Hunting High School

Chapter 255: Cold Clothes Festival

A dead leaf was blown by the breeze.


The chill of early winter smears between the sky and the earth, filling the world outside the window with a thick blue-gray background. Less than ten minutes after the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the entire teaching building was empty, like an old beast crawling in a corner, its vitality was quickly passing away, and the whole body was filled with dead silence.

Like the world that is fading around.

In the depths of the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building, in the gradually dimming light, two wizards in black robes were standing by the window. On the small orange-red fire.

The young man vigilantly paid attention to the movement on both sides of the corridor - there were no portraits on the walls of this corridor, and there were no ghosts wandering around, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"The teaching assistant team discovered another laboratory."

The lecturer of magic biology restrained his frivolity, put his voice very softly, and quickly reported: "I received a message from No. 7 ten minutes ago... The personnel have been safely evacuated, but a batch of experimental subjects failed to be destroyed in time. There's a good chance it'll end up in the hands of those ticks."

Ticks are parasites on cattle that are both blood-sucking and stubborn.

Professor Monteria lowered his eyelids.

"I have reminded you many times," he said in an almost whispering voice, "the laboratory in the Silent Forest is not your Zoar, but Sodom and Gomorrah, who are facing the threat of being completely destroyed every moment." Possibility of ruin...the closer we come to success, the greater the risk to our laboratory, which is the catastrophe of fate."

Zor is a small city where ancient magicians gathered. It is located east of Jerusalem and is also known as the "refuge". Sodom and Gomorrah are two legendary towns that were destroyed by God because of their sins.

The young lecturer hesitated to speak.

"What else?" Professor Monteria raised his eyelids again and looked out the window.

The round-faced wizard hesitated for a moment, finally gritted his teeth, and explained the reason for his uneasiness: "Professor, I still feel that the new experimental plan is a little too hasty... We haven't fully understood the mechanism of the demon's flesh and blood erosion yet, and it hasn't been successful enough." eucalyptus as a guide.. . . . Everyone has doubts about whether the corrosion resistance acquired by the medicine of extreme emotions is manageable . . . ”

"No time." Professor Monteria shook his head.

"What?" The magic biology lecturer froze for a moment.

The professor was silent for a few seconds, skipping the sentence he just said: "Before any experiment is carried out, it is impossible to be 100% sure, otherwise the experiment is meaningless... As for the feasibility... I have seen it with my own eyes. It is no coincidence that the fallen Migo demon broke free under strong emotional stimulation and made a choice completely contrary to nature."

"Maybe it's a miracle?" The round-faced wizard was still a little unsure: "You know... magic has always been good at creating miracles, maybe it was just a miracle."

Professor Montelia smiled.

"Behind every miracle, there are countless ordinary possibilities." He looked over the young figures outside the window, over the hazy Linzhong Lake in the distance and the tall shadows of Mohu Lake in the distance, and his voice was very soft, but more and more Fa firm: "Without the ordinary, there will be no miracles. We cannot expect miracles to fall from the sky, but we can focus on the ordinary and the greatest possibility in the world."




After Zheng Qing fled from the teaching building, he saw the small orange-red fires by the Linzhong Lake from a distance, and resentment arose in his heart: "Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn at night, and burn during the day! Burning every day... I don’t know that burning grass will pollute the air, and playing with fire will wet the bed?!”

Xiao Xiao, who was waiting downstairs, glanced at him quite speechlessly.

"What do you think they are burning?" The doctor looked at the young public welfare student mockingly.

Zheng Qing was slightly taken aback: "Isn't it a straw man? Or, what new tricks have you guys come up with?! Let me tell you, you will be punished sooner or later for doing this..."

Doctor Shake

Shaking his head, he walked straight to the library and replied simply, "Today is October."

"October Dynasty?"

This word is a bit uncommon, and the young public finance student couldn't figure it out for a moment, but he also vaguely realized that he seemed to have made a mistake, and hurriedly counted it with his hands in his sleeves.

It wasn't until the two of them passed by the lakeside and looked at the five-colored paper clothes and wooden talismans burning in the small orange-red fires that he woke up and said to himself: "October Dynasty, October can directly Just tell me about Cold Clothes Day! Well, no wonder, when I left the teaching building today, there was almost no one in the hallway, and I didn’t bump into a ghost!”

Under normal circumstances, when the get out of class bell rings for about half an hour, the ghosts hiding in every corner of the teaching building will appear one after another, and start to wander in corridors, stairs, classrooms and other areas, using their cold breath and illusory The shape reminds those students who are stranded in the classroom to get out quickly.

Except for a few special days.

Like today.

The October Dynasty, also known as the first day of October in the Yin & Yang calendar, is a traditional sacrificial festival. In ancient times, this day was regarded as the first day of entering the cold winter, and it was necessary to wear clothes to keep out the cold, so it was also called "Cold Clothes Festival"—— Of course, for wizards, the meaning of this festival is more concentrated on small magical ceremonies such as sacrifices, burning offerings, and blessings, because this day is one of the three major ghost festivals comparable to the Ghost Festival and Qingming Festival. Gathering together to celebrate the new life after death, the dead souls will also try to return to this world through the rising yin energy between heaven and earth.

The First University is located in Phuket Island, and there are many wizards with high magic power in the school, so very few dead souls dare to cause any turmoil here. Students burn paper clothes and light candles, which is more of a superficial form. . On the contrary, Silent Forest has a little commotion at this time of year, but it doesn't affect the young wizards in the ivory tower in the high-walled courtyard.

During the Winter Clothes Festival last year, the school hunting party was in full swing, and the young wizards of the school were preoccupied with the hunting ground and the victory, and the dispute between Jiuyou and Alpha, and they didn't have much impression of the festival celebrated by the ghosts.

And this year's Winter Clothes Festival, firstly, there were no activities in the school before and after the festival, and secondly, the aftermath of the 'Grass Burning Man' movement that lasted for a period of time has not yet been exhausted. Young wizards are very interested in burning something new.

"So, after all, those ghosts at the school should thank me."

Seeing the little grass figurines that occasionally appeared among the five-color paper clothes, the young public finance students were full of complaints: "Without me, not so many people noticed this festival this year."

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Xiao Xiao lazily agreed, and at the same time reminded: "I plan to go to Lvxifang to buy a cloak or shorts for Sima... Although I don't know how many you should buy, but you should know that the 'Winter Clothes Festival' is also known as It's the 'clothing festival'..."

"Eh? Is there such a saying?!"

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