Hunting High School

Chapter 239 In The Library

The next day is Sunday.

After waking up in the morning, Zheng Qing didn't feel the joy of weekend leisure at all. He just felt groggy and his head was a little heavy—I don't know if it was because of having too much fun at Maoguoshu last night—but he felt bigger Maybe it's because you have too many worries in your head.

Su Shijun, Jiang Yu, the overcrowded d&k, Ratmen, homework, clubs, hunting teams, and the school hunting club trials that are just around the corner.

Because he was absent-minded all the time, he forgot to put on the cuff buttons when he put on his robe. It wasn't until Dylan's full-length mirror reminded him loudly that the boy woke up like a dream.


The floating face on the full-length mirror was distorted, and his tone was stern: "No witch would like a sloppy wizard! This is the advice of those who have experienced it!"

"The mirror still has a past?" The young public servants blew their noses and muttered.

Xiao Xiao tightened his belt, poked his head, and looked at Zheng Qing's complexion carefully: "Sick? Why don't you go to early class and take a day off today... Anyway, it's the weekend."


Hearing this word, Xin Fatty, who was still snoring, got up from the bed and rushed to the young public fee student with bare feet, with a smile on his sleepy eyes: "One minute, one minute I You can make a good typhoid medicine! Use the crushed dried edelweiss and the chrysanthemum dew collected some time ago...It will be ready soon!"

Zheng Qing just wanted to be moved by the united and friendly attitude of his roommates, but suddenly, thinking of the argument in the dormitory last night, his face gradually became stiff.

He didn't want to have diarrhea and collapse today.

"No... I'm not sick."

The wizard resolutely stopped the fat wizard's plan to help prepare the potion, rubbed his face vigorously, and tried to put on a healthy smile: "...I'm fine, really."

"Really?" The fat wizard couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

"It couldn't be more true."

The fat wizard turned around, left angrily, and flung himself back on the bed, snoring loudly for a moment, as if the conversation a moment ago was Zheng Qing's illusion.


Perhaps because of the results of the selection contest last night, there were extraordinarily many students doing morning classes in Feiyuan today. Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao searched for a while, and finally found a small unremarkable open space among several bushes.

Of course, it must be admitted that this is also related to the invisibility charms that the two of them have been wearing all the time.

"When can I get rid of this annoying thing."

After just wearing it for a few days, Zheng Qing felt overwhelmed and troubled - he had to carefully avoid the pedestrians on the opposite side when walking, and he had to keep apologizing to people who couldn't see him when queuing. He had no doubt that if he accidentally fell into the In Linzhong Lake, even after being eaten by murlocs as snacks, his companions would not realize that he was missing.

"At least a week."

In terms of predicting this kind of thing, even the best fortune-teller can't guarantee it, and can only be vague: "Normally, the public's attention to hot public opinion will not exceed seventy-two hours... One week is enough...But Su Shijun is not an ordinary person, and there are many fanatic fans who follow her, so I can't just use the concept of 'public' to analyze... If you want an absolute answer, then I can only say, After the school hunting competition, there will definitely be a lot of rest."

The school hunt generally lasts for one month.

Hearing this answer, Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the whole world was dark, and the refreshment brought by the morning class just finished disappeared again, and the heavy feeling in the morning was like cement, pouring into his head little by little.

This heavy feeling lasted until the two of them entered the library and sat down in the seats that Jiang Yu had reserved in advance, but they still couldn't let go of it.

"Don't think so much, let's make sure we pass the first round of selection tonight." Xiao Xiao muttered on the ground, with a somewhat depressed tone: "If the hunting team led by Mr. Su fails to pass the first round of selection , who do you think will be scolded in the end?"

"It will never be her." Zheng Qing's mind was unexpectedly clear at this moment


"Very wise." Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses and nodded slightly: "So, if we don't want to be chased and scolded, we'd better recall our last experience in the dreamland."

"That's why I said that Nicholas' fringe hunting team has taken advantage of it this time." Xin Fatty sighed and brought up the old story from last night.

Nicholas' fringe hunting team invited Zhu Si to serve as an instructor, and Zhu Si taught dream analysis at First University, and has rich experience in living in fantasy dreamland-this makes all the hunting teams at this stage jealous.

If it weren't for the fact that the members of the Edge Hunting Team are all people with little transparency and no background, all kinds of weird conspiracy theories must have started to spread wildly in the school.

Even so, Zheng Qing still heard a lot of rumors when class started this morning—for example, in order to appease the wizards in the North District, the school lowered the difficulty of the selection competition; ,wait.


Jiang Yu interrupted the discussion of the wizards, made a silent gesture, and signaled that someone was coming. Several wizards quickly put on their invisibility charms again.

Several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team sat at a corner on the second floor of the library, surrounded by tall bookshelves, and Jiang Yu sat on the outermost side of the desk. The witch on the outside.

Two first-year witches came over with their textbooks in their arms, and looked inside. Except for Jiang Yu and Li Meng, they didn't see any other figures.

Li Meng blinked at them.

"Sister," the tall girl asked in a low voice, "Can we sit here?"

"Sorry, there are already people here."

This was the nth time that Jiang Yu drove away the students who saw the empty seats approaching. She smiled apologetically: "They are just shy, so they wear invisibility charms on their bodies."

A "Book of Guge titan" made the sound of pages turning at the right time, which was also mixed with the rustling sound of a quill pen on the paper pages, as if annotating the words of the witch.

"Ah, sorry to bother you!"

The two little witches opened their eyes wide in surprise, squeezed close to each other, whispered and left, and looked back from time to time, as if some ulterior secret was happening in this corner.

Looking back, Jiang Yu finally knocked on the table impatiently at the wizards:

"It's just asking Councilor Su to be your instructor. It's so scary. Is it necessary to wear an invisibility talisman all day long? Isn't it more convenient to use a simple 'curse to cleanse the face' or something like Councilor Su's glasses that reduce the sense of presence? "

Zheng Qing looked left and right, and after noticing that there was no one around, he carefully took off the invisibility amulet on his body.

"Glasses that reduce the sense of presence are naturally more convenient," the wizard replied in a low voice but sincerely: "But relatively speaking, the invisibility charm is the most convenient and cheap way that the Excuse Hunting Team can provide to members..."

It was only he who had the confidence to say that.

For another person, dozens of invisibility talismans are consumed every day, and the cost pressure of pure talismans can quickly bankrupt a hunting team with good cash flow.

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