Hunting High School

Chapter 237 I'm Still A Bit Powerful

Zheng Qing must admit that these members of the Seven Deadly Sins, even if they are not the "chosen people" of the big devils, they naturally carry some devil-like traits in them.

For example, the first bat spirit, whose eyes seem to grow on the top of the head, has an impressive perfunctory and arrogant attitude towards the black cat; there is also the second cat lady, who calmly arranged the game and made the black cat plunge into jealousy Instead, she enjoyed a cross-species soap opera with relish.

Another example is the wild wolf tonight, with a few words, he provoked the anger of the black cat, which is indeed something that 'furious' can do.

"You want to fight?"

The black cat tugged at its ears, lowered its tail, looked at the wizard code-named 'Samael' with dangerous eyes, and made a threatening sound in its throat.

Accompanied by the growl of the owner of the cat fruit tree, the quiet tree behind it 'opened' hundreds of yellow and green eyes again, and the night wind also blew past, and the thick branches swayed in the night. The ups and downs of meowing complement each other, and the creepy atmosphere suddenly becomes intense.

"I have to remind you," the convict moved away from the cat fruit tree, switched to another sycamore, squatted on a branch growing horizontally, and looked towards Samuel: " fight against this cat in its home field Not a smart thing to do."


The wizard with the wolf-head mask narrowed his eyes, looked at the eyeballs on the cat fruit tree, took two cautious steps towards Retreat, and sneered a few times: "If you win, it's just a few cats; if you lose, even cats are worse... ...But anyone with a little brain would not choose this method.”

This sounds reasonable, but to the ears of the black cat, it always feels a bit unpleasant.

"Without further ado!"

It unceremoniously interrupted Samuel's sneer, and said in a rough voice: "What is the assessment you are preparing for today? Finish it soon, and I have to go back to the tree to bask in the moon!"

Samuel didn't answer immediately, but took a few steps towards the retreated.

Now, he was more than ten meters away from the black cat.

Then he raised his hand, helped the mask on his face, and said in the original suppressed voice: "Battle is the highest form and ultimate means of emotional expression like rage... So, today's assessment is very simple. I will fight a game, if you win, you pass the assessment; if you lose, let that 'big duck egg' find a new successor."

The black cat tilted its head and looked at him a few times.

"Didn't you say that everyone in the Seven Deadly Sins doesn't know the identities of the others?" It turned to look at the Convicted Envoy, with a bit of complacency in its tone: "I bet this wild wolf belongs to Star Academy!"

"What bet?"

The sinner jumped down from the tree lightly, and happily said: "From credits to jade coins, from vampire blood essence to ghost spirits, from living corpses to mummies, from voodoo dolls to ancient mantong... no Restrictions, you can bet on anything!"

The black cat stared blankly at the 'big duck egg', and listening to the gradually scary terms, it always felt that it seemed that it had made some wrong decision before.

But in life, how can we not touch some things in the dark corners?

"Do you think I'm from the Star Academy because I chose 'fighting'?" Samuel looked at the black cat, and there was a bit of mockery in his suppressed voice: "I want to remind you that the students enrolled in each academy are not There is only a single quality..."

The black cat suddenly woke up.

Just like Tianwen 08-1 class, Matthew Karen and Jiang Yu, these wizards from aristocratic families are also suitable for Alpha Academy; Xiao Xiao, who believes in records, can enter Atlas; The super boss who has been transferred to three colleges in a row.

Thinking of this, it couldn't help laughing dryly, avoiding the eagerness on the guilty person's face: "I don't bet... Betting violates the school rules... What do you say about fighting? Where are you going? Are there any restrictions?"

It turned to look at Samuel.

The wizard wearing the wild wolf mask smiled, and patted the book hanging on his waist: "The time is now, the place is under the feet, there is no limit to the fighting method, but except

Dharma books, it is forbidden to use any other special magic items, such as a large number of talismans, or a powerful talisman gun, etc... Well, your situation is quite special, and you can let the sinner decide the additional conditions. "

The "special circumstances" he mentioned refers to the fact that the black cat has no hands and cannot use Dharma books.

Samael and the black cat looked at the criminal envoy together, because he lost the pleasant little bet, the criminal envoy seemed a little uninterested, and waved his hands boredly: "There is only one Dharma book left, how can it be banned? ...Since a cat wants to be the envoy of the seven deadly sins, it must have corresponding awareness."

"I don't care if you have the book or not."

With a rough voice, the black cat looked around, then showed a look of unnaturalness on its face, and hesitated: "The only problem is... is it here? I mean, it's not far from Linzhong Lake. Far away, if we fight here, will we disturb the night patrol or the school's guardian circle? I'm not bragging... Actually, I'm still a bit powerful... In case I beat you to death, or destroy the surrounding flowers and plants, The school needs to trouble me! My big family cats are here, black cats can run away but white cats can't run away..."

The sinner clutched his belly and laughed wildly.

"Just from my point of view, this cat is definitely qualified." He couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe his tears while laughing, and then realized that there was no gap for the eyes on the white mask, and put down his hand with a little regret : "...Only you, Samuel, can say such an embarrassing thing."

The wizard wearing the wolf mask had a gloomy aura and said nothing.

After a while, he hoarse and replied bluntly: "Don't worry about damaging the surrounding environment, I have already set up a safety barrier... As for whether you are good or not... I will stand here and pick you up three times Attack...then let our referees decide who wins!"

He squinted at the wizard in the white mask, and the sinner stopped laughing, straightened his collar, and tried to put on a fair look.

The black cat didn't take it seriously, but was somewhat pleasantly surprised: "Any three attacks?"

"Any three times." Samuel replied proudly.

"Are you not moving?"

"like a statue!"

"Stay still is bastard." The black cat was impatient, and only recovered after complaining, and added with apologetic face: "I didn't mean that, I mean... that's what you said... I haven't seen such a thing in a long time. Stupid opponent... If I beat him to death, will the school trouble me?"

He said the last sentence while looking back at the guilty envoy.

The sorcerer wearing a white mask looked at the serious black cat, his breath gradually calmed down a bit, and after a while, he replied softly: "Try not to kill it...otherwise everyone will be in trouble."

The black cat agreed and sighed in disappointment.

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