Hunting High School

Chapter 223 Dinner

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Zheng Qing came to the Qingqiu mansion.

He hesitated for a long time on the road, still not sure whether to invite Su Shijun to be the instructor of forgiveness.

One, in his impression, the owner of the Qingqiu mansion is only working in the school research institute and has no formal teaching position, which seems to be inconsistent with the policy requirements of the Hunting Committee; They explained clearly why they were able to invite Su Shijun to be the captain of their hunting team.

In other words, why!

One side is a great wizard who can participate in the Grand Wizarding Conference of the Wizarding Union, and has many dazzling titles such as a member of the Council under the Moon, the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world, and the heir of Qingqiu; Grand Arcana 'World', public-funded student and other titles, but anyone with a discerning eye can see how big the gap is.

Granted, the Excuse Hunters are an excellent team, having won the Freshman Championship and participated in the Battle of Hell, but that's about it.

There are hundreds of large and small hunting teams in the entire Wizarding Union, and nearly 30 registered hunting teams in the First University. I don’t know how many people want to invite Su Shijun to participate in similar public activities or serve as image endorsements. Why are they selected by an unknown small hunting team? Got the lead?

Zheng Qing has reason to believe that if the news of Su Shijun's participation in the school hunting competition is announced, including the deans of the four colleges, they may publicly give up talents and support the teams of their respective colleges to find ways to invite Su Shijun to be their instructor.

It doesn't need her to complete the guidance work very well, just need this instructor to stand in the stands to cheer for the own hunting team, and more than half of the audience in the opposing hunting team's stands will immediately 'rebel'.

It's exciting to think about.

Zheng Qing shook his head vigorously to dispel the bad thought of just slipping past. The young wizard can fully imagine what a sensation will be in the whole school after the news of Su Shijun serving as the apology instructor spreads in the First University.

At that time, not only the wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, but even all the students of Tianwen Class 08-1 will need to wear hoods and walk against the corner to prevent Su Shijun's crazy fans from doing anything irrational.

This kind of hesitation, worrying about gains and losses, was finally dispelled after Zheng Qing received a paper crane from Xiao Xiao.

There are two new pieces of bad news from the paper cranes.

One was sent by Xiao Xiao. Another professor of the history of magic he invited through Sima failed. That professor just resigned not long ago and was unable to participate in similar competitions.

The other came from the editorial department of the school newspaper. Xin Fatty told his captain in the letter that Andrew Taylor's Ouroboros hunting team invited the murloc professor to be their instructor.

"Wolf cubs invite murlocs. As expected, birds of a feather flock together, and evil is divided into groups," the fat wizard wrote indignantly at the end of the letter: "...I have reason to believe that whether Iseni joins the hunting team organized by the wizards of the North District, or Professor Murloc's role as the instructor of the Ouroboros hunting team is a manifestation of the restlessness of the group in Linzhong Lake... Don't worry, I will continue to pay attention to them."

Zheng Qing didn't want Xin Fatty to pay too much attention to the Linzhong Lake murlocs.

Obviously, they have more important things to worry about now.

As the saying goes, professional matters are handled by professionals—and he only needs to find a qualified instructor for You Zuin.

So, he stood at No. 54 courtyard of the West District of Beta Town.

On the wooden gate, the emblem of Qingqiu, which is formed by the rotation of nine tails, shines in the moonlight, like a blue flower, which complements the colorful flowers in the garden behind the gate, which is fascinating.

This made Zheng Qing a little unsure whether the fragrance he smelled now came from the small garden or the fox maid in front of him.

Gu Sui

"Miss is in the restaurant."

A handsome maid bowed slightly to the wizard, revealing her hairy ears. Zheng Qing vaguely remembered that her name was Su Zhi, or maybe Su Hua—because seeing too many beautiful faces would always make people face blind.

"Thanks for your hard work." The wizard hurriedly bowed back and smiled shyly.

"please follow me."

The fox maid walked briskly in front, like a blue butterfly, shuttled through the small garden, turned left and right, and soon led the wizard to a room that was slightly unfamiliar to him.

In the center of the room is a long wooden table covered with a white tablecloth. A total of ten high-back chairs surround the table, one at the front and back, and four at the left and right.

A set of exquisite enamel porcelain tableware is placed on the tablecloth, which is the same color as the table and chairs, with red as the main color; a gorgeous magic lamp is hung above the table, and the gentle and bright light overflows from the lamp and spreads throughout the room.

On the opposite side of Zheng Qing's entrance and on the left hand side, there are tall floor-to-ceiling windows, with huge red velvet curtains hanging on the windows. The difference is that on the right side of the floor-to-ceiling window directly opposite, there is a huge tapestry, which seems to be embroidered with a huge Kabbalah tree and the names of many people; In front of the window is a golden nine-tailed candlestick, and there are exquisite silver utensils in the window.

"Since you're here, let's have a meal together."

The owner of the Qingqiu mansion sat on the main seat farthest from the entrance, leaning lazily on the high-back chair, and greeted the boy very casually: "...what do you want to eat?"

"Just whatever you want." Zheng Qing was suppressed by the aura exuding from this room, his eyes subconsciously glanced left and right, a little unsure where he should sit.

It seems that the chair opposite the witch is good, but is it too far away, so she can't hear herself clearly?

As if guessing the wizard's hesitation, the hostess pointed to the nearest chair on her left: "Just sit here, and you can help watch Poseidon... She always likes to make trouble when I eat."

The fox maid introduced the wizard to that position, pulled out the chair, and made an inviting gesture.

Zheng Qing sat down anxiously, always feeling like he was sitting on a bomb.

He didn't know whether his own bomb had a higher yield or the bomb under his butt had a higher yield. He was thinking wildly, looking at his nose and his heart, but his heart directed his nose and corner of his eyes to drift towards the figure on the chief seat.

"Look at it if you want!"

Su Shijun rolled his pretty eyes: "I wear glasses now, so don't worry about you eating food in your nose... Do you know that your appearance is very obvious when you peek out of the corner of your eye! Like this..."

She exaggeratedly demonstrated Zheng Qing's small movements, and several fox maids standing beside her lowered their heads and smiled.

Zheng Qing immediately blushed and was speechless.

After a long while, he barely grasped a clear train of thought, and laughed dryly: "You are a bit late for dinner...The school usually finishes serving dinner at seven o'clock."

"Are you still willing to say?"

Su Shijun raised his eyebrows: "I have to do things in the laboratory at school, and I have to watch Poseidon do my homework when I get back to the mansion... She is now being naughty, you should pay more attention to her!"

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