Hunting High School

Chapter 250 Under The Tombstone

The good news is that when the number of ghouls exceeds 1,000, perhaps because the number and individual strength of ghouls exceed a certain threshold, the ghouls on the hunting grounds have not become worse than the previous batch of 500 ghouls. Ghosts are stronger.

In other words, their individual strength is limited.

The bad news is that these ghouls have gotten smarter.

The young public finance student originally thought that those stinky guys would line up in a crude formation and attack the hunters in a swarm, but soon he realized that the eleventh batch of ghouls was far more powerful than he had imagined. Fine and cunning.

Accompanied by the characteristic chirping and chirping sounds of ghouls, a large group of cave dwellers with tough leather like wild dogs swarmed out of the hole under the tombstones, and about twenty gray figures would emerge from under each tombstone, They formed irregular multi-pointed star battle formations on the spot, facing the sky full of yellow dust, yelling and roaring, and rushed towards the wizards with faces full of fanaticism.

The speed at which Dylan swung his arms suddenly accelerated, as if he had changed from playing Mountain and Flowing Water to playing Flying Daggers in an instant.

Under his control, the five hundred walking corpses turned into a solid dam, firmly blocking the direction of the ghouls. At the same time, Zhang Jixin and the blue bird were like crabs on the left and right, interspersed with each other. Deep within the horde of ghouls, crushing every ghoul they come across.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao guarded Dylan's side, holding up the Dharma books, all kinds of auxiliary magic - Soft Legs Curse, Chaos Curse, Binding Curse, Mimi Curse, etc. - threw them away like free money.

For a while, the hunting ground was filled with yellow dust, vines flew across, and colorful spell lights splashed everywhere. The screams of ghouls and the roars of wizards were intertwined, and they played blood-spitting music together.


"I'm not sure."

On the stand, the puppet man was holding a huge morning glory, looking at the battle below with a serious face, and his tone was a bit dignified: "But in my opinion, those tombstones are obviously more worthy of the hunters' attention than the ghouls themselves... If the apologetic fortuneteller is qualified, he should have noticed that the ghouls who died in this battle are being 'swallowed' by those tombstones little by little!"

"The tombstone has no mouth, how can it swallow it?" A wizard not far from the puppet asked loudly.

"You are a wizard!"

The puppet turned to look at the wizard, and said earnestly: "Why do you want to limit the 'swallow' to the 'mouth' organ? There are many openings in a person's body, and things come in and out, which are related to the mouth. What's the difference...the tombstone is the same..."

Originally, it just wanted to emphasize that there are many fresh holes under the tombstone, which can be used as the mouth of the tombstone, but in the stands, the young wizards had already been let go of their thinking by the puppet's previous words, and burst out laughing.

For a while, the auditorium was filled with joy, so that the puppet's commentary once again fell into an embarrassing situation where no one paid attention.


Xiao Xiao didn't fail to notice the disappearing ghoul corpses.

He even noticed this phenomenon earlier than Dylan, and issued a warning to his companions in time, but what is puzzling is that after the tombstone devoured the dead ghouls, there was no change—there was no spit out from the burrow. The resurrected ghouls and tombstones did not bloom with a cursed aura.

"Maybe this is just the school's method to clean up the hunting grounds?" Zheng Qing gave his own guess, while pulling out the rune gun, and rewarded a ghoul who broke through the defense line and approached Dylan with a poor-quality rune bullet.

The light blue rune bullet hit the ghoul's shoulder, and immediately turned into a group of octopus-like vines, which followed its bones and muscles inward until it penetrated into the body cavity, crushing its heart.

The brave ghoul fell head-on to the ground four or five meters away from the warlock.

Perhaps because of the close distance, despite the sore eyes of the two wizards, those 'tombstones' did not swallow the ghoul in the end, and it was left alone in the dust.

This awareness of "seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages" made the young public finance student more and more worried, so he couldn't help throwing out two blue bird talismans to remind the Elder and swordsmen outside to be vigilant.

"Hey man, they're just a bunch of ghouls with corrupted brains,"

Zhang Jixin roared loudly, as if an out-of-control shell was bouncing back and forth among the ghouls, and the sound was heard far away on the hunting ground: "...the ability to form a scattered formation to attack us has reached the limit of their tactical level Already!"

Listen, this is not unreasonable.

But it doesn't make people feel at ease, but Zheng Qing is really unhappy that the tide of ghouls is madly attacking the hunting team's weak line of defense.

The high-intensity hunting lasted less than five minutes, and mental exhaustion surged from the depths of his body again. Zheng Qing felt that his movements of chanting spells and pulling the rune gun had gradually evolved from rational will to mechanical Even when more and more ghouls broke through Dylan's line of defense and approached the front of Xiao Sancai's formation, the wizard's face did not show much nervousness, and he only raised his rune gun mechanically, numb pull the trigger.

Seven hundred, six hundred, five hundred.

Eighty, forty, twenty.

The yellow dust raised in the hunting ground gradually fell, and the dead ghouls were piled up, submerged in the thick dust, and most of them disappeared quietly into the hole under the tombstone, and there were less than a hundred corpses exposed outside.

Dylan directed the walking corpses under his command to carefully bypass the tombstones and stop at the edge of the hunting ground. Then he let out a long breath and sat down on the ground.

Even he couldn't care less about his image at the moment.

Xiao Xiao put away the crystal ball and silently prepared potions for his companions.

"How long is left?"

Zhang Jixin walked back to his companions with heavy steps, with a terrifying aura around him, like an ancient beast, his voice seemed to have a bit of bloody breath: "...I punched those tombstones a few times, but I didn't smash them." Move, there is a ghost."

"It can't be cut." The blue bird who followed him briefly added.

Zheng Qing nodded silently—he no longer had the energy to think about it, and felt like soldiers were coming to cover him up—then he took out his pocket watch to check the time.

"There are more than forty minutes left." The young Gongfei raised his eyebrows in his heart with a wooden face to show his surprise: "The eleventh round took more time than we expected..."

"That is to say, there are at most two rounds of attacks before the end."

Dylan breathed a sigh of relief, and squeezed his fingers to calculate: "For two rounds, the twelfth round will be more than two thousand, and the thirteenth round will be more than four thousand... Sigh... I don't know that after the death of the dreamland, what will happen in reality?" Do we go back to sleep, or are we woken up."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf expressed his own pessimism very wisely.

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