Hunting High School

Chapter 380 Bedbugs

first rank off.

About five hundred and sixty-eight milliliters.

One-ninth of the blood volume in an adult's body, theoretically, with this level of blood loss, there will be mild or early shock symptoms, such as palpitation, shortness of breath, dry mouth, fatigue, etc., which are not considered harmful to wizards. On the contrary, in the opinion of many old-school wizards, the regimen of moderate bloodletting has some benefits for the human body.

Therefore, after hearing Dr. Duzem's plan, Professor Montelia's attitude changed quietly. The two powers had slowly compromised in their hearts, and subconsciously planned the possibility of completing this matter.

"You can't do it at school," the professor said softly, his face still hidden under the shadow of his hood, as if it would make him feel more at ease: "There are too many eyes on her in school, causing troubles without authorization, and our experiment It's not doing any good."

"But she was very alert as an adult and hardly ever left the school alone."

Dr. Duzem walked slowly to the bookcase, pulled out Own's two eyeballs, threw them into a glass filled with liquid medicine, and slowly cleaned them, analyzing what he had observed before: "...and she slipped out alone When I was in school, I usually looked like a child, and there was no way to safely extract blood from the first Beta Town is not an appropriate choice."

Obviously, he has been very concerned about the Philosopher's Stone that he 'lost'.

Professor Montelia took a deep look at the owner of the study, then glanced over the tall full-length mirror in the corner of the room, and murmured: "If you have been lost in the mirror for decades, and then wandered in the dreamland for decades, you She will also become vigilant... Since the school and Beta Town are not allowed, let her leave these two places."

"for example?"

"Winter hunting."

The professor's voice became more and more indifferent, and the plan became more and more detailed: "This year's school hunting competition reform has achieved good results, so this year's winter hunting will follow the rules of the hunting team instructor... As the instructor of the fringe hunting team, she There is a high probability that she will receive the task of secretly guarding the hunting team... which means she needs to enter the edge of the silent forest."

Rough planning is drawn up.

The study room immediately fell into an oppressive silence, except for the slight knocking sound of the glass rod when it stirred the eyeballs in the cup, there was no other sound.

After a long time, Dr. Duzem's voice sounded again: "Will it attract her father's attention?"

Ever since they planned to take action against the Philosopher's Stone, the two of them tacitly avoided the words used in the conversation, lest they attract the attention of a certain existence.

"I thought you had already considered this possibility at the beginning of the plan." Professor Monteria's voice unconsciously carried a hint of ridicule, but he was not overly sarcastic, but simply analyzed: "Although we have something for her Attempts, but there is no conceptual malice, and will not touch those lofty sights. Of course, for safety reasons, in addition to the necessary anti-divination and shielding magic, a certain degree of confusion magic can also play a good role. Effect."

Dr. Duzem raised his head, looked at the professor standing at the door with his empty and bloodshot eyes, and nodded slightly:

"You are an expert in this area, if you need anything, just ask."

The professor raised his hand and pulled the brim of his hat politely to show his leave.

After opening the door, he didn't leave immediately, but stayed at the door for a few seconds.

"By the way,"

Standing at the door, Professor Montelia turned his back to the owner of the bookstore, and reminded in his usual blunt tone: "As a professor who runs a laboratory at First University, it is normal for wizards who have intersected with the research area to come and go during the day. If I sneak into your research institute at night, I will be noticed by others."

While speaking, his figure continued to blur, and before he could utter the last word, his whole body turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in place, leaving only the lingering sound of the bird, which took a long time to slowly dissipate.


The door of the study was shut heavily.

Dr. Duzem put his skinny fingers into the glass, picked up Own's two eyeballs, carefully and carefully

He stuffed it back into the eye sockets, then closed his eyes, and rubbed the big holes around the eyes.

After a while, with his eyes closed, he groped to the tall full-length mirror behind the door, and pulled off the velvet curtain covering the mirror.

The usually noisy full-length mirror seemed to be able to sense the owner's mood, and became extraordinarily well-behaved, holding his breath, and refused to say a word.

for a long time.

Dr. Duzem slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the dark figure in the mirror with the dim light of the night outside the window.

"You look like a bedbug now."

He said to himself in the mirror.



"There's an old saying, 'There can only be one bug in the noodle.'"

Ruoyu, the vice president of First University, murmured such a sentence.

At this moment, he was sitting behind his tall desk, clasped his hands, and looked sideways at the deep night outside the window. The large black robe submerges the equally large high-backed chair below him. In front of the desk, the sphinxes, vampires, werewolves and other statues under the steps seem to be submerged in the black tide. Indistinct.

In this huge palace-like office, apart from the old man, there are no other wizards. But he was not talking to himself, but to the puppet sitting on the desk.

The puppet wears a black top hat, a straight tuxedo, dark striped trousers, pointed leather shoes, and a slender civilized stick in his hand. His face is pale, his eyes are narrow and long, and there is a long and thin pointed nose.

Hearing the old man speak, the puppet turned its brain very carefully.

Unfortunately, it has neither a heart nor a brain.

So, after thinking for a while, it had to give up thinking, and asked curiously, "Professor, why is there only one bedbug in the noodles?"

"Because anyone who finds a bug in their bowl will never bother to find a second one, but will just dump the whole bowl of noodles."

The vice-principal of the First University withdrew his gaze from the starry sky in the night, looked at the little puppet on the table, and said softly: "Having said that, but in actual life, when many people encounter this situation, they will I am reluctant to throw away the whole bowl of noodles, and I always feel that the leftover noodles can still be eaten after washing... It is a very shameful act to waste food at any time."

"This sounds a bit contradictory." The puppet touched his slender nose and thought with some difficulty. After all, it is a puppet and does not need to eat noodles.

"It is indeed contradictory."

The old man shrank into the seat again, which made him look even smaller, then he turned his head, looked at the bright starry sky outside the window again, and murmured: "Dumping the whole bowl of noodles is out of mental cleanliness; I don't want to Throwing out the whole bowl of noodles is based on practical those experiments that Professor Monteria did in private."

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