Hunting High School

Chapter 213: The Crime Of Jealousy

"Jealousness is a special kind of jealousy."

"In other words, jealousy is jealousy, but jealousy is not necessarily jealousy. When the black cat became jealous because of jealousy, my test began."

The witch wearing a cat face mask stood beside the condemnation envoy, looked at the back of the black cat that turned into a bolt of lightning and jumped towards the cat fruit tree with a smile, and concluded in a brisk tone: "As for the criteria for judging whether he passed the examination, It just depends on how he gets over the jealousy...and how long it took him to get over it. If it gets out of control and gets out of control, then I have to apologize."

"so bad."

The wizard wearing a white mask shook his head, and his tone was full of emotion: "It is you who choose to let a cat face one of the most sour tastes in the world... I thought you would be like Lucifer, meaning , let’s go through the motions.”

"Isn't this just going through the motions?" The witch wearing a cat face mask raised her chin: "I think back then, I challenged a three-headed snake to inherit this position. As for Lucifer, his assessment is not simple, arrogant It was a very subtle emotion.”

"I don't know if it's subtle or not, but I think maybe it's easier for that cat to deal with a three-headed snake." The sinner smiled and changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I was a little puzzled before. , do you know this black cat?"

"Why do you think so?"

"I also just found out that the black cat has a date tonight." The wizard spread his hands, his tone unable to hide his curiosity: "I don't even know if it's a dog or a cat...but you can measure it for it." Creating such an exquisite assessment scene... will inevitably make people think a little more."

"You are worried about breaking the principle of mutual acquaintance in the society." The witch nonchalantly pointed out the wizard's unfinished intentions, and chuckled: "Don't worry, I don't know this cat either... to create this exquisitely assessed cat for it." , not me, but the potion."


"Have you heard of Felicia?"

The witch shook the sleeves of her robe, and the melodious jingle of the glass bottles colliding faintly came from the sleeves: "This is a kind of lucky potion, but its effective mechanism is not to make people's wishes come true out of thin air, but to improve the user's mind. Luck, plucking the light strings of fate, made certain things that might have happened. Before going out tonight, I drank a little...then went to the theater, that's all."

"That's all!"

The guilty envoy sighed: "I thought the richest person among the seven deadly sins was Lucifer or Mammon... I didn't expect it, but I was wrong. You are willing to waste such a precious thing on such a trivial matter." Potion."

"It's neither wasteful nor precious, only suitable or inappropriate."



The black cat didn't know that two masked wizards behind him were talking about him.

Or, even if it knows, it doesn't care.

From the moment he saw the little white cat and the beautiful ragdoll cat beside her, there was no other picture in the black cat's sight—the full moon above his head, the oilfly jumping from the tip of his nose, hiding under the tree The edamame wagging its tail at it, and so on, such things that usually easily attract his attention, nothing distracts it.

It just wants to rush to the cat fruit tree, like Popeye the sailor who has eaten spinach, to show off his shiny hair, slender and strong body in front of the little white cat, and at the same time, with the aura of being the owner of the cat fruit tree, ruthlessly Suppress that strange puppet cat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

To be honest, it doesn't usually do this.

But tonight, perhaps because of the full moon, the moonlight in the air made the black cat's magic power extremely active, allowing the most subtle emotions in his heart to be unscrupulously released.

In turn, this extreme emotional fluctuation further intensifies the magical restlessness in its body, and this restlessness is resonating with the emotional fluctuations, constantly penetrating into the depths of the soul, shaking the originally stable seed of order.


Crash, clatter, clatter.


The small tree less than Zhang Xu in the depths seemed to feel the dry heat from the outside world. The stretched branches swayed slightly, and the sparse leaves collided with each other, making a hoarse whisper.

The big blue snake entrenched in the tree raised its eyelids amidst the shaking and noise, and glanced out impatiently.

"so troublesome."

The green snake hissed and muttered silently, then raised his head slightly, and spit out a bright red letter from his mouth, like a red lightning bolt, straight into the depths of the misty heart lake.

Beyond Heart Lake.

The black cat, which was running towards the cat fruit tree, hadn't reached the bottom of the tree when a long, thin red letter popped out of its right ear and wiped the cat's face carelessly like a wiper.

Shua, Shua!

The wet tongue was cold and slippery, and it was extremely uncomfortable to lick on the face. The black cat, who had been in a hurry, woke up instantly as if ice water had been poured on its head.

After wiping his face, the slender letter slipped back into the ear, and refused to stay for a moment.

The black cat didn't have time to pursue the tongue of 'illegal exit'. The moment it woke up, it immediately realized how naive and ridiculous its plan was just now.


It took a breath of cool air, bit its tender tongue with its sharp teeth, and glanced behind him rather apprehensively: "These seven deadly sins are really makes people unconsciously fall into the truth."


The soft and waxy cry of the little white cat came from my ear, as if it was greeting me. The black cat immediately threw away the fear that had just arisen in its heart, flicked its tail, jumped up the cat fruit tree, and came to the throne of own with three or five pounces.

On the large throne, besides the little white cat, there is also the ragdoll cat with gorgeous fur and handsome appearance.

If the black cat rushed forward when its mind was confused, the black cat would have flattened its ears, puffed out its chest muscles, and blown off the fluff on its neck. Get over it in size first.

but now.

As usual, the black cat raised its paw to meet the little white cat's, and then looked at the puppet cat curiously: "Where did this cat come from? I haven't seen it in my tree."

The puppet cat remained motionless, looking up at the sky with a calm expression.

The little white cat laughed and fell down.

The black cat froze for a moment, then looked intently again, and even poked the puppet cat's body with its paws, before finally confirming that the cat in front of it was really a 'puppet' cat, but under the magic bonus , almost confusing the real with the fake.

Thinking that he almost flexed his muscles in front of a doll, the black cat felt cold sweat on the back of his neck, and he was secretly grateful.

A sticky note was slapped in front of the black cat by a little white paw.

The black cat lowered its head and read it, and suddenly realized that this puppet cat was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift from Jiang Yu, referring to the production methods of "Sunny Doll" and "Nightmare Doll", it is a "good dream cat", Putting it next to the pillow can promote sleep and help him have a good dream at night.

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