Hunting High School

Chapter 224 Finalization

When Zheng Qing was overwhelmed by the sharp words of the owner of the mansion, Poseidon finally came to the restaurant and gave the young wizard a little chance to breathe.

The little fox was walking gracefully on foxsteps, with his tail upright, and entered the restaurant squarely. But when he saw Zheng Qing sitting next to Su Shijun at a glance, he was overjoyed and broke his power immediately, screamed, and jumped into the arms of the wizard, chirping about how hard it was, getting up at six o'clock every day, ten o'clock Had to sleep before, and so on.

The wizard was concerned, but he couldn't promise anything, so he could only scratch the little fox's ears to show comfort.

Ding ding ding!

The sound of the silver spoon hitting the glass interrupted the brief confusion, Su Shijun glanced at Poseidon, did not speak, but cleared his throat.

The little fox originally wanted to struggle and stay in the arms of the wizard, but was sent to the side by a pair of big hands under him, and was forced to sit down.

The witch looked at the wizard with satisfaction, and nodded slightly.

Zheng Qing completely ignored the sad eyes of the little fox next to him, and gave the witch a big smile. At the same time, he was thinking about how to start the conversation, and asked her to be the instructor of apologizing.

Accompanied by the knocking of the "ding ding" just now, the fox maids filed in, each holding a silver plate, and took turns to serve the host and the guests.

Su Man leaned over and introduced the dishes in Zheng Qing's ear.

In front of the boy is Mexican cheese with olive oil, bacon and asparagus rolls, peppery lamb chops, served with sweet red wine at room temperature; in front of the witch is goat cheese with bitter herbs, ginger pumpkin puree, bell pepper, boiled shrimp, served with Chilled white wine.

In front of the little fox was a plate of warm milk with a few raw eggs cracked in it.

"Too wasteful, too wasteful."

The young public finance student was a little embarrassed in his seat, and muttered in a low voice: "I just said it, just do whatever you want..."

"Anything is the most complicated dish."

Su Shijun stirred the pumpkin puree on the plate in front of him with a spoon, and replied slowly: "The casualness of the guests means that the chef needs to make a reasonable match according to the identity, gender, and preferences of the guests. Relatively speaking, a dish of boiled cabbage or a piece of French It is very easy to make a clear dish like Mille-feuille sometimes, don't be casual."

The knife that Zheng Qing was cutting the lamb chops paused slightly for half a second.

He wasn't sure if the witch meant something.

Fortunately, there is also Poseidon - when the adults are chatting in an awkward atmosphere, the presence of children is very necessary. They will act like lubricants to make the dry atmosphere smooth again.

"Isn't Poseidon eating too little?" The young public fee student forked a piece of lamb chops and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he pointed to the little fox beside him who was sipping milk.

The little fox's drooping ears suddenly stood up, looking eagerly at the witch on the main seat.

Su Shijun wiped the corners of his mouth, held up the goblet in his hand, and said gently: "A lot, girls should eat moderately at's good for her to keep her magic active."

The little fox's ears drooped again, weakly licking the egg liquid on the milk skin.

The topic ends here again.

When it comes to cultivating offspring—especially when the offspring is a fox—Qingqiu Su's experience is obviously more reliable than a wizard who has just entered the wizarding world for less than two years.

The restaurant became quiet again, except for the slight collision of knives, forks, spoons and tableware, there was no other sound, including the little fox fur, who was also careful not to utter a whimper.

Zheng Qing picked up a bacon and asparagus roll and stuffed it into his mouth, racking his brains to figure out how to euphemistically say "own".

"The school hunting competition will officially start next week."


After swallowing the bacon and asparagus roll, he finally found the right opening line: "It feels like this year's hunt is going to be difficult...I just hope the Excuse Hunt doesn't just walk in and leave."

Su Shijun tilted his head and glanced at him: "Wow, yes

For a wizard who once severely wounded the current Augustus with a single shot and destroyed half of the Hell Castle with a spell, you are a little too unconfident. "

This is not the same as Zheng Qing's expected answer - he originally expected that the witch might ask who is the mentor of the pardoning competition, and then he can follow the trend to make an invitation.

but now.

The boy silently cut a small piece of lamb chops, stuffed it into his mouth, then picked up his wine glass and took a sip. The red wine in the glass is slightly sweet, which is very different from the taste of Green Bee or Amber.

"It won't happen again." He thought of the little green snake in his ears, and he gained some confidence.

"I hope so."

The witch raised the wine glass in her hand, touched it with the boy, and took a sip gracefully: "Confidence is the prerequisite for success, and the school's hunting grounds have always lacked confident hunters."

"But you are in a little trouble now." Zheng Qing knew that this was not the best time to speak, but he didn't want to wait any longer, so he bravely started the conversation while he was down with two sips of wine.

Su Shijun glanced at him with curiosity.

"The selection task of the school hunting club requires each hunting team to invite a mentor, and the forgiveness hunting team can't find a suitable candidate for the time being." Now that he has spoken, Zheng Qing simply put down the tableware and described in detail the unlucky experience of the past few days, Include each teacher's reason for rejecting them.

The witch listened with relish, and she smiled until the boy's complaints came to an end, "So now you want to find a professor... or an ordinary lecturer, to be the instructor of forgiveness?"

Zheng Qing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, looking at her eagerly, just like Poseidon just now.

"no problem."

Contrary to the boy's expectations, Su Shijun agreed very readily: "I have never participated in a school hunting competition as a should be a very interesting experience."

While Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he finally couldn't help asking his previous confusion: "But you... don't you work in the research institute? The guidance of this school hunting competition requires a teacher with a teaching position..."

"Don't you know?" The witch looked at him strangely: "I lead researchers in the research institute, and I can get two salaries every month... You don't know why you came to me?"

"It's Brother's the yellow raccoon from Sanyou Bookstore, let me come to you." The boy honestly sold the cat.

"That cat." Su Shijun held the fork and thoughtfully poked the boiled shrimp in front of him.

Next to him, Poseidon yawned loudly, awakening the meditating witch.

She winked at Su Man, signaled the head maid to take away the little fox who was already in a trance after eating and drinking, and then blinked at Zheng Qing:

"There's a saying in Atlas that it takes eight hours of the Saint's blessing to put a child to sleep. But in practice, we have better ways... like warm milk with three raw eggs."

"It's not good to eat too many eggs before bed,"

After solving the biggest trouble, Zheng Qing was also in the mood to chat, and expressed his attitude positively: "I can get you a lavender bubble bath ball, let it take a bath before going to bed, and make it sleep like a dead person."

"The dead don't necessarily sleep well."

The witch corrected the boy's misunderstanding: "As far as I know, Gongsun's disease has always caused insomnia...he always has nightmares when he is silent."

Gongsun Bing and Soul Silence are both members of the Yuexia Council, but one is a zombie and the other is a ghost. Theoretically speaking, both of them are dead.

Before that, Zheng Qing never knew that zombies can also suffer from insomnia, and ghosts can also have nightmares.

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