Hunting High School

Chapter 236 Samuel

Whether there is any problem with Hank or Shi Yuan, Zheng Qing doesn't care, after solving the troubles of dap;k and little monk, he feels very satisfied now, kind of happy after taking Felicia feel.

While You Qi solved the trouble, he also helped him find an excellent place to transform.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

With such a happy mood, the black cat walked briskly under the cat fruit tree, and the evening breeze spread the breath of the owner of the cat fruit tree. The green eyes are shining brightly in the night - the waving branches, the densely packed eyes, and the undulating meows are all mixed together, making this big tree seem to be transformed into the existence deep in the starry sky in an instant.

"Damn it!"

The guilty person wearing a white mask jumped down from a sycamore tree not far away, and cursed in a low voice: "Next time, can you find a more serious place... I have seen too many scenes like this, and it is easy to have nightmares at night! "

The black cat has seen several visitors from the starry sky, so the terrifying atmosphere emanating from the cat fruit tree can't make it fearful, but it can see the falsehood in it at a glance.

"You can prepare a few nightmare dolls for yourself," the black cat glanced at him, and gave his own suggestion lightly: " is said to be quite effective."

"I think it will be better to defeat it." While talking, the wizard came to the cat fruit tree, opened his arms, waved his arms, and made a threatening sound, trying to scare the hairballs on the tree away.

But there was a black cat under the tree, and not only were the hairballs on the tree not frightened, they stood up in twos and threes, arched their backs and raised their fur, and responded to the wizard with a similar threatening voice.

The black cat looked at the fool in front of him with concern.

"You can try directional deformation," it suggested maliciously: "As far as I know, these cuties on the tree are very afraid of dogs... If you become a Great Dane, just bark at the tree a few times. Sounds, it must be better than the current result.”

The embassy touched Own's chin, thoughtfully: "It sounds like a good suggestion...but I always feel that you are calling me worse than a dog."

"If you don't tell the truth, we can still be good friends." The black cat laughed.

The hairballs on the tree didn't know what to do. They meowed loudly for a while, startling a group of resting birds. They flapped their wings, circled around the tree crown like headless flies, and screamed. It took a long time for them to calm down again.

Soon, three patrolmen with long staffs and green lanterns hanging on the top of the staffs heard the news and cast spells to investigate. The invisible magic power of the First Stage spreads like a tide, and any living or dead thing it touches will be rolled back.

After a while, the magic power wave stopped.

"Don't waste the 'Four Directions Curse'!"

A wizard with a stature like a hemp rod put away the book and complained with a sullen expression on his face: "I should have known that apart from these cats, there is not even a mouse here... The birds must have been startled by the cats that were sneaking up."

The short wizard standing next to him looked up at the large and small hair balls on the cat fruit tree, and sighed enviously: "Whether there are or not, I'd better check to be sure...Didn't the student union say, Before the school hunting competition, we need to strengthen the school patrol, so as not to have a secret date with someone from Alpha... By the way, that black cat is so beautiful... I really want to snatch it away secretly."

As he said that, his fingers couldn't help making a few scratching movements, with an itchy look.

"Let's go."

The third person in the patrol team grabbed the short wizard and dragged him back: "If you want to raise a cat, just buy one yourself... Most of the cats on the tree have owners... The school work committee specially takes care of them." But, let's not disturb them casually... I guess some old pet's pet is in there. Don't have any bad thoughts..."



The black cat squatted on the tree with a dark face, watching the three patrolmen leave.

When the short wizard mentioned the word 'beautiful', it almost couldn't help but pounced on it, scratching that whimsical face with its paws

. However, due to various considerations, the black cat finally gave up on this idea.

In the night, its expression of bitterness and hatred is not conspicuous—of course, the more important reason is that the mask on its face conceals the expression of the black cat—but the bursts of chill emanating from its body are concealed by the cat The sinners in the group were easily noticed.

"If you were kind and didn't swear, you wouldn't laugh, and you wouldn't attract those patrolmen, and you wouldn't squat here and sulk now." The voice under the white mask teased the black cat.

The cat tilted its head and ignored him.

"Ah, by the way, you mentioned a dog just now, and the one who came to interview you tonight is also a big dog." Kanzui didn't take it seriously, and said with no grudges: "...and it's A big dog with a bad temper."

"If you say the word 'dog' again, I'll screw your head off and kick it like a ball." A slightly depressed voice sounded in the shadows under the tree. Just listening to this voice, the black cat seemed to see a gloomy picture. faces.

It poked its head out and looked under the tree.

I saw a figure in a black robe walking out from the shade of the trees. The wizard wore a wolf mask on his face. At first glance, he did look like a big dog.

"Huh? You heard it!"

He seemed to be very surprised, but anyone could hear him pretending to say: "It's really disrespectful to be caught talking behind your back... When did you come?... Let me introduce you , this is the owner of the title of 'Rage' in the Seven Deadly Sins, Samael."

He turned his head to look at the black cat with a conscientious expression.

Although he was making an introduction, the Convicted Envoy wisely stayed on the tree and did not go down—and just in case, he also threw a few spells such as the Disillusionment Charm on himself, making the whole figure It has become a lot of mold.

The black cat sneered, jumped off the cat fruit tree, and walked towards that Samuel.

The wizard with the wolf-head mask glanced at the black cat, then looked up at the cat fruit tree carefully: "...a little later than the patrol team... If it weren't for the frightened birds, this tree would still be a little bit old. Not easy to find."

Although his tone of voice was very calm, Zheng Qing was sure that if a spell could turn the cat fruit tree into a big torch and burn the mean guy on the tree to death, the wild wolf would definitely do it without hesitation.

After repeatedly confirming that he could not kill the envoy, Samuel decisively lowered his head and looked at the black cat again: "So... you are the successor of 'Duck'?"

Duck eggs?

A white smooth mask immediately appeared in Zheng Qing's mind, not to mention, the sinful mask was indeed a bit like a duck's egg, and he couldn't help laughing.

But after only laughing for a second, the black cat realized that he was also wearing an identical white mask on his face.

In other words, he is also a 'duck egg'?

This guy!

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