Hunting High School

Chapter 200 A Conversation Between Two Daughters

An old glowworm crawled along a shallow wooden groove on the bar.

It is too old, and has long lost the recovery ability of shedding its skin. It is covered with traces of time left on it. One side of the translucent insect wings is curled up, and the other side is full of holes similar to those after wind erosion, making it look thin And fragile.

The huge belly was slowly dragged by the only three remaining legs. In the abdominal cavity, large white calcified substances could be seen with the naked eye, and only a small area could still emit weak fluorescence.

Two slender fingers descended from the sky, gently clamped the firefly, and placed it on a small puddle of swollen wine. The bug couldn't wait to stick out its mouthparts and suck it hard.

Then the fluorescent light blooming behind it became slightly brighter.

"The shop couldn't use magic candles before, so there was a small group of semi-wild lantern bugs." Kerma looked at the greedy bug with a slightly melancholy look, and explained casually: "But now there are only a few left. ...This one is the most courageous, and dares to come to the table to beg for wine. The other cowards will just hide in the corner and eat some dew."

Beyond the bar.

The guests of the Sakura Tavern stared at the bug, but their eyes were not focused, and the previous story of the tavern owner kept circling in their minds.

Lost little girl, exactly like her—except one lost in the mirror world, one just lost in the silent forest—then a big mouse who lost his child found emotional comfort in the lost little girl, and then two Lonely souls lean on each other and strive towards their respective ideals...

The guest shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of the complicated fact in her mind.


Zhu Si raised the cup, drank the last sip of the juice, and shook his head slightly, always feeling that the fruit at the bottom of the cup was a little sour, which ruined the good taste before.

Then, she looked up at Korma and concluded: "... So, for a period of time, the relationship between you and him was like father and daughter?"

"During this time." Kerma corrected Jusi's words.

"A period of time" has a somewhat limited meaning, which seems to be the past tense; while "this period of time" can express a broader meaning.

Although Zhu Si is back, it doesn't mean that the big mouse is going to leave her - after all, from the end of last year to now, she has saved a few beautiful scarves and hasn't given it yet.

Zhu Si was at a loss for words for a while.

She was still very young when she got lost in the mirror, and the Dreamland is not a place where people can learn seriously, and the way of dealing with the world is always a bit naive, so facing the slightly strong tavern owner, she subconsciously remained silent. as a countermeasure.

On the contrary, Colmar, who once served as the vice president of the First University Student Union, seemed to be more comfortable in handling these matters.

She stared playfully at the bright red grain on Zhu Si's forehead.

After a while, I asked back: "It seems that you don't know the relationship between me and the old man... Then what are you doing in the tavern tonight? Just for a glass of juice?"

Juice is really good.

Feeling the magic power in his body, Zhu Si thought silently, then shook his head: "No... just came out for a stroll... then came here... and heard an interesting story."

"Wander around."

Kerma grabbed a small strand of silver hair hanging on her chest and curled it around her fingers, with a little more thought in her eyes, repeating the adjective Zhu Si had just used: "...interesting."

Interesting indeed.

For wizards, the concept of "accidental" basically does not exist in the world, and any seemingly unrelated collision between the two is inevitable under some kind of fate.

Of course, even though Jusi’s arrival tonight was not accidental, Kerma did not take out the Own Tarot cards to try to divination the trajectory of fate—although she is now a great wizard, she does not feel that the Own Tarot cards How much of an effect in the face of traces involving legends.

"Since there is no

purpose, and the juice is finished, so go back and rest early. "Kerma breathed a sigh of relief, put down the silver hair wrapped around her fingertips, and tried to dismiss the uninvited guest in front of her: "You still have class tomorrow... Don't worry, if there is any news about the old man, I will Will let you know. "

Zhu Si did not get up to say goodbye.

She rubbed the empty cup in her hand, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What are you planning to do recently?"

The Great Sage of the North District raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I mean, do you have any new plans these days?" Zhu Si put down his glass, his expression serious: "Fate will not lead me here for no reason... If you have any plans, maybe I can help."

"Plans? There are some plans." Kerma chuckled, but she quickly turned to the plan she had approved recently. To some extent, she also agreed with Zhu Si's opinion.

But as a newly born wizarding group, as the soul of the group, Korma has to make many plans and decisions every day—such as applying to the alliance for a seat at the wizarding plenary meeting; Legal aid for wizards in the North District; friendly exchanges with Gypsy Witches, Semler Witches, etc.; maintaining law and order in the North District; sorting out unknown threats on the edge of the silent forest; organizing wizards in the North District to learn magic knowledge; communicating with schools about enrollment quotas ; and setting up a new Philosopher's Stone imitation laboratory with Dr. Duzem, etc.

Not to mention the myriad of clues, at least for a while, it was hard for her to think of anything directly related to Zhu Si.

"Related to the school teacher, there is probably only one in the past two days."

Kerma thought quickly, and immediately captured something that was not too big or small in his mind, and would not cause trouble to Zhu Si: "... Isn't the school going to hold a school hunting party next month? Because of the revision of the rules, any Hunting teams have a chance, so I asked Nicholas to find a way to organize a hunting team."

Xu Shi noticed Zhu Si slightly dazed eyes.

The owner of the tavern immediately added an explanation: "...Nicholas also belongs to the wizards of the North District. He is currently studying in Jiuyou College and is already in the second year... Well, this is not the point... The point is that his hunting team organization is not particularly smooth , and I'm not very confident about getting the ranking in the school hunting competition... I mean, do you have any channels in the school's hunting committee, can you find out what the rules are for this hunting competition?"


Zhu Si reacted for a while, and then cautiously and tentatively asked with a somewhat uncertain tone: "You mean...cheating?"

"Ahahahaha," the owner of the tavern let out a hearty laugh, and waved his hands a little awkwardly: "Cheating or something, it's too ugly... Just let those young people get familiar with the rules first... Familiar with the rules... This is in within the rules."

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