Hunting High School

Three Hundred And Seventy Second Chapter Is The Fault Of Deformation

Following the chief student's auspicious words, the forgiveness hunting team hunted very smoothly that night.

Not only did they not encounter any unplanned situations, but with the help of Maodou, they easily found a brood of blue-billed pheasants, one male, two females, and five cubs.

No one in the hunting team intends to keep these cubs as pets, and dap;k's store has limited space and can't accommodate five noisy little guys, so these chicks were sent by Zheng Qing after their parents were tied up to deliver the mission. Give the edamame a tooth-fighting ceremony.

"It's a cold and cruel world."

The next afternoon, before the Magic Biology class, Zheng Qing happened to turn to Galliformes Phasianidae, and saw the figure of a bug in the forest leisurely chattering in the forest, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly, expressing such emotion.

It's a pity that no one responded.

The young public finance student resisted the urge to look around and tried his best to focus on the textbook in front of him. Because Biology of Magic is an elective course, and there are students from other colleges in the class, in order to avoid rumors and accidents, Zheng Qing has chosen a seat away from Jiang Yu in the last few classes.

And other students in the class also intentionally or unintentionally vacated the seats around the wizard - some of them didn't want to be involved with the biggest trouble in the school, but more people felt more like Zheng Qing. It's 'respect and stay away'. It seems that some of the aura that shrouded Su Shijun before is spreading to him unknowingly as time goes by.

This delicate atmosphere has relieved some of Zheng Qing's pressure to some extent. It is manifested in daily life, that is, there are fewer people who make trouble for him on the surface, and everyone will subconsciously keep a certain safe distance from him in public places; but at the same time However, this kind of atmosphere intensifies his pressure in another direction. To use a more fashionable word to describe it, it means that with "idol pressure", his every move is being watched secretly.

Zheng Qing dares to bet that if he greeted a certain witch with a smile or said a few more words in class today, the next day's Beta Town Post or the Bugle will have articles scolding himself for seeing the new and dislike the old. Maybe there will be professional legal professionals analyzing the issue of Poseidon's custody rights or the property inheritance of the Qingqiu mansion. Correspondingly, the witch who greeted him would inevitably be stripped of his identity and bear some very irrational remarks.

After all, there are a lot of brainless people and people who think they have brains but actually have no brains in this world, even wizards are no exception.

Click, click.

The second hand beat unhurriedly, ignoring the anxiety in the wizard's heart at all. After Zheng Qing's lack of focus gaze wandered back to the textbook for a long time, he was slowly attracted by the pocket watch he placed on the corner of the table, subconsciously raised his hand, and pressed the tip of his index finger against the transparent glass mirror.

More than once, he fantasized that Own's fingertips could penetrate the lens like Mr., move the hands on the dial, and let everything go back to before the Bugle report came out—or fast forward to the end of this lesson.

But every time, the hard feeling at the fingertips coldly rejected his fantasy.

This time is no exception.

It's just that when the fingertips touched the pocket watch, not far from him, the whispers of the two wizards obliquely behind caught the boy's attention.

"A fox is only two dimes? How can you drop so much! I remember that the task said that a fox is five dimes, and you pay when you see the goods... It doesn't make sense and you regret it in a few days!"

"Someone has already complained to the school work committee, but it is said that this task has not been notarized by the school, it is a 'private commission', and the power of interpretation is in the hands of the entrusting party, so the probability of successful complaints is very low."


"Dan Ding, Dan Ding... A fox is not a two-tailed squirrel, it can't fly, and it's easy to catch. As long as you bring a chicken leg, you can earn a few silver coins by walking around the forest and grass between classes. , very cost-effective."

"It turned out to be quite a bargain, but the number of foxes that meet the requirements has become less and less..."

For some reason, the voices of the two wizards became lower and lower, almost inaudible.

Finally, Zheng Qing couldn't help it, raised his hand to support his head, and glanced slightly to the rear, but was surprised to find that the two said

The speaking wizard was quite a distance away from him, and normal ears would never be able to hear the sound that far away.

Deformation sequelae!

These words immediately appeared in his mind, and the thoughts that were originally attracted by "fox business" were instantly submerged in the sudden surge of uneasiness, so that when the round-faced lecturer walked in with a peculiar tooth about a foot thick, When there were exclamations in the classroom, the young public fee student was still rolling up his sleeves, carefully looking at the thickness and color of the vellus hair on his arm.

This absent-minded attitude lasted an entire section on magical creatures.

The get out of class bell rang, and after the teacher on the podium said the word 'end get out of class', Zheng Qing ignored the strange eyes of others, ran to the dormitory with his textbooks in his arms.

Thankfully, after careful examination, he found no other symptoms of post-deformation syndrome on his body.

When Xiao Xiao hurried back to the dormitory, Zheng Qing had regained his composure and was flying a blue paper crane on the balcony—the paper crane was a reply to Jiang Yu, and his behavior of leaving the classroom in a hurry earlier also attracted the attention of the witch.

"It should be a benign sequelae."

After listening to Zheng Qing's rambling description, Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and replied with some uncertainty: "In short, if you want to be completely at ease, you can either go to the school hospital for treatment, or control the number of deformations yourself... the same as before , I still recommend that you control the number of transformations."

This choice Zheng Qing discussed with his colleagues more than once. If he goes to the hospital for treatment, it means that his deformed form will be known to more people. In the current environment, not only does he face more risks, but he is also very likely to be punished by the school for "casting transfiguration in violation of regulations"— ——After all, according to the original arrangement of the professors, Zheng Qing learned Transfiguration to treat headaches, and the number of times to perform it was strictly limited, but he now regarded filling out the application form as some kind of perfunctory work.

"I don't need to change shape now."

The young public finance student sighed heavily, changed his mind, and remembered the conversation between the two wizards he heard in class again: "By the way, have you heard recently that someone in the school has issued a task to catch foxes?"

Xiao Xiao tilted his head and glanced at him.

After a while, he nodded slightly.

"I've heard of it." He didn't seem to want to discuss it.

Zheng Qing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and felt that the answer should be very unpleasant: "Is there anything I don't know? It feels like you are all hiding something from me."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses seriously, and finally replied: "It's not really a secret. It's just that it's not bad for you, but it's not good for you if you know it, so no one talks about it... Speaking of it, this This matter has something to do with your ability to change shape. Recently, there have been rumors from somewhere that you are proficient in shape change, and that your shape change is a fox, which is why Councilman Su favors you."

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