Hunting High School

Chapter 225: Cold Dew

After leaving the Qingqiu mansion, Zheng Qing did not return to the dormitory immediately, but took the authorization letter signed by Su Shijun, went straight to the library, and filled out the relevant application materials for the forgiveness hunting team to confirm the instructor before the library closed, and then folded it. A big paper crane about a foot tall sent the material to the Hunting Committee.

Seeing the figure of the paper crane leaving lightly, the wizard heaved a sigh of relief, and then began to worry.

He seemed to have heard the hustle and bustle in the student union office tomorrow morning, and saw the excited faces blocking the door of the classroom of Tianwen 08-1 class.

Of course, there are other things he needs to worry about earlier than the 'trouble of tomorrow'.

For example, how to explain this matter to his companions-he must tell all the hunters the news that Su Shijun was serving as a forgiveness instructor before the matter fermented, and endure the first round of "wild bombing"-it can be regarded as tomorrow. The rehearsal, the young wizard was having fun as this thought flashed through his mind.

Full of melancholy, dragging his heavy steps, he walked around the school for half an hour. Zheng Qing still couldn't find an excuse to have the best of both worlds, but the dormitory mountain was already in sight.

"Going in and out at night, is it annoying!"

After swiping the wizard's student card, the small bronze beast guarding the door cursed and flung open the closed door of the dormitory, complaining at the same time: "If I have the right to deduct credits..."

Zheng Qing hurriedly took out a handful of ocher smoke balls from his pocket and handed them to Mr. Ni.

After the little bronze beast got the 'bribe', it stopped for a while, and retreated into the hole in the door that was about a foot high, blowing clouds and mist.

The silver-white corridor behind the door was as empty and quiet as ever.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided!"

After cheering himself up from the bottom of his heart, the young public fee student pushed the door open and tried his best to put on a look of joy and encouragement: "Good news! Good news... Where's the person?"

Dormitory 403 was empty.

There was only one fat cat lying lazily on the desk, and a dozen elves were lying on the cat's back, snoring together. Hearing the wizard's voice, the fat cat barely raised one eyelid and shook its beard as a sign of welcome, but the little elves hurriedly flew up from the cat's back, looking for hot towels, or preparing hot tea and snacks, Boys take the wind.

"Where are they?"

Zheng Qing took the hot towel, wiped his face, then took a strawberry and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he looked around: "It's understandable that Dylan is not here. He has classes tonight... Where are those two guys?"

As he spoke, he took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time.

At 10:15 in the evening, it was already late at night. Both the library and the self-study room were closed at this time. Even if you want to find a tutor, now is not a good time. And there is no hunting team training task tonight.

"Xi Xi~"

Several elves waved their arms, chirped and tried to gesture to Zheng Qing. The wizard didn't understand much, nor could he understand much, but he noticed a yellow cat's fur on the gauze dress of an elf.

"No rush, no rush, I'll just fly them a paper crane, you guys go on resting." He reassured, and hung these elves on Tuantuan again.

The fat cat flicked its tail in dissatisfaction, but it didn't shake off the little guys on its back after all.

The efficiency of paper cranes at night is higher than during the day, because during the day there are always various birds intercepting halfway to play tricks on these clumsy magic creations, and at night, the birds go to rest early, without the bully scissors, paper cranes Our efficiency will naturally increase.

In less than five minutes, Zheng Qing received a reply from Xiao Xiao.

There are only two words on the letter paper.

cold dew.

Zheng Qing suddenly woke up - today, October 8th, Thursday, August 20th in the lunar calendar, coincides with the cold dew season. In the potion class in the morning, Professor Li also reminded the students in the class to remember to collect cold dew to make medicine tonight. It's just that after a whole day of desperation, the wizard has already left this matter behind.

He screamed, dropped the letter in his hand, and ran out of the dormitory.


Outside, after the little bronze beast downstairs guarding the gate of the dormitory was woken up again, it sprayed a few clouds of thick black smoke at the wizard. Entrance.

The Baicao Garden is where the students collected the cold dew tonight.

When Zheng Qing rushed to the garden, some people had collected enough dew and left early, only a guy with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder like Xiao Xiao, and a few people with forgiveness, looking for the purest leaf by leaf dew.

When the boy approached, he happened to hear the voice of Dr. Xiao Da explaining:

"...Although cold dew is used as medicine to take its 'cold' air, but the dew caught in the ordinary copper dew pan is attacked by gold air, which over-magnifies the 'cold' air, which is not we have to Look for the cold dew that has been neutralized by the wood qi, and the reaction will be milder when used as medicine."

"Is there no difference in the effect of cold dew on different leaves?" Zheng Qing asked along the way.

Those who turned their backs to him all turned their heads.


Xin Fatty, who was closest to Zheng Qing, shrank back in fright and almost fell to the ground: "What the hell... I almost thought I saw a Santa Claus?"

Zheng Qing blinked, looked down at what own was wearing, and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Jiang Yu waved out a mirror, put it in front of the boy, and handed over a handkerchief at the same time.

With the help of the surrounding magical light, Zheng Qing saw his face in the mirror was completely black, as if he had just climbed out of a chimney.

He couldn't help sighing, took the handkerchief, looked at the beautiful patterns on it, and smelled the delicate fragrance on the handkerchief, but couldn't directly wipe his dirty face, so he simply called out a water polo and hula la washed his face.

"Fifth Master Ni?" Xiao Xiao asked with certainty as he adjusted his glasses.

"After all, the old man must have a bad temper when his sleep is disturbed repeatedly." Zheng Qing wiped his face with a handkerchief, muttered, looked around, and said quite thankfully, "It's a good thing that Li Meng is not here...otherwise she would have passed out again. "

"It's not funny at all." Xin Fatty rubbed his stiff cheeks, and after a while, he asked, "Why are you here so late, the monitor almost went to the school work committee to report his disappearance."

Zheng Qing smiled at the witch apologetically, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally told the truth: "Just been busy in the library for a while... I submitted the confirmation materials from the instructor."

This sentence immediately attracted the full attention of several wizards, making them forget about making fun of Jiang Yu.

"It's done?" Zhang Jixin happily confirmed.

Zheng Qing nodded affirmatively.

"Didn't you lie to us?" The fat wizard looked suspiciously at the young public finance student: "Everyone has been busy for so long and haven't settled it yet, why did you go out and wander for a while and it was finalized..."

"How about I can be your captain." Zheng Qing smiled and turned back lightly.

"Who is the instructor?" Xiao Xiao was more concerned about the specific candidate.

"Su Shi-jun."

Zheng Qing replied very bluntly, with a hint of refreshment after unloading the burden on his face - as the saying goes, people are dead and birds are up to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years. Some things must be faced after all.

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