Hunting High School

Chapter 251 Countdown

"Think about it, gentleman, it's just a game of hunting."

The apologetic captain comforted today's coolie and encouraged: "The school just wants to help us have a deeper understanding of the world outside the ivory tower..."

"Learning magic knowledge that you have never been exposed to is helpful, and sharing your understanding of the rules is also helpful." The vampire werewolf lazily raised his hand, and flicked a ghoul eyeball that rolled to his feet: "As for these things... ...It's purely an idea that those big men in the student union came up with, and it doesn't help us at all!"

"It can't be said that it's not helpful at all... At least it's useful in training practical ability." Zhang Jixin shook his head, raised a small cup of light blue liquid and asked, "Another cup?"

What he held was the magic potion that Xiao Xiao had just concocted.

"No, thank you." Dylan had already recovered part of the politeness of the nobles under the moon: "The doctor's potion is very powerful, and my entire jaw is numb now..."

"Then you can still talk?" Xiao Xiao glanced at him.

"It's not me who speaks, but my conscience." Mr. Vampire Werewolf replied without changing his face, and took advantage of the opportunity to bring the topic to Zheng Qing: "...What do you want to do?"

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team was holding up his Remington shotgun covered with 'marks', aiming at the distance, looking like he would shoot in the next second.

"I want to see if those tombstones are really that strong." Zheng Qing squinted one eye and replied honestly.

"Ordinary talismans are most likely to be ineffective." The red-faced wizard who had just punched the tombstone a few times had a say in this matter. He rubbed his chin and said unsurely: " for the special Talisman... I remember that the Hunting Committee seems to have banned you from using it?"

His answer was a crisp gunshot.

A reddish stream of light flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and landed on a tall tombstone in the distance, making a dull impact sound, as if a huge rock fell on the big bronze bell of Hanshan Temple, and the dust on the ground was stirred up There was a clear circle of earth waves, and the magic ripples visible to the naked eye in the air did not subside for a long time.


The young public fee let out a sigh of relief, and then replied: "There is no violation, the ordinary Bixie ammunition used...doesn't seem to have any effect."

The tombstone remained unmoved under the attack of the wizard's rune.

Zheng Qing put away the talisman gun, just about to sit down and take a breath, when Xiao Xiao, who was holding a crystal ball next to him, suddenly straightened up: "Wow... It can't be said that it has no effect... That's probably what it looks like after stabbing a hornet's nest."

There was a dazzling red glow on the crystal ball in his arms, and Zheng Qing knew that every point of red glow on it represented a ghoul, and right now, those red glows were already connected into one piece.

Looking up, the tombstone that he just hit swelled in a circle. The yellow hole under the tombstone was stained black by the stinking blood of the ghoul, like black throats that opened, and like a hole in the ground. Black blood vessels full of unclean smell.

At this moment, groups of ghouls gushed out from the open black throats like a tide, and their chirping roars overlapped and resounded throughout the hunting ground.

Without Zheng Qing's order, the whole hunting team suddenly started to move, as if their buttocks had been burned by fire, from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in just a split second.

This time, Lan Que and Zhang Jixin did not choose to leave the battle formation and go deep into the ghouls to hunt alone. Instead, they followed Zheng Qing's gestures and stood in their respective positions honestly, launching a standard four-element battle formation.

Dylan was still guarded in the center of the battle formation, controlling his corpse group, and was the first to meet him.

Five hundred to two thousand and forty-eight.

Even without counting the "fraction" of nearly fifty extra heads, there is still a desperate gap between the two sides. This gap was fully manifested in just three minutes after the group of corpses came into contact with the ghouls.

The hordes of ghouls no longer needed any tactics or skills, they just swarmed up, scratched and bit at random, and easily tore the corpses in front of them to pieces.

"'Join the hunt,

’ The elders told me so,

Mr. Vampire Werewolf waved his arms numbly, but his eyes did not stare at the corpses of own, but looked at the sky, his eyes seemed a little empty: "'You can gain both fame and fortune with ease!'"

He imitated the persuasive tone of the seniors, then changed the subject and said angrily: "...But they never mentioned that hunters need to deal with these smelly, slimy monsters like scavengers...Can you believe it? I'm a vampire It's already starting to sweat!"

"That's the part of you that belongs to the werewolf sweating." After the captain of the forgiveness hunting team ran out of runes in the magazine, he didn't forget to turn around to comfort the hardest companion in his busy schedule.

"Continuous flow! Continuous flow!"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf's tone became more irritable because of the comfort: "I have lost most of my family members...we must retreat, or change our tactics!"

"I've run out of talisman papers!" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and added: "But there are still a few pieces in the formation disk, which can be used to arrange a guardian formation..."

"My magic power is almost exhausted!" Zhang Jixin tugged on his gloves and spat out a long white line.

Blue Bird didn't speak, but he had already found a small whetstone and was sharpening the edge of the long sword in his arms.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, a ruthless look appeared on his face.

"Give up those walking corpses!"

He signaled Dylan to switch positions, and at the same time stuffed the book into his arms, holding two rune guns in both hands, and waved them viciously: "It's just a bunch of bedbugs! No matter how many there are, they're just beans squeaking in the millstone." !… Let’s see if it’s their rough skin and thick flesh, or our magic is sharper!… The doctor’s formation! Others, change to the pentagram battle formation! Reduce the contact area... Let’s consume them bit by bit!”

This change in tactics was very timely.

A total of 2,048 ghouls in the twelfth attack—a theoretical number, but the young wizards hadn’t had time to confirm it carefully—were only consumed by Dylan’s corpses before the actual hand-to-hand combat. Less than a quarter fell.

The remaining more than 1,500 ghouls were spread out on the hunting ground, still densely packed.

It's just that the forgiveness hunting team is protected by a magic circle outside and supported by a battle formation inside, especially the latter. When forgiveness shrinks its formation, only a small part of the ghouls coming from all directions can fight the wizards head-on.

Xiao Xiao and Zheng Qing took turns casting the Chaos Curse and the Soft Legs Curse—these two commonly used magic spells have extremely high elasticity 1 and can be prepared in a short time—to build a wide magic quagmire in front of the formation;

Like a rock, Zhang Jixin smashed back those ghouls who passed through the quagmire of spells with his fist;

Bluebird and Dylan shuttled between the rock and the mire, with ghostly figures, like spears and poisonous stingers, harvesting the lives of the ghouls one after another.

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