Hunting High School

Chapter 254 Misunderstanding

"Twice a week, for wizards of your age, the frequency is a bit high."

Although Professor Montelia clearly asked "Zheng Qing's friend" to go to the school hospital, he did not leave immediately, but continued to listen to the young wizard's description, but his expression was as strict as ever: "Of course, if the magic foundation is relatively it is good……"

As he spoke, he looked Zheng Qing up and down, and added: "...For example, you, or people like Tang Dun, Xiao Xiao, and Jiang Yu in your class, it's okay to do it twice a week...unless your friend changes shape every week More than three times."

When talking about "your friend", the professor's lips twisted slightly, showing a mocking smile that sees through everything. It's just that Zheng Qing couldn't feel the ridicule at this moment, but felt bitter.

Because some time ago, he didn't transform twice a week, or three times a week, but transformed almost every day for nearly ten days.

The lecturer of magic biology smiled to ease the atmosphere, and slightly changed the topic: "Your transformation, I mean, what kind of animal is your friend's transformation form?"

This question involves a little bit of privacy, and generally speaking, no one will ask it face to face. But just like when a patient seeks medical treatment in a hospital, don’t tell the doctor to take off his clothes and show his ass. Even if the doctor asks him to cut open his belly to expose his heart, liver, intestines and lungs for diagnosis, the patient will not refuse.

Where do you care about privacy at a time like this?

Therefore, the young public finance student only hesitated for a moment, and then decisively replied: "It's a dog...a gray-skinned dog with short hair, short mouth, flat forehead, money curly tail...I don't know what breed it is."

In his mind, he imagined the appearance of Maodou and the big yellow dog of grandma's house, gesticulating with his hands, trying to make the description of own more sincere and realistic.

Lecturer Gan Ning smiled slightly, and didn't care about the boy racking his brains at all: "The dog is very good... I mean, as a kind of species of cistreophyte mammalian cleftpods that exist widely, at least your friend doesn't need to worry about it." During the day, two pieces of gills grow from the back of the jaw, or the stomach suddenly bulges, giving birth to a bunch of offspring of different colors..."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly twice.

Although he didn't find it funny at all.

"...Under normal circumstances, most of the sequelae of deformation will not involve the special abilities of creatures." The expression of the magic biology lecturer was a little serious: "For example, your friend, when he turns into a dog and then returns to human form, may They will keep sticking out their tongues, sniffing their noses, circling the bed before going to bed, and even urinating near the dormitory for a short period of time... These behaviors are related to the dog's nature, and belong to the shallow interference of biological consciousness... This kind of interference is mutual Yes, in the Therapeutics Realm, there is a 'Deformation Cognitive Impairment Syndrome', which is related to it...but your friend's condition is far beyond the level of 'shallow interference'...will belong to the Talent of 'dog' The transfer of the ability to the human body is already equivalent to the 'deep' or even 'severe' level of interference in magical consciousness... In terms you can understand, this sequelae is similar to a certain form of 'magic poisoning'."

"So I can try to use antidote potions?"

Zheng Qing recalled the formula of the moonlight magic essential oil, feeling a bit suddenly enlightened - for example, black cheek fish oil has the effect of magic blocking, water bayberry detoxification, moon flower exorcism, passion fruit anti-inflammatory, etc., used in the formula The herbs happen to satisfy the effect of dispelling 'magic poisoning'.

"The so-called connection between metamorphosis sequelae and magic poisoning is just a family's opinion, and it is not absolutely correct." Professor Montelia frowned, and looked at the young wizard severely: "In an emergency, you can use the standard antidote for emergency, but the medicine is three-point For your friend’s situation, you should seek a professional therapist.”

"But all in all, the sequelae of transfiguration magic is a kind of magical damage that is relatively controllable and less harmful to wizards," the magic biology lecturer ignored Professor Monteria's frown, and patted Zheng Qing's face in relief. Shoulder: "You can let your friend relax, eat and drink, and don't take things to heart... don't turn into a dog and go out and wander around."

The young public finance student repeatedly nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he also noticed Professor Montelia's increasingly gloomy expression,

He shouted that it was not good, and after bowing again and again to thank him, he immediately rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and slipped away.

Seeing the figure of the boy disappearing at the end of the corridor, with no one around, the professor calmed down and reprimanded the young lecturer next to him: "He is messing around, and you are also making nonsense comments? What do you mean by 'influence is relatively controllable'? Harm Smaller'? How dare you make such a judgment without a professional therapist's diagnosis and treatment?"

The round-faced lecturer bowed again and again, as if begging for mercy.

"My big professor," he grinned, without a trace of the restraint of a low-level lecturer when he met a high-rank professor: "I never believe you didn't see that the 'friend' Zheng Qing said was himself... that kid With his eyes wandering and his mouth full of nonsense when he talks, I bet his shapeshifting form is probably not a dog either...well, maybe it's a fox!"

As he spoke, the magic biology lecturer's eyes lit up, and he punched his palm, showing a look of sudden realization: "... No wonder Mr. Su can have a child with him... he has the kind of cheeky man who talks nonsense with his eyes open. , coupled with the 'innate advantage' after turning into a fox, it is too easy to deceive our naive Senator Su!... This also explains why he has the sequelae of deformation recently, it must be that he has been deformed and slipped away during this period I'm looking for Mr. Su! Tsk, Damn it!"

I have to say that this logic is very logical.

Professor Monteria also thought for a moment, nodded slightly, but turned his head, he still stubbornly and sternly denied Lecturer Gan's behavior: "No matter what, you can't encourage him to fool around!"

"What do you call nonsense!"

The lecturer of magic biology called Qu again and again: "You have also seen that Zheng Qing's magic power is solid all over his body, his complexion is ruddy, and his breath is even. A strong potion smell, if I guessed right, it should be Moonlight Magic Essential Oil... In this case, letting him go out of the body to escape is the best way to treat him, so there is no need to find a therapist specially, and I Didn't even tell him not to go to a therapist..."

Professor Monteria sneered, shook his head, and after reconfirming that there was no one around, he interrupted the young lecturer's chattering self-defense: "Stop talking nonsense... I should have reminded you not to come to me casually during working hours! What's the matter?"

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