Hunting High School

Chapter 253 I Have A Friend (Part 2)

Just like the experience after the last "Burning Zheng Qing Parade".

The cold snap on Saturday night did not linger over the school for too long. The next morning, the sun was shining brightly and the weather was warming up again. At the evening class meeting, when the trembling young public-funded students walked into the classroom, they unexpectedly found that the class leader was not angry at all. He was in a good mood, and when he saw him, he not only greeted him happily, but also handed him a colorful lollipop.

"That's my lollipop!"

Li Meng lowered her voice and roared in a low voice, like a golden retriever that has been robbed of food. It's just that the two responsible parties ignored the little witch's complaints at the same time.

"Have the sequelae of the transfiguration occurred in the past few days?"

The monitor of Tianwen Class 08-1 brushed the long hair that fell down his cheeks behind his ears, and asked in a brisk voice: "...I heard that you went out for a walk at night again a few days ago."

"No attack, no." The young public finance student was flattered, and immediately took out the lollipop that had just been stuffed into his mouth, smacked his lips, and added: "The moonlight magic essential oil of the shamans is very useful. I also wiped it on before going out today." Is it..."

As he said that, he purposely turned his face to the side, as if to let the witch take a look at his shiny temples after applying oil.

At the same time, the boy continued to explain incessantly: "I haven't been to other places except the classroom, library and dormitory these days. Saturday night is a club meeting, and I have to attend..."

Speaking of this matter, the wizard couldn't help but sneak a glance at the girl, as if wanting to confirm something.

The witch didn't seem to notice the furtive sight, and while sorting out the textbooks and homework on the table, she replied with a relaxed attitude: "Magic essential oils are not a panacea, and the factors that cause the sequelae of transformation magic are very complicated and full of uncertainties. In the afternoon, I read a paper in the library, which mentioned that there is an inextricable connection between deformity sequelae and 'deformation cognitive impairment syndrome'..."

The so-called 'deformation cognitive impairment syndrome' mostly manifests as deviations in wisdom, memory, and even behavioral habits due to changes in life forms after wizards have transformed.

For example, after Zheng Qing first became a cat, he soon became infected with cats' fur licking, tree climbing, and snoring. This kind of change is not limited to the superficial level, and there may be deeper, two-way feedback—for example, Zheng Qing's growing curiosity, it is already difficult for him to determine whether it is because he became a cat, or he already has this kind of feeling. Like to explore the psychology of affairs.

From this perspective, there seems to be no big difference between maintaining a certain degree of 'animal ability' and maintaining a certain degree of 'animal habit' after restoring human form.

Seeing the thoughtful expression on the boy's face, the witch twitched her mouth slightly, tore off a page from the notebook, and quickly recorded a series of numbers:

"...Well, this is the index of that article. Next time you go to the library, you can take a look for yourself. Maybe you can get some new ideas. In addition, Professor Montelia and Dr. Duzem have a discussion on magical creatures and bloodlines. They all have profound attainments, you can find time to chat with them.”

As she spoke, she handed the note to the wizard.

Zheng Qing glanced at the slender and familiar handwriting on the note, with a silly smile on his face, and wanted to say something, the stick figure behind the door was already howling:

"Old Yao is here! Old Yao is here!"

He could only smile apologetically, clutching the note and hurried back to his seat.



The next day is Monday.

Taking advantage of the spare time after lunch, according to Jiang Yu's suggestion, Zheng Qing went to the Abnormal Life Research Institute in the East District of Beta Town, hoping to talk to Dr. In the small courtyard, he only saw the doctor's old servant Constantine.

"Young Master is out, and I don't know when he will be back." The old servant would only say this sentence back and forth: "Young Master is someone who does big things... Would you like some coffee?"

The master was not there, and Zheng Qing couldn't continue to disturb her, so she could only leave in embarrassment.

And another reference provided by Jiang Yu—Professor Montelia—does not require boys to study

The Institute looked for it, because this semester, Professor Montelia took over from Ms. Emma as the magic text professor of Astronomy 08-1 class, and I can see him every Tuesday afternoon.

So after the rune class on Tuesday afternoon, as soon as Professor Montelia left the classroom, the young public-funded student hurried out and caught up with the professor who was also hurrying at the end of the corridor.

"Didn't you understand just now?"

This is what the professor asked after seeing Zheng Qing.

Although he worked as an assistant in Professor Monteria's laboratory for a period of time last semester, this semester, Zheng Qing has never had personal contact with him, so the first thing the professor thinks about is still the content in the classroom.

"No, it has nothing to do with magic text class." The young public finance student hastily denied it, and hurriedly explained the purpose of own's visit: "It's a little extracurricular problem, related to transformation magic..."

While talking, Gan Ning, a lecturer who teaches magic biology, happened to pass by and stopped with great interest.

Professor Monteria glanced at the uninvited guest beside him, then looked at the slightly embarrassed expression of the young wizard in front of him, and asked patiently, "Let's just say it briefly."

Zheng Qing cleared his throat, and said bravely: "I have a friend..."

As soon as this sentence came out, he immediately noticed that Professor Wu Montelia raised his eyebrows unceremoniously, and Lecturer Gan Ning even wore a First Stage inscrutable smile on his face.

This made the boy's cheeks feel a little hot, and he subconsciously sped up his speech: "... Well, after my friend used the transformation some time ago, there were some... It was like suddenly being able to hear voices from far away, and then occasionally There will be a cluster of deformed creature hairs... He wants to know if this situation is within the scope of normal sequelae, and what should be done..."

"Should go to the school hospital."

Professor Monteria looked at him with a stern expression, and unceremoniously gave his own opinion: "Transformation magic is a kind of magic with a high risk factor. Under normal circumstances, low-grade students like you need to go through the process of using transformation magic." Report and use it under the supervision of the school, if there is any discomfort during the transformation process, you should first find the supervisor teacher, and second, you should go to the school hospital, instead of stopping other professors casually after class."

Zheng Qing drooped his head, already beginning to regret his own choice.

The magic biology lecturer next to him obviously had a different opinion, and asked with great interest: "Restrained use of transfiguration magic will not cause sequelae... What is the frequency of your friend's use of transfiguration? "

"Well, maybe once or twice a week." The boy replied with a smile, his tone was full of uncertainty, or an emotion called guilty conscience.

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