Hunting High School

Chapter 238 Selection Task

The aftermath of Saturday night's battle by the Catfruit Tree was minimal, if not non-existent.

Apart from the few fine grasses shredded by the wave of magic power, only the fallen leaves trampled by the two wizards and the bark scratched by the black cat can prove what really happened here that night.

This kind of result happened not only because the two sides set up a safety barrier before the fight, but also because each person and cat showed great calmness and restraint-knowing that they couldn't do it, they didn't do it.

To be precise, it was the wizard wearing the wolf-head mask who admitted defeat decisively and avoided a tragedy.

The course of the battle was extremely short.

Samael stood openly in the open space, ready to face the black cat's three attacks; but the black cat just opened its mouth and spit out a 'cat jade' - this trick it learned from the shadow cat, the black cat On the prison battlefield, the shadow cat spewed cat jade around with this skill, like a cat-shaped self-propelled fortress, which made Zheng Qing very jealous.

He has been eager to try this scene for a long time.

But unfortunately, its 'Cat Jade' still failed to make a profit today.

Under the blessing of the little green snake, just as the 'Cat Jade' with a few strands of the forbidden spell came out, the sinner who had been watching the battle frantically waved his arms and shouted:

"Take it! Take it! Take your supernatural power away!"

While talking, he also pulled out the Dharma book, and threw more than a dozen beams of light in all directions to reinforce the safety barrier that had been set up before.

The black cat puffed its mouth and held the 'cat jade' in its mouth. It tilted its head and glanced at the wizard in the white mask, his eyes full of puzzlement.

The guilty envoy raised his hands very neatly and surrendered for Samael: "We are just a small student association assessment, do we need to use such a terrible weapon? I surrender for him... No, as a referee , I judge him to lose!"

The black cat looked at Samuel again.

The wizard wearing a wolf-head mask silently put away the book, turned around and walked out of the arena without any rebuttal. This kind of straightforward attitude makes the black cat feel lost, there is always a feeling that the domineering boss just fell on the wall, and the girl on the opposite side immediately softened.

The joy of victory is greatly reduced.

The promised three chastity and nine strong, would rather die than surrender?

With the annoyance of victory, the black cat lazily swallowed the cat jade back into its stomach, smacked its lips, felt the magic power of the cat jade transformed into strands again, and finally felt relieved.

Looking back, the wizard wearing a white mask was squatting in front of it, staring at it curiously - of course, through the 'duck egg', the black cat didn't know whether the face behind the mask was curious or other expressions at the moment, But it feels like it should be curious.

"Are you a cat from the 'relevant department'?" The convict envoy looked the black cat up and down thoughtfully, "It seems that someone told me earlier that a black cat came from the relevant department..."

The black cat looked at him pretending to be profound, and sneered silently.

It's a joke, if it's so easy to get out of words, he doesn't need to continue the subsequent assessment. Today, Zheng Qing is becoming more and more interested in the way of concealing identities from each other in The Seven Deadly Sins. He has reason to suspect that the founders who set up this set of rules earlier originally regarded this society as a fun game.

As for seeking evidence from the relevant departments, if the Convicted Envoy was a little rational, he would not lose his wits to inquire about the relevant departments—this would really attract people from Danhag and the black prison.

"Well, regardless of whether you are a cat from the relevant department or not, in short, you have successfully passed today's assessment." The wizard wearing a white mask stood up, and his figure and voice gradually faded into the night together: "Next time it will still be Same time, same place... I wish you continued luck."


The black cat sneered at the word worthy of sin, luck would not let the wild wolf turn away without saying a word, in the final analysis, its strength lies here!

With the pride of returning from victory, the black cat cocked its tail and triumphantly returned to the cat fruit tree, enjoying the admiring eyes of cats from all directions, completely forgetting that it entered the school hospital last night.

But as the saying goes, happiness is temporary, and suffering is the eternity of life.

After returning to 403 from Maoguoshu, Zheng Qing once again faced the worry of being delayed by him for one night. The time has passed zero o'clock, a new day has begun, and the new hunting team training is just around the corner.

"Tomorrow night... no, you can't miss the hunting team training tonight."

Xin Fatty folded his arms and looked at the young public finance student, with a bitter and bitter expression on his face: "When you were not around, the squad leader Jiang kept a straight face and ran all kinds of battles all night, which made me lose three catties... ...Obviously, a tactical deduction can be added during the intermission, which makes people breathe a sigh of relief!"

"Isn't it good to lose weight?" Zheng Qing responded lightly: "How many witches want to lose three catties of fat in one night but can't get it, so you can have fun."

The fat wizard ignored the freelancer's ridicule, pinched his chin with one hand, and said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, besides the class monitor, Miss Su seems to have a bad temper tonight, and she didn't even smile all night... I always Something doesn't feel right..."


Xiao Xiao, who had been wandering around the balcony, suddenly yelled loudly, interrupting the fat wizard's sweaty speculation, followed by the sound of windows opening and closing, and the sound of paper cranes flapping their wings.

Zheng Qing hastily pushed Fatty who was thinking: "Don't think about these things here...Maybe they are just not feeling well... Go and see the content on the paper crane!"

Before the fat wizard left, Dr. Xiao returned to the dormitory holding the torn letter paper high.

Dylan also climbed out of the coffin and turned the lights in the room brighter.

"To the Forgiveness Hunting Team!"

Xiao Xiao stood in front of the desk, facing the three roommates, cleared his throat, held up the letter paper and read word by word: "I am very pleased to inform you that your hunting team has passed the selection task of this school hunting competition. For the assessment, the instructor was selected as Ms. Su Shijun, and the assessment results are true and effective."

"From now (0:00 on October 10th) to 24:00 on October 15th, the Forgiveness Hunting Team will enter the next six-day 'selection' together with the other forty-six hunting teams. The hunting teams that have completed the selection task will be eligible to compete for the 'Academy Cup'."

"In order to implement the purpose of 'running economical hunting competitions' and 'Green Campus Cup', this selection competition will be held in a dreamland. The 47 hunting teams participating in the selection will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 every night. They will be guided into the test site uniformly, and at the same time, the hunting committee will draw unspecified audience to watch the competition process..."

Before Xiao Xiao finished reading, Zheng Qing listened to Xin Fatty complaining: "This round, the fringe hunting team should take advantage... Obviously we are the first!"

"It's better than other hunting teams that haven't even been to the Dreamland." Zheng Qing patted Fatty on the shoulder comfortingly, and sighed deeply.

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