Hunting High School

Chapter 275 Ranking

"What a nightmare!"

Zheng Qing regained consciousness from the darkness, and when he opened his eyes, he heard Xin Fatty's complaining words in his ears, and he couldn't help muttering: "...remove the word 'simply''s a nightmare !"

Perhaps because the projection retained a bit of Lao Yao's bad taste, when the scented duck helped everyone fall asleep, his reminder was a little bit late.

Then Zheng Qing, who closed her eyes, felt as if she had fallen off a cliff.

The endless void under his feet was surrounded by darkness, and the sound of swift and violent wind blew by his ears. At first, the boy thought it was just the sound of wind, but soon, a shining ball of light with different shades appeared beside him, and he caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye. Winged creatures with wild laughs passed by, and most of the wind noise was a mixture of the laughter of those creatures and the sound of flapping wings.

The indescribable darkness hides in the surrounding light monster Lu Li, which makes the boy have a strong feeling that he will fall into the mouth of some dark monster at the next moment.

Until those shining balls of light beside them were pulled by the darkness, slowly lengthened and melted into a glowing crack.

The boy fell into the chasm.

When he opened his eyes, he had already entered the dreamland.

The young public finance students couldn't wait to share their own "nightmare" with their companions in an attempt to find resonance, but unfortunately, not everyone experienced the terrible falling process.

"Didn't you see that duck?" Zhang Jixin looked at Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty strangely.

"What duck?" The fat wizard scratched his head, "The one on the podium?"

"I didn't see it." Zheng Qing shook his head.

Xiao Xiao interrupted the discussion of the three of them: "If you use magic resistance when you enter the dreamland, the world will realize this 'invasion' behavior...Although you will eventually reach the dreamland because of the lack of world barriers, but In this process, it is inevitable to feel what is called 'maliciousness of the world'."

"What about the ones that don't have magical resistance?" Zheng Qing was a little curious.

"You will see that scented duck walking in front of you with its butt twisted," the red-faced wizard said with a smile, "then just follow it downstairs... you have to walk about a hundred and eighty steps, and then open a door , that’s it.”

He pointed around.

Several young wizards are located in an oval-shaped lounge. There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in front of it. Through the window, you can see the dusty hunting ground outside, the tiered stands and the color blocks on the stands in the distance. The mottled crowd, even if they can't hear the sound, the noisy colors in the stands seem to make people feel the enthusiasm.

"The finer the control over the magic power, the more advanced the magic skills, the fewer steps to walk." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and added: "I just counted and walked a total of ninety-six steps..."


There was a knock on the door behind him.

Before Zheng Qing could turn around, he heard Li Meng's squawking voice: "Where's the duck? Where's that duck? It was running in front of me just now...why did it disappear when you opened the door?"

The wizard turned his head, ignored the little witch looking for ducks everywhere, but looked at Jiang Yu: "How many steps did you walk down the stairs just now?"

The witch thought for a while: "Seventy steps for light sleep, seventeen steps for deep sleep."

"Eighty-seven." Zheng Qing grinned, looked at Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin, with a regretful expression on his face: "If I walk up the steps, the number should be about the same..."

Although he didn't understand what was a 'light sleep step' and what was a 'deep sleep step', it didn't affect his simple conclusion after comparing the numbers.

"What does the steps that the squad leader walks have anything to do with you!" the red-faced wizard rolled his eyes angrily.

The doctor also sneered: "People who haven't even seen the steps, how dare they laugh at others?"


The door of the rest room was roughly pushed open, and a short witch in a yellow robe and braided braids recklessly poked her head in: "Excuse me? Are all the apologetic people here? There are still three minutes, it's up to you play...


"It's all set!" The voice of Mr. Vampire Werewolf sounded behind the puppet man, and then two blue figures squeezed into the lounge one after the other.

It was Dylan and the Blue Tit.

"Sorry," Mr. Vampire Werewolf explained quickly: "Today, Heavenly Devil got stuck while spinning, which caused us to get lost..."

The Blue Tit was as quiet as ever.

Zheng Qing glanced over the shoulders of the two, and did not see the ups and downs of the steps, nor did he see the endless void, but a deep corridor.

"It's fine when it's all set."

Before the braided witch retracted her head, she finally reminded: "It's time for you to enter the arena soon, just enter the arena in a proper manner, and don't make some fancy things to affect the order..."

"How did you get here?"

Zheng Qing glanced at the leaving figure of the puppet and stopped paying attention. Instead, he paid attention to Dylan's words just now: "What do you mean 'a little lost'? Can you get lost by following a duck?"

"Duck? What duck?" The vampire werewolf looked blank.

"Each academy has a different way of entering the dreamland."

The apologetic fortune-teller explained briefly while tidying up his own belt: "The Rubik's Cube in the Starry Sky originally has the ability to communicate with different dimensions... They only need to substitute the coordinates of the dreamland into the dimensional formation when the Rubik's Cube rotates, and they can find The correct 'door' can usually find it by going around the Rubik's Cube a few times...I guess Dylan misplaced the coordinates when he calculated, so he was late."

"Why can't it be that the Rubik's Cube is malfunctioning?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf asked with a smile.

The doctor glanced at him, and said calmly: "If the Rubik's Cube malfunctions, what we should see now are two incomplete remains."

"It's not necessarily a remains," Jiang Yu added with great interest: "After all, this is a dreamland. It is very likely that there are two mutilated bodies, but they can still communicate with us normally..."

Seeing that the topic was developing towards weird and inexplicable horror stories, at this moment, the door of the lounge was pushed open again, which made the young public fee student heave a sigh of relief.

"Here it is, it's your turn!" The braided witch poked her head out again, her tone seemed urgent: "Follow me in order...just line up!"

As the forgiveness captain, Zheng Qing undoubtedly needs to take the first place.

Before going out, he heard Jiang Yu warning Li Meng: "Stay honestly in the lounge and don't run around! After Lin Guo arrives, you two can watch the stage together...if you're bored."

Outside the door was a deep corridor, but within a few steps, the braided witch led the hunting team into a small door. Pushing open the door, strong wind, dust, scorching sun and enthusiastic voices rushed in, and the hustle and bustle instantly drowned out the ears of the young hunters.

On the rostrum, the puppet's sharp and piercing voice was very clear in the turbulent atmosphere:

"—Entry! Everyone is welcome!!"

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