Hunting High School

Chapter 368 Thank You

Monday night.

Regardless of the old calendar's "don't take anything else" and "everything is inappropriate", and also ignored the use of transfiguration just the night before, the sky was dark, and the black cat jumped out of the balcony of the 403 dormitory again.

This time, its destination was the Qingqiu Mansion at No. 54 in the West District of Beta Town.

The words of Lao Yao before the morning charm class were like a nail, wedged into the heart of the young public fee student, so that he was a little out of control all day long, and from time to time he felt that a giant blue claw the size of the roof was about to fall from the top of his head, He finely sliced ​​the sausages.

Coupled with the hints in and out of Lao Yao's words, so that not long after the sky darkened, he couldn't wait to transform and went straight to his destination.

The streets in the first half of the night were very lively, people were coming and going on the pedestrian street, and the noise was abnormal, but the joys and sorrows of people and cats were different, and the black cat only felt that they were noisy.

Different from the streets, the Qingqiu Mansion at this time is extraordinarily quiet.

Grass sperms shuttle quietly around every corner of the small garden, and any bug that dares to make a sound must be prepared to be eaten; flower sperms lie lazily among the petals of various colors, and from time to time they fly into the air. Spew out a faint but brilliant rainbow light; and most of the maids in the mansion also finished their day's work, quietly enjoying their moment of leisure.

The owner of the mansion was wearing a wide blue shirt, leaning against the window, holding a book in his hand, and lying on his shoulder was a squinting little fox. The tail of the little fox was drooping downwards, covering the witch's chest. Shaking around without a moment, very leisurely.

Suddenly, the tail stopped wagging.

The little fox suddenly raised his head, his bright eyes looked out of the garden, and his furry ears trembled a few times. The witch holding the scroll raised her hand, scratched the little fox's ear, and snorted: "Be quiet, people may just pass by..."

Before the words fell, a wet black cat emerged from the fence outside the mansion. It seemed that it had just crawled out of the water. Its black hairs of different lengths were entangled in a mess, and it looked particularly embarrassed.

"Why did you bury the talisman of the Chaos Curse by the stream!" the black cat yelled angrily, and at the same time shrank its body and shook it vigorously a few times, shaking off a crystal clear drop of water.

When it came outside the mansion today, it planned to jump directly over the creek outside the fence as usual, but unexpectedly stepped on a confusion spell, and instantly couldn't distinguish east from west, north from south, water from the shore, and plunged into the creek. After drinking several sips of cold water, he struggled to climb ashore.

The little fox screamed, jumped off the witch's shoulder excitedly, squeaked, and ran towards the black cat in a puff of smoke.

The witch by the window put down the scroll in her hand, glared at the little fox with some taste, and replied in an indifferent way: "Why else? Desolate courtyard, the piano platform is empty, orphans and widows are at home, why is the heavy door not closed?" ?”

The black cat choked to death at the words.

Fortunately, the little fox had already run to its side at this time, like a puppy, circling around it anxiously. The black cat patiently let her play with its own tail, and then looked back at the window, hesitating How to speak.

After a while, it gave up all the euphemistic and roundabout routes in its mind, and planned to go straight. So he ran straight to the owner of the mansion, jumped onto the window sill, squatted in front of the witch, and bravely looked into her glasses.

When it was about to exit, it realized that its own courage was not as abundant as it thought in its mind, and asked weakly, "What did you do last night?"

Su Shijun tilted his head, glanced at him, and replied naturally: "It's nothing, didn't you get beaten last night? I figured it was related to that old wandering wizard, so I went to smash his room." It’s old... Actually, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. When I was in school, I thought about smashing it... After smashing it, I said hello to Milton by the way, and accidentally demolished his house... What are you doing for it? What happened to this?"


The black cat growled inwardly, embarrassed by the witch's casual mention of his beating, and relieved by her frankness.

Immediately, it realized something more terrible: "You still fought with a wandering wizard? Isn't he a dark wizard? You went alone?

It's too dangerous! "

The corner of the witch's mouth curled up slightly, she picked up the scroll in her hand again, turned a page, and said lazily, "It's just an outdated old guy... who is not a great wizard!"


The little fox clung to the black cat and barked twice in approval. Su Shijun glanced at it, raised his hand, and the head maid of Qingqiu Mansion quietly appeared by the window sill.

"Take her to sleep," the owner of the mansion ordered, "When you get up tomorrow morning, you have to listen to the mother's lecture on the etiquette under the moon. Don't go to bed too late... Watch tight, don't let her steal food."

The little fox looked at the witch in shock, then turned his head and looked at the black cat with aggrieved expression.

The black cat pulled its tail back from the little fox's claws with a guilty conscience, coughed twice, and nodded slightly: "Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health."

Su Man bowed slightly, hugged the little fox who was still struggling, and left quietly.

The house became quiet again, fireflies passed by silently outside the window, and the garden was shimmering, which was really beautiful. Su Shijun was holding a book, reading quietly, as if he had made up his mind not to speak first.

The black cat is on the windowsill, fidgeting.

After hesitating for a while, it finally groaned, carefully feeding back the school's opinion: "Old Yao, I mean, what Professor Yao means is that since everyone is safe and sound, let's just let this matter go, and the school will deal with it seriously." Those students who violated school rules and regulations..."

As he said that, his courage resurfaced unknowingly, and he bravely criticized the witch's behavior: "Furthermore, at any rate, you are also a member of the council under the moon, the eldest lady of Qingqiu. In the future, such impulsive things will still Don't do it, not to mention risking your life, and it will not be good for your image..."

The witch raised her eyebrows slowly.

The black cat's eyes were sharp, and he hurriedly said: "In short, thank you, thank you very much... for everything that happened last night."

The last thank you is sincere.

The witch snorted softly, accepted the black cat's thanks, and shook the scroll slightly in her hand: "After Poseidon's identity is exposed, you have to be more careful in the future. This time it's just some students messing around... If it's outside, God knows what happens."

The black cat nodded obediently, and another incident in the morning flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help asking: "Speaking of students messing around... Last night, some students at school suffered some skin injuries... similar to bruises and swollen faces. Do you know about this?"

Although it is a cat now, I remember very clearly that just now the witch only mentioned fighting with the wandering wizard and Milton, and did not mention the school students, and in its cognition, with Su Shijun's pride, it is impossible to bully him Little, go and pick up a group of school students.

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