Hunting High School

Chapter 216: Edge Hunting Team

After the start of the selection task, Zheng Qing has always had a sense of inexplicable contradiction in his heart.

This feeling gradually became clear as You Zui began to look for instructors, and more and more other hunting teams were looking for instructors, that is, the school could not allow hundreds of hunting teams to pass the selection task.

A school hunting club has limited resources and cannot support the consumption of hundreds of hunting teams; on the other hand, let the newly formed hunting teams without much experience compete with the hunting teams with rich experience such as Judgment, Blood Friends, and Monster Qi Competition has a high probability of causing great physical and mental harm to many young hunters.

These are not the original intention of the school to hold the school hunting party.

Especially after the class meeting on Sunday night, Zheng Qing failed to invite Lao Yao to be an apology instructor.

The next day, early in the morning on Monday, before the start of the Charms class, the young public finance student dragged Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty straight to the professors' office building.

It's just that in the lobby on the first floor of the office building, the three hunters who apologized were forced to stop.

Because besides them, there were dozens of students wearing various robes gathered together, shouting loudly, blocking the entrance of the hall leading to the corridor.

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze!"

"Register one by one and enter in order...Aren't you all in class? It's obviously time for us to have breakfast!"

Under the ceiling, the big parrots in charge of the reception flapped their wings and circled around, maintaining order while shouting angrily. From time to time, there were one or two emerald green feathers fluttering and falling from the sky.

Zheng Qing suspected that it was mixed with bird droppings maliciously thrown by the receptionists.

It's just that there are too many people talking, and no one cares about this small detail for a while.

"Excuse me!"

Holding soybean milk in one hand and Xiao Xiao in the other, the young public finance student was biting the steamed stuffed bun for breakfast in his mouth—this made his voice seem very vague, and he was even more inconspicuous in the noisy hall—he led his companions to work hard Squeeze toward the corridor entrance:

"Excuse me, excuse me... Excuse me... Please excuse me... Excuse me, excuse me, thank you!"

However, everyone around him seemed to be pushing forward, which made his efforts pale. After struggling for four or five minutes, he was almost still hovering on the outermost layer.

Just then, he saw a familiar face.

"Brother Qing?"

Nicholas' tall and slender figure looked like a swimming fish, squeezed out from the crowd, and waved his arms at Zheng Qing: "Don't go in, it's gone!"

Then he turned his head to look at the other two students and nodded: "Doctor...Brother Xin."

Zheng Qing stopped in doubt, his eyes swept over the ruby ​​ring on Nicholas' hand, and while looking at the gap between the crowd, he asked absently, "What's gone?"

"You are here to find the instructor, right?" Nicholas asked confidently.

The three hunters who apologized looked at him in unison.

Gu Li

"Don't look at me like that," the tall and thin wizard waved his hand quickly, pointing to the crowd in the hall, and smiled wryly: "Including me...others are also here to find the know this How many hunting teams have signed up for the first preliminary round?"

"I remember there were more than two hundred sticks?" Zheng Qing finally swallowed the meat buns in his mouth, took two mouthfuls of soy milk hastily, and then looked around: "You mean, there is no..."

"The professors are all 'booked'." Nicholas interrupted Zheng Qing and nodded.

"Sure enough." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough? You did the calculation before?" Xin Fatty was furious when he heard the words, grabbed the doctor by the collar and yelled, "Since I have calculated it, why didn't you say it earlier, I'll make a trip along with it and almost have a heart attack!"

Zheng Qing wondered if Fatty was really that angry - he glanced at Fatty's hand on the doctor's collar, guessing that he was just wiping the oil off his hand


"The results of any divination have only limited guiding significance."

Xiao Xiao tapped the bamboo slip on Fatty's paw - it can be seen that his action was planned for a long time - and at the same time he explained calmly: "If you think that divination can replace the effort of subjective initiative, it is a big mistake... …As the saying goes, hard work does not necessarily lead to results, but not hard work will definitely lead to no results.”

Xin Fatty took a breath and withdrew his own hand, forgetting to find fault for a moment.

"Since there is no chance, let's go out first, don't be crowded inside." The young public fee student greeted his two companions and walked out together with Nicholas: "...It's almost time for class, let's talk while walking."

Hearing the word 'in class', the fat wizard finally stopped making noise, grumbled and complained, and followed Zheng Qing to the outside of the office building.

"Are you also looking for the instructor?" On the way back to the teaching building, Zheng Qing started the conversation first, looking at the tall and thin wizard beside him.

Although he is a classmate, and Nicholas was his guide when he entered the school, compared with his companions in the Excuse Hunting Team, Zheng Qing and his intersection are a little less after all, so it is inevitable that the two sides need a brief warm-up before entering the formal topic.

"Otherwise." Nicholas stroked his own ponytail, and then spread his hands: "I came to line up in front of the office building at six o'clock... This is Feifei reminding me that there may be more Devas today... Even so, When I lined up, there were already several hunting teams registering in front of me."

"No wonder those parrots are so angry today." Xin Fatty couldn't help complaining.

"What's the name of the hunting team you joined?" Zheng Qing asked curiously. He had heard that Nicholas had set up his own hunting team before, but he had never seen them train. It would be great if he had the opportunity to find out. .

"Fringe Hunters."

Without waiting for Zheng Qing to ask, Nicholas beamed, and added quickly: "In addition to me, there are Feifei, Carmen, Iseni, and Lin Yan... Do you know Lin Yan? He is a freshman from Alpha Academy this year. The freshmen have good attainments in potions."



"Lin Yan?"

Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao, and Xin Fatty spoke almost at the same time, and it was very interesting that the focus of the three happened to be different, which made Nicholas couldn't help laughing.

"Aren't Iseni and Lin Yan part of the Ouroboros Hunting Team?"

Xiao Xiao was the first to raise his own question. He frowned and said slowly: "The little Young Master of Taylor's family agrees with the two of them to join your hunting team? Of course, I know, for informal hunting teams, the rule There is no restriction on a hunter being on different teams at the same time... but Soprano is not a magnanimous fellow."

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