head maid did not forget the reason why she brought Su Ya into this study in the first place, with a straight face, she repeated the question a few minutes ago: "Clean the house or copy books?"

Su Ya plucked up her courage and tried to make a final struggle: "It's so late..."

"Or do you want to do both?" Su Man added unhurriedly, as if she didn't hear the four words Su Ya just said.

The courage that the little fox girl mustered up was like soap bubbles hitting a rock, and it shattered neatly with a bang.

"Clean the house!" She screamed, hurriedly pulled out a small wooden basin and a rag out of thin air, and smiled flatteringly at the head maid: "I will definitely clean the house so that there is no dust in sight!"

Su Man took out her pocket watch and checked the time.

"I can definitely finish it before going to bed!" Su Ya added obediently, clenched her small fists in front of her chest, and promised firmly: "

It will definitely not affect the normal work and rest! "

The head maid nodded in satisfaction, tiptoed, turned and walked out of the house, with fluttering skirts, in the eyes of the little fox girl, she looked like a big vicious moth.

"And you!"

Outside the study room, the voice of the head maid reprimanding Poseidon was heard: "Accompany Su Ya to play around with Su Ya at night, and you will be confined for a whole day tomorrow. You are not allowed to go anywhere until Miss comes back... Besides, since Su Ya chooses to clean up, how about you?" Go copy the book... no magic is allowed!"


Su Ya listened to Poseidon's sad cry, and inexplicably felt a little comfort in her heart—the joys and sorrows of foxes are not always connected, and she didn't feel noisy at all.

There is no worst, only relatively worse.

Just like what was written in that doggerel: People all over the world complained about injustice. He rode a horse and I rode a donkey.

Thinking of this, the little fox girl suddenly felt full of energy, and the rag in her hand became more vigorous.



After leaving the Qingqiu Mansion, Zhu Si did not go back to the office to write and prepare lessons as she planned, but walked leisurely in the winding alleys of Beta Town following a sudden inspiration in her heart.

Beta Town under the night is cold and empty.

Most of the shops are already closed, and the few shops that are still open have their doors half-closed, and the thick glass windows reflect the blurred and distorted black figures of the shopkeepers and customers.

Occasionally passers-by, all wearing wide hoods, hurriedly walked, and the Dharma books were hung on their belts, emitting an alarming hazy light, silently warning every stranger who tried to approach.

Stepping on the smooth bluestone slabs, the witch walked briskly through one narrow alley after another, and soon left the west area of ​​Beta Town, which was full of tall gates, and came to a world of low shacks.

The streets here are becoming more and more zigzag, the alleys are becoming narrower, and the stone slabs on the street have lost the brightness and smoothness of the streets in the West District.

This is the North District of Beta Town.

After coming to this neighborhood that has caused a lot of trouble in the wizarding world recently, the light blue printed long dress on the big witch has disappeared, replaced by a low-key black robe that is more suitable for the environment of the North District.

Unlike the quiet West District, which reveals a bit of solemnity, the night in the North District is relatively more impetuous. In addition to the hurrying pedestrians in the night, there are also the sounds of frogs from time to time.

Quack, quack.

Zhu Si listened to the frogs that replaced the chirping insects, and a faint smile appeared on his face, as if he had returned to the dreamland, back to the familiar, wet and sticky Ubos Lake.

Finally, her footsteps stopped.

The witch raised her head and looked at the nameplate hanging on the wall - No. 33 Gu Diao Street, 'Sakura Tavern' on the first floor, 'Kini's Magic Cabin' on the second floor.

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