Hunting High School

Chapter 381: Report

"Professor Monteria? Is that the professor who called for the development of demon blood transplant experiments?"

"You know him too?"


The puppet raised its arms, turned the brim of its own top hat slightly, and replied happily and reservedly: "After all, I have dealt with the alliance a lot on your behalf...they are very dangerous to the school. The wizard is very concerned, and even made a roster, including this Montelia professor... But I remember that the school has closed his laboratory?"

"It's easy to shut down a laboratory, but it's hard to seal off a wizard's deep desire to explore."

Old Ruoyu sighed faintly: "If you stand high enough and see enough, then you can easily understand some of their choices."

The puppet's round eyes rolled.

"I heard that the assistant teaching team destroyed an illegal laboratory in the Silent Forest a few days ago?" It asked tentatively, "It is said that it was used for experiments on demon blood and flesh transplantation."

Withered hands protruded from under the robe, and the old wizard sitting behind the desk raised his hand and pressed it on the silver wolf-headed cane leaning against the chair. The puppet shrank its neck subconsciously. Fortunately, the old man did not Hit it with the cane, just caressing the silver-white wolf's head.

"I heard, it's said." Ruoyu twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a trace of self-mockery: "Only by adding these few words can it show that the news in the school is still well-informed..."


Suddenly there were two knocks on the door.

The owner of the office looked at the door calmly, while the puppet on the desk squatted obediently behind the Bijia Mountain, hiding it tightly. In order to prevent the top hat from being discovered, it even took off its own head. in my arms.

"Please come in."

Ruoyu old man ordered in a deep voice.

As soon as the words were spoken, at the end of the office, the flames of the Gubulai Immortal Fire on both sides of the gate swayed slightly, casting two clear rays of light, and the darkness in the room fluctuated like a tide.

As if Moses crossed the Red Sea, the darkness rolled to both sides under the illumination of the ancient celestial fire, revealing a slender path under the dim light, extending from the door to the bottom of the steps.

A slightly thin figure stepped on the slender light path and hurried to the bottom of the steps, took off the hood, revealing a pale young witch's face.

"Reporting to the principal, the teaching assistants monitored a short-term contact between two wizards of 'concern' level, from 7:34pm to 7:52pm on November 27th, no abnormalities were observed .”

After the witch finished the main content of the report in one breath, she realized that she had missed the most important part. A blush rose on her cheeks, and she stammered and added: "Yes... the meeting is between Professor Monteria and Dr. Du Zemu... Captain Zhang Yu thinks this matter needs to be reported to you."

Perhaps because of nervousness, after reporting these words, she realized that the old man behind the desk hadn't asked her to report yet, which made the blush on her face fade away quickly, and her paleness returned, even paler than before.

In the tumbling darkness on both sides of the light path, many figures of Mohu could be vaguely seen, as if they were sizing her up maliciously, and gathered towards her position. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the witch always felt that she heard a lot of whispers, but when she paid close attention, she couldn't hear anything.

"They just like to joke with young people, and they don't have any malicious intentions." The old man behind the desk had a gentle voice, and at the same time lightly paused the wooden stick in his hand.

The tip of the stick hit the carpet, but it made a crisp sound.

Accompanied by crisp sounds, the magic torches hanging on the walls on both sides of the office lit up one after another, illuminating this huge, palace-like office in an instant.

The black 'tide' receded, revealing the shadowy 'reefs' underwater, but they were vivid stone statues. Many of them are magical creatures familiar to wizards, such as vampires, werewolves, centaurs, minotaurs, murlocs, vulpes, zombies, etc. There are also many witches who cannot distinguish clearly for a while.

For example, there are three heads, or five legs, and creatures that are entangled like mist.

The witch never knew that a cloud of mist could be carved so vividly by stone.

At this moment, these statues are all squatting neatly on both sides, neatly arranged, as if they are really just ordinary stone carvings. Only the sphinxes on the left and right sides below the steps tilted their heads, their eyes were gurgling, and they stared blankly at the witch whose face had regained some blood, full of curiosity.

"Sorry," the old man behind the desk said with a smile, "As I get older, I always like to quietly recall some past events in dark places... Actually, most of the time, my office is still very bright."

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"

The witch hurriedly raised her hand and waved it slightly in front of her chest, wanting to say 'not black, not black', which felt a little hypocritical and not sincere; but if it was changed to 'it doesn't matter', it seemed a bit exaggerated, and it was still inappropriate.

Before she could figure out how to speak, Old Ruoyu spoke again: "Tell Zhang Yu after you go back that he did a good job on this matter. Well, there is no need to use additional investigation resources for the time being. Next time in a similar situation, you can also report to Zhang Yu. Dean Yao of Jiuyou Academy reported. That's it... oh, by the way, I'm still the vice-principal... A qualified wizard should maintain sufficient rigor at all times."

With a pale face, the witch forced herself to salute, and then left the office in a frivolous step.

The magic torches on both sides of the wall went out one by one again, and the black tide swept the huge space again. Only the two Gubulai fairy fires on the left and right sides of the gate in the distance were still burning docilely in the darkness, like two shining flames. eyeball.

"You frightened the kid."

These were the first words the puppet man said after he put his head back on his neck.

"Is there?" The old man Ruoyu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then showed a little thought: "What I said just quite satisfactory, even the last suggestion is very's not really a criticism."

"It's not good to live for a long time. It's easy to lose sensitivity to the world. In this regard, you are not even as good as us wood." The puppet shook his head, and after feeling old-fashioned, he changed the subject: In the report just now, it is obvious that since Vice Principal Shi Hui left the school, the teaching assistant team is more inclined to you than the newly appointed Ms. Emma... This is very helpful for the stability of the school."

If the foolish old man rubbed the wolf's head crutch in his hand, he was noncommittal.

After a while, the old man spoke again, but he mentioned another name in the report just now: "How much do you know about that Dr. Duzem?"

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