Hunting High School

Chapter 199 Inside And Outside The Tavern

"Want something to drink?"

"Such as Green Bee, Amber Light...or Siren Rum, a specialty of the North District?"

Kerma got up, came to the bar, took out several large and small wine bottles and a clean glass, pushed them in front of Jusi, and then raised a bottle full of blue liquid in his hand:

“Personally, I would recommend Siren Rum, which is not good in taste but rich in taste, very suitable for guests who come to get drunk at night...Of course, if the style is a little higher, we can also provide Amber in 1987, It's just that the price is directly proportional to its style, and it will be slightly higher."

As she spoke, she raised another bottle.

Then when her fingers touched the third bottle, she suddenly stopped in place, tilted her head, and looked at Zhu Si suspiciously: "Wait... If I remember correctly, you are in a special state now... Can you drink?"


Zhu Si finally opened his mouth and said the first sentence after entering the door: "Juice is very good, I like to drink juice... It would be even better if there is orange juice."

"I like juice too."

Kerma's eyes suddenly softened a little. Looking at the witch in front of her, she seemed to see the chubby mouse crawling out of the mirror and awkwardly apologizing to her.

She raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice and a large glass rushed over along the smooth bar counter.

The orange juice seems to have been heated, and under the bright light of the magic candle, a very light mist evaporates, exuding a seductive aroma.

Zhu Si fluttered his nose slightly, raised his eyebrows in surprise, took a small sip from the cup, and finally confirmed: "This is the juice made from calamus dew...with the addition of fenugreek juice?"

Herb Herb can strengthen the ability of wizards to communicate with nature, and it is a powerful magic-enhancing herb; Calamus Dew is a special offering in late autumn, which has the effect of clearing the mind and eyesight.

This glass of juice is not cheaper than that bottle of Amber light, the guest thought with a bit of distress.

"Worthy of being His daughter."

The Great Wizard of the North District admired, raised the wine glass in his hand and signaled slightly: "...and like Him, they like to be uninvited guests."

Zhu Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down the youngest wizard in the legend.

Before entering the door, she didn't know that Kerma still had some connection with her father. This gave her a subtle illusion that the inspiration for tonight was artificially created.

Xu Shi noticed the inquiring eyes of the guests, and the owner of the Cherry Blossom Tavern shook his head: "Don't ask me... I don't know where he is now. The alliance and the school are more concerned about this matter than you."

That's the bad thing about talking to great wizards, they can always easily read what you haven't said yet.

Zhu Si withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, stroked the glass of warm juice in his hand, and after a long while, asked inadvertently, " did you know each other?"

"How do you know..."

Kerma took a deep breath, looked over the shoulders of the guests, and fell on the dark night sky outside the tavern, as if she saw the crying little girl who walked in the silent forest for a day after getting lost, and saw the clumsy Comfort the own big mouse.

She withdrew her gaze, looked at Zhu Si, and smiled softly: "...This is quite a long story."

Zhu Si shrugged: "It's okay, there is not much else after becoming an adult, except that I have a lot more free time...and there is a lot of juice tonight."

The candlelight trembled slightly, flickering a long shadow.

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"Shh... There are other people staring here."

Not far from the courtyard of No. 33 Gu Diao Street, at that hidden corner, the two wizards who followed Zhu Si to the North District suddenly noticed a familiar figure—he had passed in front of them with a bag of frogs, twice .

"This is the third time he's been here."

The leader in the black robe looked at the man with the green

Frog, walking in a hurry, looking left and right for the passers-by who are gradually approaching No. 33 courtyard, pouted, and said to his companion in a low voice: "The people in the Kini Cabin are still too young... They haven't noticed such a crude stalking... I think the two of us are It’s a bit of a fuss.”

He was referring to the high rank magic that the two of them wasted for concealment.

There is nothing more heart-wrenching than wasting precious magic and mental energy in tedious waiting, cold nights, and deserted corners.

In contrast, his companions behaved more cautiously.

"not sure."

Another wizard thought about it, looked at the "familiar stranger" who was gradually approaching, and suddenly fixed his eyes: "Wait, is there anyone behind him this time?"

The leader also noticed this, and immediately put away the previous relaxation, held his breath, and shrank deeper into the shadow of the corner. The sound of hurried footsteps in the night was very clear, chaotic and disorderly.

Accompanied by the footsteps, the hurried and slightly sharp voice of the passerby carrying a bag of frogs became clearer: " can't be wrong, it's definitely big news... I saw it in the memo book you gave me The portrait of the witch, it says she has some kind of relationship with the Ratmen... Just think, the wizards of the North District teamed up with the Ratmen! Ms. Pulitzer will like this hot spot!"

"Shut up!"

Behind the passer-by was a tall and thin wizard, wearing a black robe, his face also hidden under the wide hood. Hearing the nonsense of the passer-by who seemed to be dazed by excitement, he interrupted sharply: "No lady! No news! You're just a juggler who wants to be a wizard of the North! How many times do I have to say it before you remember your own?"

The severity apparently frightened the passer-by.

He staggered under his feet, and the bag carrying the frogs also hit the billboard next to him heavily. The semi-dormant frogs in the bag woke up after the impact, and all raised their voices, mourning their unfortunate fate.

For a while, the originally empty and dead street seemed much more lively.

"Hug, sorry!"

The passer-by stammered an apology, and threw half a stun pill into the bag again. Finally, he muttered in a low voice, "I, I'm just so happy...I'm not a magician."

The streets fell silent again.

The tall and thin wizard stood not far from No. 33 Gu Diao Street and looked around for a while, finally chose the corner next to the grocery store, and walked over with the passerby carrying a bag of frogs.

"Hide better, don't be discovered by the people in the tavern." The tall and thin wizard hid in the shadows and reprimanded in a low voice: "...If it's not that person who comes out later, your bonus for this month will be halved directly!"

While speaking, he took out an old-fashioned camera from his pocket, took advantage of the faint light on the street, carefully adjusted the magic spell on the camera, and wiped the clean lens.

The passer-by was crying, holding his bag of frogs, and staring nervously at the door of the Sakura Tavern.

Neither of them noticed that a few steps behind them, in the thicker shadows, there were two other wizards who were trying to hold their breath, praying that the concealment magic around them would not fail.

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