Hunting High School

Chapter 371: The Mission Of The Edge Hunting Team

"Winter hunting?"

Jiang Yu rolled a jade bead between his fingers, looked suspiciously at the sincere boy and the trembling little witch in front of him, and confirmed, "Is that so?"

"That's right, that's right!" Li Meng replied imposingly.

"Then it's certainly not the case."

Jiang Yu glanced at the little witch in front of her, and snorted, "If it was such a common question, you would definitely trip him up and talk nonsense, how could you agree so simply."

Zheng Qing and Li Meng were at a loss for words, and Qi Qi had nothing to say.

Indeed, according to Li Meng's general behavior, if she is only discussing ordinary issues, when Jiang Yu asks, she will most likely say, "Brother Zha asked me what Thanksgiving gift I gave to Councilor Su" or "Who is Zheng Zha looking for again?" Disgusting words like "school girl" will never give Zheng Qing a chance to pass the test comfortably.

"I'm wronged!" Li Meng wiped the corners of her eyes, showing a pitiful look.

Zheng Qing began to hesitate whether to sell her "business partner" a minute ago, anyway, she hadn't said any worse words, and the transaction between the two—

Thinking of the deal between the two, the wizard felt a headache and immediately lost the confidence to defend himself.

"Whether you are wronged or not, we will talk about it later."

Jiang Yu lightly wrote the conclusion of this matter, and then changed the topic: "When I just left the office building, I happened to see someone posted a mission to capture three blue-billed cockroaches, offering a reward of three jade pheasants. Coins...then I claimed this mission in the name of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, today"

Having said that, the witch's tone faltered, her thin eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Today is Tuesday, and Thursday is Thanksgiving!" Zheng Qing observed the words and expressions, and was blessed to his heart. He immediately understood Jiang Yu's unfinished intentions, and hurriedly continued: "We still have a whole day to catch those blue-billed cockroaches... Absolutely no problem!"

He slapped his chest loudly.

The witch looked at the wizard with frowned eyebrows, and nodded slightly: "Then today and tomorrow, the hunting team training will be temporarily changed to go to the edge of the Silent Forest to catch blue-billed pheasants. I will prepare the materials now and try to get them before dinner." tripartite approval."

Since the school hunting meeting completed the advanced task last month, the Forgiveness Hunting Team has become the 28th officially registered hunting team of the First University, and has more rights and interests than ordinary registered hunting teams—such as participating in other large-scale hunting teams outside the school. Eligibility for hunting activities or competitions; such as the right to accept 'hunting' tasks issued by the school or outside the school, or having a special pass to enter and leave the school freely during the school day, etc.

Because this kind of task can not only be included in the school practice score, but also can bring huge benefits to the hunters, joining the official hunting team has always been the wish of many First University students.

As for "tripartite approval", it is an abbreviation.

Even if it is an official hunting team, if it wants to enter the Silent Forest at night on a normal school day, it needs the approval of the dean of the direct management college, the student union of the first university, and the working committee of the first university.

Just listening to these names, one knows that getting approval is not an easy task.

But Jiang Yu is Jiang Yu after all.

Before dinner, Zheng Qing received the witch's paper crane as promised, and said that the permission of the forgiveness hunting team to leave the school has been approved. school.

"It's four and a half hours from seven thirty to twelve midnight."

Xin Fatty wrung his fingers, frowned, and analyzed carefully: "Except for preparations such as round trips and gatherings, we only have four hours of hunting time at most... four hours to find three animals hiding somewhere in the silent forest." The blue-billed Tushou chicken, or at night... are you crazy?"

He raised his head and glared at Zheng Qing.

The young public finance student pretended not to hear, and took a piece of fine flannel to wipe the Colt silver python in his hand seriously. The talisman bullets rolled out of the talisman paper were arranged in a row, neatly arranged on the desk.

"Time is really tight." Xiao Xiao was also making pre-hunting preparations. Hearing this, he stretched out his hand to push his glasses, and glanced at the fat wizard: "But

This mission is not a hunting game, we don’t need to be as rigid as before, we can be a little more flexible..."

"Like?" Sim Fatty blinked.

Zheng Qing also stopped working and looked at Xiao Xiao.

Although he had shown a calm appearance just now, he also had no idea in his heart, and felt that tonight would probably fail in all likelihood. Because Thursday is Thanksgiving, there have been a lot of tasks to hunt turkeys recently. The stupid chickens that are easy to find and catch have been plucked early, and the ones that are still alive and kicking in the woods are all chickens.

"For example, we can ask Maodou to help." Xiao Xiao took out a blue-billed pheasant feather from his pocket, and waved it in front of the eyes of the two roommates: "During the hunting competition, Maodou can't play... this kind of private For the mission, we must always use all the forces we can.”

"In addition, the time is not four hours." Dylan popped his head out of the coffin and lazily reminded: "Today Tuesday and tomorrow Wednesday, we have two nights of hunting time, which means at least eight hours... It’s almost equivalent to a whole day. If a registered hunting team can’t catch a few turkey chickens in eight hours, why not take the initiative to apply for cancellation of the hunting team.”

Except for the last sentence, Zheng Qing agrees with everything the vampire werewolf said.

So, after dinner, when he went to dap;k with a few companions, the worries between his brows had almost dissipated, and he regained his former vitality.

When passing by a small forest, he happened to see Nicholas leading his hunting team out from behind the bushes. Nicholas was holding a wild fox in his hand. After seeing Zheng Qing, he shrank the fox in his hand back subconsciously.

"Night training?" The captain of the fringe hunting team looked at the equipment of Zheng Qing and the others, and greeted them simply.

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team waved his hand nonchalantly, and replied in a casual tone: "Well, I have received an off-campus mission, and I may need to go to the Silent Forest at night... Are you hunting foxes? Recently, it seems that A lot of people are catching these little guys."

He didn't notice at all that the companions behind him gave each other a few winks.


"Silent Forest?"

Hearing the answer from the Forgiveness Hunting Team, several hunters in the Edge Hunting Team showed envy in their eyes, and Nicholas looked at Zheng Qing with a strange expression: "You don't know?"

"Know what?" Zheng Qing was puzzled.

Nicholas hesitated, and slightly raised the spoils in his hands, as if to convey some message to the young public fee student.

It's a pity that Zheng Qing still looked dazed.

"Nothing!" Liu Feifei twisted Nicholas quietly, then pointed at the little fox, and smiled apologetically: "The reward for this mission is very generous, so... well, I won't disturb your training, and I wish you a smooth hunt!"

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