Hunting High School

Chapter 367 Everyone Knows About This

"If you were there, it would just be the result of shaking your head."

The fat wizard unceremoniously interrupted the raving of the red-faced wizard, and warned mockingly: "That's the great wizard's action. Don't tell me you don't know how much you weigh!"

"No," Zhang Jixin argued in a very serious way: "I mean, if I was there, maybe I could see the real body of the great wizard clearly. A few days ago, my brother gave me a high rank insight spell talisman. Ming, it was used when I organized team training, tsk, what a pity."

As he spoke, he took out a palm-wide yellow talisman paper from his arms, and showed it to several companions. The mantras outlined in crimson cinnabar on the talisman paper shone with five colors of light in the sun, and there were heart-warming talismans flowing in it. Magic fluctuations.

"Oh, that's true, it's a pity." The fat wizard reluctantly nodded.

Zheng Qing is full of thoughts on those wizards who are as bruised and swollen as himself. For the scene of great wizards fighting described by Xin Fatty, his left ear goes into his ears and his right ear goes out. He was also a person who died once, so naturally he didn't care much about the battle of the great wizard, so when the red-faced wizard took out the talisman paper, he raised his eyelids and glanced at it.

That talisman is indeed very powerful, at least with his current level, such a strong magic power cannot be sealed without some blood.

"Old Yao is here, old Yao is here!"

The stick figure behind the door shouted weakly, interrupting the chatting of several wizards in the corner, and quickly smoothing out the bustling atmosphere in the classroom.

Zheng Qing put away all his thoughts, opened the textbook, and planned to check the situation of the other beaten people after class.

Thanks to the school competition and the exposure of Zheng Qing's identity, the rumors about Professor Yao Da's identity have not been mentioned for a while. The dean of the Red Robe Academy lost control and made sensational headlines like blood eucalyptus.

Therefore, recently, Professor Yao has stopped using projection to give lectures to everyone.

"Good morning!"

The professor came in and greeted everyone. With the lecture notes under his arm, he swayed onto the podium with a strange smile on his face. The reason why he used the strange smile was because Zheng Qing always felt that he was smiling at himself.

This made the young public finance students inexplicably feel a little dangerous.

"Professor, did there really be a battle between great wizards in the pedestrian street yesterday?" Xin Fatty impatiently raised his hand, looking eagerly at the old wizard on the podium, hoping to get some new news from the senior management.

After all, Lao Yao is already a legendary wizard certified by the Wizards Union, his news is definitely more reliable than that of a drunk wandering the streets in the middle of the night.

Even if he only confides in a few words, the fat wizard is confident to write a fresh report of 800 words, citing authoritative persons.


Old Yao showed the obscene expression that middle-aged men are used to, and Zheng Qing, who was smiling straight away, felt a chill in his heart. Of course, in the eyes of other students, it might be the inscrutable smile of a legendary wizard:

"How should I put it? Everyone understands this matter. The reason for the matter is simpler than everyone thinks. Well, it's not a big deal. It's more specific. Because of my identity, I can't say more. It's not good to have too much, but it will cause trouble. The meaning is that I can only say so much. If you don't know, don't guess. It doesn't have much to do with ordinary students. You don't have to ask around. That's it. Come on, class!"

Under the podium, the young wizards looked at each other, feeling that the professor seemed to have said a lot, but he didn’t seem to say anything. For a while, he didn’t know whether to applaud or continue to ask questions. At a loss, everyone could only follow the professor’s last order and open the textbook honestly .

So, after a moment of silence in the classroom, there was a sound of flipping textbooks.

"What Riddler!"

Xin Fatty covered his head with an open book, covered by the sound of flipping the book, turned his head and looked at the two companions behind him, indignant: "He has finished talking, how can I write a report!"

"You can quote the whole article." Zheng Qing stroked the smooth feather on the quill in his hand, lazily perfunctory the fat wizard, and looked at Xiao Xiao beside him.

Dr. Xiao Da was biting the holder of his writing brush thoughtfully, with the black notebook spread out in front of him.

"Did you really hear any clues?" The young public finance student looked in disbelief.

"It's not a clue." Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses and glanced at Zheng Qing: "I'm just a little concerned about a certain word in the professor's nonsense. For example, what does it mean that it has nothing to do with ordinary students?"

"That's right..." Zheng Qing was about to explain, but suddenly froze on the spot.

"You've realized it too." The doctor looked at the tablemate meaningfully, and lowered his voice a little: "There are many extraordinary students in the First University, and few of them can cause such big troubles. Yes, hehe"

Zheng Qing forced a laugh: "Maybe the professor just said that casually"

"Perhaps." Dr. Xiao shrugged his shoulders, turned his head to look at the blackboard, and obviously did not intend to continue wasting words with young public finance students on this topic.

Only Zheng Qing was left alone, and became more and more preoccupied.

"Oh, right."

Professor Yao suddenly opened his mouth, which once again attracted the attention of the whole class. He seemed to have just noticed a public fee student with a bruised nose and a swollen face in the back row of the classroom, and asked with great concern: "Student Zheng Qing's injury?"

"I hurt it during the team training last night. It's okay." Zheng Qing was afraid that he would say some terrible words, so he hurriedly grabbed the conversation. look.

"It's fine, it's fine."

The professor nodded with a smile on his face, speaking from left to right, and spoke earnestly: "So I have to emphasize this safety issue every week in the class meeting, and the team training must be moderate. Ah, this campus safety issue is always on the way! No matter how important it is Yes! We will talk about it every day, every week, and every month.”

Zheng Qing always felt that there was something in his words.

Immediately afterwards, the professor's next sentence completely broke the wizard's luck: "Of course, if it's just a bump in the team's training, don't force yourself, write a letter to your family later, to reassure the family, and you will also be happy." Advise family members not to worry, there is a school for everything, right, young people, when it is inevitable to have impulses, impulses are the devil, you must not be impulsive"

Zheng Qing put on a sullen face, and didn't continue to listen to the professor's endless nonsense. He was just very sure that the professor emphasized a word of persuasion in what he said just now.

Xiao Xiao, Xin, and Zhang Jixin all turned to look at Zheng Qing with strange expressions.

But the witch sitting in the first row didn't look back, she was still looking straight at the podium, her posture was straight, her neck was raised high, like a proud white swan.

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