Hunting High School

Chapter 212 Cat Face Mask

"It's too empty to say what's good or bad right now."

The black cat wagged its tail, and was not fooled by the big pie drawn by the envoy, but showed a bit of worry: "You only talked about the benefits of my self-reflection seven times a day, and didn't mention the seven deadly sins in case I did something that violated school rules. what will happen to me.”

The masked wizard comforted the black cat: "Don't worry, I've been in the Seven Deadly Sins for so long, and I've always been safe."

"It's easy to say."

The black cat snorted: "Some people have stayed in the university for four years, and their oily skin has never been scratched once, while some people have died more than once in less than a year after entering the university..."

"Who died more than once?" The wizard seemed interested in the black cat example.

"That's not the point!"

The black cat raised its whiskers, raised its voice slightly, and interrupted: "The point is that after you leave, it is I who will be punished, not you... Thinking about the day when I will have to stay in an empty office, biting quill tail, trying to describe how a freak in a white mask forced me to do things that were harmful to the school..."

"Freak?" The Convicted Envoy opened his arms and asked in a very exaggerated tone: "Merlin, do you have to use this word?"

"You can also replace it with a black wizard." The black cat remonstrated quickly.

"If you have to say that," the embassy tilted his head: "As the saying goes, if your brain is a piece of shit, then everything you see is a piece of shit. Your point of view is not only proof that your psychology is dark , no other effect."

"You can tell me your real identity, so that you can prove that you are not a dark wizard."

"In the Seven Deadly Sins, No One Knows Others Mask"

"A dog wouldn't be this friendly to a, are you a student or a teacher?"

"I told you, no one will reveal their own identity!"

"...Or which research institute are you a researcher?"

"I said it before……"

"Do you know Lucifer? How do I know if you guys are tricking me?"

"When I repeated the words 'I said it', what was in your mind? Is it still that piece of shit? Can't you think of a more logical concept besides shit?" The tone of the sinner said A little irritable: "Today is not the time for 'Rage' to assess you... I feel that 'Rage' will explode in place if it can't last a minute in your hands."

"Thank you for the compliment." The black cat laughed dryly.

While talking, the wizard wearing the white mask led the cat wearing the white mask, and after a circle around the boss in the grove, they reappeared behind the cat fruit tree.

When the black cat saw the familiar canopy of the cat fruit tree from a distance, the whole cat couldn't get rid of it.

"What are we doing here?" The black cat stopped in front of the wizard, and its figure swelled up, causing the small mask on its face to slightly cover its face.

The guilty envoy glanced at the mask worriedly.

"Didn't you just say that?" He looked up at the cat fruit tree in the distance, looking a little absent-minded: "It's just strolling around... It's boring to stay in one place all the time."

"Just for a stroll?" the black cat asked unwillingly.

It had always thought that on the way of strolling, the witch code-named "Leviathan" in the Seven Deadly Sins would jump out from behind a certain bush to test it—whether it was a spell or a brain teaser, the black cat was ready Fully prepared - the only thing I didn't expect was that the journey was safe and sound, and I didn't even meet a hunting owl.

This makes it feel like scratching a paw into a cotton ball.

"Just strolling around." The guilty person tilted his head and glanced at the black cat, as if he was happy to see it frantic: "Is there anything else you want to do?"

Immediately, there was a hint of surprise in his tone: "Want to release water? You don't need to report this kind of thing to me. You are a cat anyway. Find a secluded corner and lift your legs and it will be solved."

Hearing this, the black cat was furious, raised its hind legs on the spot, and with a splash, a jet of crystal water hit the wizard's shoes in front of him, wetting the corner of his robe by the way.

"Hey, hey! Don't go too far!" The wizard jumped up and shouted, "Don't think I can't deal with you just because you are a cat!"

The black cat kept silent and swelled up again.

This time, its size was already comparable to that of a Siberian tiger. The white mask that could have covered its entire face could only cover the tip of its nose now. It swayed and swayed under the heavy breathing of the black cat, like those on the branches. crumbling dead leaves.

The huge size brought enormous pressure, the jumping wizard resolutely calmed down, silently took out a standard version of the standard law book from his sleeve, turned to the middle page, cleared his throat, and recited a spell copied from it :

"Water from the Wubi spring, cleanse the dirt!"

"Gao Gao rises out of the sun, and enjoys the valley wind!"

A splash of clear spring water cheerfully gushed out from the void, rolled over the wizard's shoes and the hem of the robe, and created a layer of fine foam; immediately afterwards, the warm wind spun around the hem of the wizard's robe a few times, blowing the wet gown and shoes drying.

The black cat looked at this scene in surprise.

"Can the Wubi spring water be used like this?" It regained its small size, staring at the hem of the robe that was slowly rising and falling with the warm wind, its tone full of curiosity.

As if the dark color on the robe had nothing to do with it.

Of course, it also has reason to be surprised, because 'Wubi Spring Water' is a clear spring curse, which is often used to extinguish the fire curse; and Zhuo Di Yang Qing is often used by wizards to wash their faces-these two spells are completely irrelevant.


Looking at the innocent black cat, the Convict envoy really wanted to turn over two more pages of the Dharma book and throw a few vicious curses at it, but considering what was going on tonight, he still gritted his teeth and gave up this idea, just snorting two times coldly. Next, he reluctantly explained: "It's just a little skill of fitting spells... If you add the Seven Deadly Sins, how many of these skills will be needed... Huh? That little white cat on the tree is so beautiful!"

He has come to the cat fruit tree with the black cat.

The black cat ignored the fussing wizard beside him, but looked up at the little white cat on the tree who was playing with the two gems, with a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

In the next second, the joy faded and turned into consternation.

Because beside the little white cat, a puppet cat with gorgeous fur and handsome appearance appeared, looking up at the full moon in the sky calmly.

The black cat noticed that when the little white cat looked at the puppet cat, his eyes were shining, which made his heart sink slightly, and a few bad thoughts flashed through his mind.

Because all the attention was on the little white cat, the black cat didn't notice that there was a tall figure beside the sinner, also wearing a mask, but it was just a cat face mask.

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