Hunting High School

Chapter 458 Not A Good Fruit

The owner of the Qingqiu mansion seemed to have ten thousand answers why he wanted the young public servant.

With a stiff smile on Zheng Qing's face, he followed her step by step, as if he was leading the way for the guests, but at the same time, he was keenly aware of a line of sight drifting over from another corner of the room, It was as if strands of cold wind outside the house were blowing on the back of his neck, pouring into his back along his collar, cooling his back that had just been soaked in cold sweat.

Su Shijun seems to have also noticed this 'coolness'.

"Huh? That squad leader of yours is walking this way."

Her attention was immediately attracted by another witch who came slowly, and she nodded indifferently to the wandering wizard, while happily describing in Zheng Qing's ear: "... She pretended to go to get wine , but I was able to figure out that her destination is here... well, there are still three people away... I have to say that her skirt today is very beautiful, it seems to be a high-end dress from last month... Two people... the wine she chose tastes good too, with citrus, lemon, white peach, and orchid smells in it... one person is missing..."

The voice in his ear was like the whisper of a Devil, rustling, making Zheng Qing feel as if hundreds of small bugs were crawling across his back, and his every move was like a thorn on his back——At first, he was still worried because he was "smashing the field" not long ago Su Shijun will have conflicts with the wandering wizards, and now it seems that the communication between great wizards always has a higher degree of 'fault tolerance', and he should be more worried about himself.

Zheng Qing began to seriously consider the possibility of running away.

Just like the people in the desert will evolve long eyelashes to resist the wind and sand, the narrow nasal cavity of the people at high latitudes can warm up the cold air, the skin of people who often work outdoors will become rough and thick under the wind and sun, etc. , Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the most primitive instinct of living things, and it is also a kind of talent that living things are constantly evolving.

The harsh environment will greatly promote this evolutionary process.

Just like Zheng Qing.

Before entering university, he would blush whenever he talked to others, but after only one and a half years, he was able to deal with several witches with ease-inexplicably, he thought of the book "The Red and the Witch" that he had read in middle school. "Black", Julien Sorel, who was a carpenter, easily captured the hearts and minds of the two ladies, etc., no, this example is inappropriate, Zheng Qing feels that he is not as ambitious as Julien.

As soon as he thought about it, he thought of "Eugenie Grandet" again. Eugenie's cousin named Charlie went from frivolous and naive to vicious and greedy in just a few years. Shrunk, dried up.

No, no, my heart is still alive.

The young public fee student subconsciously raised his hand, touched his chest, and tried his best to restrain the various thoughts in his mind. It's a pity that the chance to escape was fleeting, and the active and chaotic thoughts in his mind greatly interfered with the wizard's choice.

"It's a pleasure to have you here for dap;k's first anniversary,"

Jiang Yu's happy voice reached the wizard's ears. She was greeting the owner of Qingqiu Mansion: "dap;k's development cannot be separated from Qingqiu Mansion, Linzhong Lake and many other friends' help..."

"The help from the Qingqiu mansion is not for friends,"

Su Shijun unhurriedly interrupted Jiang Yu's greetings: "After all, in the not-too-distant future, this store may be inherited by Poseidon... It's not a dowry savings, but it's not bad as daily pocket money."

"I don't really recommend that you mention Poseidon in your store."

The squad leader of the forgiveness hunting team reminded lightly: "In addition to Linda Barnes, that Granny Crystal was also an excellent reporter and worked for the Beta Town Post for a long time... Well, try this, I just saw it in the elf tray, it looks very beautiful."

She said the latter sentence to Zheng Qing.

While speaking, she handed the small silver tray in her hand to the wizard with a clear nose and an attractive color.

Zheng Qing felt a little uneasy and cleared his throat, his eyes fell on the fruit honestly, and he thanked in a low voice without confidence:

"Thank you, thank you..."

Then he cautiously stretched out two fingers, little

Heartily picked up a fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, and took a bite.

For a moment, the wizard felt that he had crushed a lump of concentrated sulfuric acid.

It's hard to describe this sour and spicy feeling in words, like millet spicy with vinegar sauce, but it's absolutely not as delicious as that kind of food, the thin flesh bursts in the mouth, Zheng Qing feels every bite on his tongue Every taste bud is frantically asking him for help.

It's just that for the dignity of a man, he had to act as if nothing had happened and didn't care.

"How does it taste?" The squad leader asked with a smile.

The taste is quite amazing.

This is what Zheng Qing was about to say, but he tried to move his tongue, only to realize sadly that own tongue seems to have no feeling.

Therefore, he could only give a thumbs up with tears in his eyes.

"Why does he have that expression?" Jiang Yu seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the wizard.

Su Shijun carefully looked at the other fruit left on the plate.

"I guess, he should have eaten a raw Tochitang plum." As a great wizard, the owner of Qingqiu Mansion is also very knowledgeable, and quickly made a judgment: "Mature Tochitangmei is naturally rare. Delicious, but like these two…”

She picked up another fruit in her pale fingers, and showed the two wizards the tiny green spot on the belly of the fruit.

"This kind of immature Tochitang plum is very irritating." She said, throwing the fruit back into the silver plate, and looked at the wizard with pity: "... I remember that Su Ya accidentally ate it once. After one, her tongue was swollen for a week, because it was not poisoning, so the antidote had no effect... During those half months, she became very quiet."

"Well, I'm really sorry." Jiang Yu gave the wizard a sorry look: "Since it's not convenient for you to speak now..."

"Then we won't bother you." Su Shijun smiled and waved at him.

Zheng Qing felt that her fox ears were shaking happily in her bun.

Watching the two witches leave arm in arm.

The young public welfare student finally found a chance and took a gulp of sweet orange juice, trying to wash away the pungent taste that almost killed people on his tongue.

"If I were you, I would lie in the school hospital all day today."

Xiao Xiao's whisper-like voice sounded behind him, and Zheng Qing turned his head, only to see the short wizard walking towards Andrew Taylor with a friendly face, as if he wasn't the one who spoke just now.

Andrew was holding a glass of blue siren rum, chatting with Nicholas incessantly, with a carefree expression, and his short, prickly hair with distinct roots, exuding a sharp and fierce feeling.

Perhaps because of the "victorious escape" during the winter hunt, his eyes also showed a completely different confidence from before, and even the ten magic rings he wore on both hands did not have the aura of the upstart earlier. Exuding a recognizable calmness. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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