Hunting High School

Chapter 276: Nine Hunting Teams

"As a young hunting team that won the championship of the freshman competition and participated in the Battle of the Black Prison less than two years after its establishment, the more well-known apology is their instructor this year—Su Shijun, a member of the next month's council!"

The cheers all around suddenly became more enthusiastic.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes, looked up to the rostrum, and vaguely saw Su Shijun's figure, perhaps this was also the reason for the extraordinarily high atmosphere at the scene.

"...In the six 'selection matches' held from 0:00 on October 10 to 24:00 on October 15, the Excuse Hunting Team scored 100 points in the first game (against the ghoul), and the second Game 1 (vs. Zug) 100, Game 3 (vs. Dire) 90s, Game 4 (vs. Hounds of Tindalos) 66.66, Game 5 (vs. Skyfish) 80s Points, 90 points for Game 6 (against Cold Spider)."

"The calculation method of the final score of the selection competition adopts the same logic as that of a single competition."

"Remove the highest score of 100 points, remove the lowest score of 66.66 points, and add up the scores of the remaining four games to get the average...Then the final score of the Excuse Hunting Team's six trials is - 90 points!"

On the rostrum, the hoarse shouts of the puppet people attracted bursts of enthusiastic clamor, noise and applause from the stands. Zheng Qing didn't know how many of them were for the forgiveness hunting team and how much were for the forgiveness instructor.

He was following the braided witch, step by step, to the middle of the hunting ground.

On the left is the sixth-ranked Judgment Hunting Team, and further to the left, there are the Atlas Academy Team, Starry Sky Academy Team, Jiuyou Academy Team, Al Court Team, and the first place in the trials, the first university team.

The captain of the ruling hunting team is Erwin Hoffman, the winner of the title of best hunter in the school hunting meeting last year, and one of the former three masters of will. After noticing the new hunting team, he frowned slightly, with a gloomy expression ——It matches Zheng Qing's impression of this half-blood werewolf very well.

The captain of the Atlas hunting team is a witch in a plain yellow robe, with beautiful long platinum-blond hair and a silver cross around her neck. No matter how noisy the stands are, she always lowers her eyebrows, as if standing As if asleep.

Zheng Qing didn't know that witch.

Perhaps because Innate has a bit of prejudice, he keeps a polite distance from any religious fanatics, and the rumors in the academy make his mentality even more serious, so much so that he enrolls for a year Many, he knew only a handful of yellow robes.

Further to the left, the captain of the Starry Sky Academy team is a muscular black-haired boy wearing a blue vest and carrying a spear. Zheng Qing remembers that his name is Jiang Huai, and he is a third-year student of the Starry Sky Academy. I remember, because he has a girlfriend from Jiuyou College, who often comes to the college to visit.

Sensing the scrutiny from the side, Jiang Huai tilted his head and gave the young public fee student a slight nod as a greeting.

Zheng Qing suddenly didn't know where to put his eyes - it's not the right occasion to say hello seriously; it seems impolite not to say hello - fortunately, his eyes turned a little to the side and landed on the Jiuyou Academy team, and the young wizard immediately pretended Forget about the entanglement a second ago.

Zhao Qiao, the captain of Jiuyouyuan team, was also one of the former three masters of will. Zheng Qing didn't have much communication with him; Sir Friedman, once one of the Alpha Twins.

After Soprano became the new 'Augustus' of the Blood Friends, Sir Friedman soon became the captain of the Arcourt team. These two appointments have been discussed more than once within Apologia, and it is finally judged that this is a way within Alpha to balance the radical reformers of Soprano.

You know, before this, the chairman of the Alpha College student union and the captain of the Alpha Court team were all held by 'Augustus' - the chairman of the student union, the captain of the hunting team, and the president of the Blood Brothers. The trinity is the real Augustus Both—but now, the president of the student union and the president of the blood friends belong to Soprano, and the captain of the hunting team falls to Friedman. It can only be said that the differences within Alpha are bigger than most people guess.

As for the captain of the first university team, Zheng Qing is more familiar with him. It is Zhang Jixin's big brother, the new Lei Zhe and Zhang Shuzhi. In a sense, Jiuyou also has a

For example, Zhao Qiao is the captain of the Jiuyouyuan team, and Erwin Hoffman is the captain of the Judgment Hunting Team. They are all people who once competed with Zhang Shuzhi for the position of 'Lei Zhe'.

But with the three titles of 'School Team Captain', 'Sacred Will President' and 'Student Council Chairman', Zhang Shuzhi's confidence is obviously stronger than that of Soprano.

"...The eighth place in the Campus Cup Trial——Cheung Kei Hunting Team—entry!"

Zheng Qing looked back abruptly, followed everyone's gaze to the entrance of the hunting ground, and sure enough, he saw that short and fat familiar figure.

The founder of the Cheung Kei Club, the president of the Alpha Student Union, and the current Augustus of the Hemophilia - Mike King Soprano.

Even without the Al Court team, he led the hunting team he founded to break into the finals of the 'Campus Cup'. From this point of view, Cheung Kei Hunting Team and You Sin have more in common, because Cheung Kei Hunting Team was founded only one year earlier than Yu Sin.

It's just that after losing the two core figures of Soprano and Friedman, the Hemophiliac Hunting Team of the Hemophiliac was "accidentally" eliminated in the trials, becoming one of the two biggest upsets of this year's "Campus Cup".

This is also an important reason why Soprano has never been widely recognized in the Alpha Academy. You must know that Augustus is the Augustus of the Hemophilia, not the Augustus of the Cheung Kei Society. But for now, Soprano seems to be more interested in running his Cheung Kei business.

Another big surprise in this year's Campus Cup is the ninth place in the trials.

"...the ninth place in the campus cup trial—the Edge Hunting Team—entry!"

This time, after the puppet shouted, the reaction in the stands was a little cold. It's not that the audience is too harsh on this brand-new hunting team, but that everyone really knows very little about it. Because the establishment time is too short, the fringe hunting team has not even had its own fan club.

Fortunately, the Hunting Committee took this into consideration and organized some "spectators" related to the members of the fringe hunting team to enter the venue in advance, such as the Northern District Wizard Group led by Kerma, such as the Gypsy Witch Group, and teaching murlocs The old professor Abu Garcia also took a few young murlocs, and worked hard to cheer for the fringe hunting team.

When Zheng Qing watched Nicholas leading his hunters—Liu Feifei, Carmen, Iseni, Lin Yan—to the center of the hunting ground, the puppet man was broadcasting the fringe hunting team with its sharp voice on the rostrum. record.

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