Hunting High School

Chapter 217: Looking For, Looking For, Looking For A Teacher

The Little Young Master of the Taylor family refers to Andrew Taylor, who is also the captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team.

Not long ago, during the night training of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Zheng Qing once saw the same nighttime "busy" Ouroboros Hunting Team by a bay of the Silent River. Iseni and Lin Yan were also present at that time.

The Ouroboros Hunting Team was first established with the acquiescence of Soprano - ouroboros is Soprano's favorite creature, and it is also the clearest symbol on the members of the Cheung Kei Club.

Hearing Xiao Xiao's question, Nicholas shrugged.

"I do not know then."

He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the North District of Beta Town, and explained briefly: "... Iseni was arranged by the great sage, listen to Catherine - Catherine can be regarded as the first wizard in the North District - listen She said that Iseni seemed to be a hunter traded between the great sage and the Linzhong Lake murloc... and Lin Yan, because he could only sit on the bench in Ouroboros and could not participate in the competition, so he tried every means to catch up with him. Iseni's line followed suit."

"Why did you trade a murloc?" Xin Fatty scratched his chin, puzzled: "I actually is not prejudiced against Iseni, and it is indeed quite strong... But I think that as long as Korma is big The wizard said, you must have a better choice."

"Remember I just mentioned the name of our hunting team?" Nicholas asked back.

The fat wizard slowly tightened the flesh on his cheeks, his expression became serious: "...Fringe Hunting Team."

"Yes," the North District wizard smiled slightly: "We always need to be more self-aware... Since we know that we are marginalized, we should stay away from the mainstream and find groups with similar situations."

"It sounds quite complicated." Zheng Qing muttered, and glanced at the tall and thin wizard: "What's the matter with Carmen? Didn't she just come in?"

"The situation of the Gypsy Witches is also very difficult." Before Nicholas could speak, Xiao Xiao answered Zheng Qing's mumbling first, then changed the subject and looked at the tall and thin wizard: "...Compared with these things, I am more Wondering about your experience in the office building."

While speaking, a group of people had already walked through the tree-lined road covered with fallen leaves and came to the bank of Linzhong Lake.

In the early morning, Linzhong Lake was unexpectedly noisy, with the shouts of students and buffaloes coming and going. The thin mist on the lake surface had not completely dissipated, lingering around the junction of the lake and the shore, giving people a more busy impression.

Nicholas' eyes trembled slightly, and he turned his gaze back to a big fiery red bird.

"It's actually not that complicated."

He first defined the nature of his own experience, and then answered briefly: "Like most people... I went to Professor Yi's office first... After all, the role of a divination master in hunting competitions does not need to be explained... It's a pity that the professor is not in the office, but he posted a Zhang Tong notice on the door, which mentioned that he has served as the instructor of the Judgment Hunting Team... When I saw this notice, I knew it was going to be bad, so I didn't do it like everyone else According to likes and dislikes, I consulted from office to office, but went directly to the office where everyone was angry."

"Professor Li?"


Xin and Zheng Qing spoke at almost the same time. Although they said different things, they pointed to the same office, Professor Li of the Potions class. Because of the strange smell of all kinds of potions, his office has always been the place where all the students of the First University one of the forbidden places. Zheng Qing was "fortunate" to go in once and was very impressed.


Nicholas snapped his fingers, his expression was mixed with pride and disappointment, which seemed extraordinarily complicated: "Fortunately, my choice was very correct. Professor Li was in the office at the time, and his office was as I expected, and no other hunting team came to the door... …Unfortunately, as the school's leading potion master, Professor Li was also captured by other high rank hunting teams early on, and served as the instructor with Monster Qi."

"There's Monster Qi," Zheng Qing chewed on the school's old hunting team, and sighed heavily: "I always thought the name of this hunting team was very suitable for Lao Yao..."

"This is probably the only thing you dare to say casually in school." Xin Fatty shuddered, subconsciously looked around, and even looked up.

Looking at the sky, it seems that a huge slap will drop from the sky in the next second, and slap these young people into meat sauce.

"What happened next?" Xiao Xiao interrupted the chatter of the two companions and asked.

"Oh, later... I have removed one of the best options and one of the worst options, and then I went step by step, asking from office to office."

Nicholas shrugged, looking a little frustrated: "It's just that most of the teachers' offices are locked, and the door gods are also guarding them very tightly, and they can't even put a self-recommended letter in... the remaining few, the office has long been crowded If the hunting team is full, there is a high probability that it will be useless... When I submitted my self-recommendation letter, I saw that the application materials piled up on the desks of those professors were three feet thick."

Zheng Qing stopped suddenly.

"That is to say, you don't know whether those professors have chosen a hunting team, or which hunting team they have chosen?" The young public finance student seemed a little annoyed, grabbed the tall and thin wizard by the collar, and spit The star almost splashed on his face: “Then why did you tell us that there is no chance!”

Nicholas laughed dryly, carefully avoiding the splashing saliva.

"It feels like hope is too slim, it's almost like there is no chance, haha." His eyes were erratic, obviously a little guilty, and he looked like he was accepting the punishment.

"And you!"

Zheng Qing turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and choked angrily: "'Sure enough'? Sure enough, a hammer! If it wasn't for you, sure enough, I wouldn't turn around and leave so simply!"

"Yes, yes." Fatty also chimed in.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, his expression as calm as ever.

"I warned you at the time," he replied slowly: "Any divination results have only limited guiding significance... But you have never grasped the point of the chat. Just like now, should we Isn’t the concern about finding a professor to serve as an instructor?”

"Yes, yes, what the doctor said makes sense!" Nicholas said hastily: "According to my previous experience, the school's senior professors must be useless... Just like when I went to Professor Li's office, the best choice right now is those who lack popularity. teacher's office."

"It's best not to care about the titles of the professors," Dr. Xiao Da added, "Senior professors are hard to find, and I think ordinary lecturers are fine."

Hearing the word lecturer, Zheng Qing's eyes lit up, and his eyes fell heavily on Xiao Xiao.

He didn't need to speak.

Xin Fatty yelled: "Then I will leave this matter to the doctor... It's not easy to invite others, Mr. Sima must give you a face."

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