Hunting High School

Chapter 402 Important Things

"When talking about academics, it is 'openness, tolerance, and mutual understanding'. When it comes to face-to-face dealings in reality, the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes."

After class, as soon as Professor Montelia disappeared from the door of the classroom, Xin Fatty couldn't wait to turn around and complain to his two companions:

"To be reasonable, if people in Alpha can't understand the magic theories we created, can't understand our magic notes, and listen to our discussions with straight eyes, will there be anyone in the whole school who will not support it? Everyone will Raise your hands and feet in favor!"

"Alpha's magic research is still a bit more advanced than that of Jiuyou College." Dr. Xiao pushed his glasses, and reminded him softly: "You are telling the truth the wrong way."

"I'm just making an analogy!" The fat wizard waved his hands a little irritably, looking at the thoughtful Zheng Qing, seeking moral support: "Brother scum, what do you think?"

"Huh? What? Um, it makes sense, it makes sense..." The public finance student seemed to have just recovered, and after a few perfunctory words, he hesitated and asked back: "Do you think the professor said before that the 'dangerous Black Devil method experiment' , and we can also tolerate 'Is this a joke?"

"That's just an analogy..."

"The previous sentence 'Even if it is a monster, we have enough hearts to accept' I don't think he is using metaphors at all." Zheng Qing complained, and finally shook his head: "In short...don't care, don't care, Trouble at this level is none of our business... What is the situation of the covenant you mentioned before class?"

The last question was for Xiao Xiao.

The apologetic fortune teller took out a piece of parchment and replied briskly: "Oh, I mean the matter of winter hunting. Although the fringe hunting team has just been established, but because of the outstanding performance of the school hunting club, it has also won the title of 'middle level'. 'The hunting ground, and the location is close to the area where we forgive... I mean, before the winter hunting, the two hunting teams will enter into an offensive and defensive alliance, and if they encounter risks, they will support each other."

"Aren't there nursing assistants and professors?"

"If you can solve it by yourself, try to solve it by yourself. The school also supports students to help each other... Try not to think of the professors helping... According to past experience, I doubt that those assistants or professors will wait until everyone in our hunting team loses consciousness. Only after that."

Thinking about what happened during the winter hunting last year, Zheng Qing felt that this was extremely reasonable.

He looked up to the other side of the classroom. Fortunately, Nicholas hadn't left yet, and he was discussing something with Liu Feifei in a low voice.

Seeing Zheng Qing's greeting, the captain of the fringe hunting team rushed over excitedly with his family members.


When Nicholas first heard the invitation from the Forgiveness Hunting Team, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face, but he still cheered up: "Oh, I mean, I might need to discuss this matter with other teammates... probably no Problematic. I thought..."

He shrugged and didn't finish the sentence.

Zheng Qing glanced over the red magic stone ring on the right hand of the tall and thin wizard, and involuntarily flashed in his mind the target of Mr. Arrogant during the last meeting of the Seven Deadly Sins, and couldn't help but joked: "You think we are looking for you to chat What is it for, did you send you a group of big frogs? You shouldn’t need frogs to cast spells now.”

"But there are never too many frogs."

Before Nicholas opened his mouth, Liu Feifei stuffed a piece of mulberry paper into the nose of the public servant and asked a large number of frogs to practice basic magic. If you are willing to provide some help, it would be great... I heard that dap;k is with the Linzhong Lake murloc tribe Signed a long-term supply agreement, can always get high-quality and cheap frogs? "

"Professional managers are in charge of things in the store, I'm just a name." Zheng Qing smiled dryly, looking down at the mulberry paper. Unsurprisingly, it was a flyer for 'Give me a frog, please'.

Liu Feifei wanted to say something, but was quietly tugged by Nicholas, and finally sighed silently.



In the next few days, Zheng Qing felt that life was a bit chaotic.

The Beta Town Post's story on the 'Frog' movement

After the ripples aroused spread outside the school, they were sent back to the First University again in the shock, and the wizards in Jiuyou Academy began to clearly divide into two factions.

The faction with a small number of people supports the 'Please give me a frog' movement. They have received strong support from the North Area Wizards and Wizards Liberation Association, and they can make small movements almost every day, or give a speech at Linzhong Lake, or go to the school around the school Parades, group-buying frogs, condolences to the North Side, and seemingly endless deliveries, and so on and on.

The faction with a large number of people emphasized that the four colleges should sit down and discuss this matter, and Jiuyou College should not take full responsibility, and before the school and the alliance have no clear attitude, the students' opinions are too weak—of course, Zheng Qing I feel that there are more people in this faction, and it is more likely because the end of the period is approaching, and everyone has no time or energy to deal with the wizards of the North District.

After all, this is Jiuyou College.

There is nothing more important than an exam.

As the days passed, Dongshou's footsteps kept approaching. More and more hunting teams began to compete for limited training grounds, including places for night training. I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zheng Qing feels that every time the Forgiveness Hunting Team trains, there are always many prying eyes around them, which is quite annoying.

At the same time, Zheng Qing had to spare the little time left to deal with other things—for example, on Thursday night, he went to the Qingqiu Mansion and invited Su Shijun to be the instructor during the winter hunting for forgiveness; another example was Friday In the evening, he turned into a cat and quietly went to the branch office of the Danhag Notary Office in First University to receive the task reward of Mr. Arrogant.

With the attention of the contract in the dark, the actions of the 'Black Cat' body have been certified by magic, and it is easy to confirm his contribution to the 'Catalytic Frog Movement'.

Mr. Pride's reward is fifty jade coins, no more, no less.

The biggest advantage of this reward is that Zheng Qing finally doesn't have to pick and choose from the cat tributes of Maoguoshu to prepare Christmas gifts for the witches—hunting rewards, dap;k dividends and other miscellaneous income in the past six months Added together, it is quite expensive. In addition to the daily expenses and the consumption of various magic experiments, the young public finance student estimates that he can easily squeeze out a hundred jade coins for the holiday budget.

The only question left was what gift to prepare.

For ordinary students, one hundred jade coins is a very large number, and the general gifts sold in Beta Town, no matter whether it is Dharma books, Pandora's treasure box, or other cosmetics, there are no options that can afford this price. Fortunately, there are still more than two weeks for Zheng Qing to think about it slowly.

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