Hunting High School

Chapter 401: The Magic Text Professor Talks About The Magic Text

The magic text class of Astronomy 08-1 class is normally scheduled from 2 pm to 5 pm on Tuesday, but in the fourteenth week of this semester, because it coincides with the Lantern Festival, the magic text class has been cancelled.

Theoretically, each class at First University is unique, and there is no possibility of "resuming classes" for canceled classes. However, Professor Montelia, who taught the magic text class, was stubborn and tough, and very seriously applied to the professors' joint meeting for extra classes on Saturdays and Sundays to make up for the teaching loss caused by the holiday.

The application was strongly resisted by the student union.

It is impossible to add additional classes, and the whole school has never heard of a precedent of making up the classes brought by the holidays during the holidays. The conflict between the two parties was placed on the round table of the professors' joint meeting, which made the deans of several colleges scratch their heads.

On the one hand, Professor Monteria's conscientious and responsible attitude is very commendable, and the relevant reasons he submitted are also very good - including the end of the term, the recent school activities, the advanced rune is a very important course, and the solid foundation Want to be important to the future of every young wizard, etc.

On the other hand, the student union's defense is also very strong, that is, it is not in compliance with the rules - the school has holidays according to regulations, students have vacations according to regulations, and the theory of make-up classes is not supported by relevant "rules" such as the "First University Management Regulations".

The old wizards at the joint meeting struggled for a long time, and finally came up with a compromise plan after weighing it up, which was to cancel Thursday afternoon's "career planning" and replace it with a rune class.

One is a school-wide basic course, and the other is a school-wide elective course, which is more important at a glance.

So there was the complaint of the little stick figure behind the door, "a ghost story that made the magic portrait work overtime".

When the skinny rune professor in a black robe walked into the classroom, everyone lowered their heads, nervously checking their rune translations, lest they be called by the professor to write silently on the blackboard.

The professor had a stern face, with a frightening low pressure all over his body, his dark yellow skin tensed on his high cheekbones, and he scanned the classroom with his usual stern eyes.

Everyone held their breath like a frightened quail.


A large stack of parchment was thrown on the desk by the professor, the sound was not loud, but everyone's heart jumped a few times, and the air in the whole classroom seemed to freeze.

"I didn't intend to occupy your rest time, let alone grab the class time of other teachers."

Professor Montelia's voice was not high, but it was very clear in the quiet classroom: "However, the homework you handed in this week really disappointed me... If you follow your bad translation and writing habits, I doubt that in a few weeks, anyone will get a passing grade in the end-of-semester exam!"

These words are a little heavy.

Zheng Qing subconsciously glanced at own at the same table, Xiao Xiao stood upright, looked at the podium with a serious expression, and seemed completely unaware that he was included in the scope of the professor's attack.

"Zheng Qing!" The professor tapped on the desk gently with his fingers.

The young public finance student suddenly withdrew his wandering gaze, and jumped up from his seat as if he had been shocked by an electric shock: "Yes, professor!"

"What do you know about the runes we have learned?"

This question is too big, Zheng Qing suddenly felt a little numb, and after a while, he answered intermittently: "The magic text... the modern magic text... the modern standard magic text is created according to the growth rules of the Kabbalah tree... the magic text is divided It is the primary rune and the secondary rune...each rune represents a phoneme, that is, a sound...then each rune has a corresponding noun, and starts or ends with a rune-related pronunciation...well, the rune consists of It is composed of straight lines in the shape of branches. The 'branches' protrude upwards or downwards along the diagonal or in a curved shape. Then when writing, you can write from left to right or from right to left according to your own writing habits, or flip asymmetrical, etc... "

"Stop!" Professor Monteria interrupted the wizard's answer, and asked back: "Besides the writing method, do you have any other 'non-standard' format requirements for the runes you have learned?"

Non-standard requirements?

Zheng Qing doesn't quite understand

, shook his head in a daze.


The professor slapped the stack of parchment and raised his voice slightly: "Since there are no other non-standard requirements, why do so many people put 'ciphertext' in the standard rune assignment I asked for? Who told you to use Qiqingqiku refers to seven metals? Why do you use a snake to swallow another snake to represent the process of fusion? Who taught you these writing methods full of metaphors and references!"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing immediately understood the reason for the professor's temper today.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the "non-standard" writing method mentioned by the professor is like the use of Martian script or emoji in a composition for the college entrance examination by students. It seems to be a very popular writing method among young wizards, and even In addition to being playful and cute, it can also fully express the author's mood.

But in the eyes of the professor, this is a serious desecration of the standard runes!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"I know that there must be many people who say that I am 'rigid', 'inflexible' and 'old antique' in their hearts. There are also some students who think that the standard runes will continue to evolve with the times. The inclusion of these 'popular words' in runes is Some kind of performance that conforms to the development of the times."

The professor put one hand on the desk and grabbed the handout with the other. He restrained his anger a little bit, but his attitude was still stern: "I will not deny any possibility. But what I want to emphasize is that the rune class is a standard rune class. Lesson... just like the sentence I instilled in you in the first class-what is the rune? The rune is the analysis of wisdom and the consciousness of each of us, and it is a set of effective methods established by wizards. The way of communication belongs to the wizard's "universal language"...whether it is the ancient rune-rune language, or the more obscure Thebes witch language, Malachi mother language, special language, etc., every magical language They all contain the understanding and development of magic by the corresponding wizarding group."

"Why did the magic societies of the old era disintegrate with the development of the times? Why did the old-school wizards let their descendants enter the first university to learn modern magic theory and knowledge?"

"Because 'ciphertext' represents estrangement, disagreement, self-preservation and mutual defense, the relics of ancient inheritance, narrowness, obscurity, and eccentricity!"

"The magic of a long time ago was completely 'mysterious'. The runes invented and used by the old wizards hiding in the mage tower or deep in the forest carried out that kind of mystery and agnosticism. In order to maintain their rule and authority, They deliberately use their own pictures, coincidences and strange marks to hide spells and magic knowledge... And this is something we never respect! The wizards of a thousand years ago left behind many magical experiences that we may never have. Now is the chance to decipher it; don’t you think wizards a thousand years from now will not be able to read your magic notes?”

"The First University is built on the basis of openness, tolerance, and mutual understanding. Even if it is a demon, we have enough heart to accept it. Even the dangerous Black Devil method experiment, we can tolerate it... The only unacceptable thing is Rebuild the walls of knowledge and influence the interpretation of our magic by later generations!"

"This tendency, even if it is just a symptom, must be resolutely stopped!"

The professor's arm holding the handout was swung down obliquely, making a heavy cutting gesture.

. :

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