Hunting High School

Chapter 459: Seventeenth Week

After all, Zheng Qing did not hide in the school hospital as Xiao Xiao suggested.

Of course, Jiang Yu's fruit also helped him a lot. At the very least, in the following celebrations, the young public finance student finally didn't have to speak, and only needed to show his eight teeth and stand in the crowd and applaud vigorously.

But the situation is not as bad as Su Shijun described.

Perhaps as the carrier of the forbidden spell, it can be immune to many negative injuries; perhaps it is because the fox clan is more sensitive to the raw Tochitang plum; perhaps it is simply because Zheng Qing is older than Su Ya and has stronger resistance.

In short, the next morning, most of the swelling, pain and numbness on Zheng Qing's tongue had dissipated, and he could barely make a vague sound.

Fortunately, students do not necessarily need to speak in class.

In addition, as the end of the semester was approaching, most of the professors' classes were quickly reviewing the knowledge points of this semester, sketching and drawing, and the time was tight, which made the young public-funded students forget the problems in their mouths.

until the afternoon.

After Talisman class, he, Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty saw a crow on the way to the library.

It wasn't a freak wearing a mask, but a real crow, standing on a branch of a deciduous plane tree, vigilant about its surroundings, tilting its head to comb the feathers on its back from time to time.

Under the tree, a first-year boy held up a book and threw a binding spell at the crow.

If there was anything else unusual about this Monday, it was the echoes of Zheng Qing's 'bomb' that exploded.

As "Beta Town Post", "Ganga Daily", "Daily Bugle" and other large and small newspapers successively published the details of the "First University Winter Hunting Accident" gathered from various channels, more and more students began to discuss the Has the school really been invaded by the starry sky, and is there really a group of 'crows' kidnapping students for illegal experiments in the school.

The mood of crowds is always fanatical and blind.

Accompanied by these discussions, the first unlucky ones were the big and small crows in the school—those ordinary, black flying creatures of the passerine family Corvus—of course, due to the protection of the "Wizard Code" However, none of the students committed the taboo of killing crows, but expelling them with spells and stones was not included in the restrictions.

like now.

The first-year boy suddenly threw a binding spell at the crow resting on the tree, then carried the fallen bird upside down, and threw it out of the fence, winning cheers from his companions.

During the whole process, the black bird who suffered from the unjust disaster struggled hard, but in vain.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of a passing witch.

"Why are you attacking it?"

The witch who was also in the first grade bravely questioned the boy's behavior: "It just stood there, didn't do anything, and didn't hinder you..."

"Merlin! Look at those eyes!" The boy waved his arms exaggeratedly, as if he had just defeated a demon: "The devil won't tell you that they are devils! Don't you ever read newspapers?"

"The newspapers only said that there are evil wizards wearing crow masks, and it has nothing to do with ordinary crows!" the witch argued hard.

The boy shrugged his shoulders: "The world is as black as crows...they are a bunch of unlucky guys."

This statement won unanimous praise from his companions.

"The saying that crows bring bad luck is not supported by any mysterious theories." The witch was indignant: "That's just a fantasy in the minds of die-hard wizards...they also think black cats will bring good luck!"

Hearing this, the fat wizard and doctor, who had been watching with relish, looked at Zheng Qing together.

"I have reservations about this point." Dr. Xiao Da had a rare sense of humor.

"This is the limitation of classical magic theory." Xin Fatty replaced Xiao Xiao's usual work, and analyzed it seriously: "They are always used to finding common ground on specific events, using the greatest common divisor that happens to guide the unknown... Self-deception... belongs to the classic archery first and target drawing."

For the teasing of his companions, Zheng Qing turned a blind eye to it and did not hear it.

"This is not the scenario I envisioned."

The young public fee student looked at this scene gloomily, his voice was vague.

"If you can't tell, just say less." Xiao Xiao glanced at him, playing with a small crystal ball in his hand: "But I believe that no matter what you said, you must be wrong."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily, turned around and continued walking towards the library.

After walking a few steps, he seemed to remember something, stopped, and sighed heavily again.

"When you are young, don't always sigh."

The fat wizard patted his stomach, and persuaded him old-fashionedly: "I want to open up about everything... Don't old people often say that only a big heart can accommodate a great soul?"

"There has never been an equivalence relationship between the soul and the body." Xiao Xiao complained, then adjusted his glasses, and looked at Zheng Qing: "Remember tonight's 'lesson' again?"

During the anniversary yesterday, Su Shijun noticed that Zheng Qing seemed to be lacking in receiving people and things, so he asked him to go to the Qingqiu mansion every day to make up a supplementary class starting from this evening.

Although there are less than four days left before the Moonlight Ball on Christmas Eve, as the saying goes, it’s okay to grind your guns before the battle. Even if you force a bunch of things into your head, it’s better than having nothing in your head.

"How can there be time!"

Zheng Qing seemed to feel the emotional resonance, and poured bitter water on the two companions again: "The final exam is coming soon, and there are so many messy things to learn, such as table manners, wine tasting, art interpretation, etc. A useless thing...but the Qingqiu mansion reminded me repeatedly that I must master the full set of Yuexia rules...otherwise I will be squeezed out by the Yuexia clan."

"Do you think you are excluded because you don't know table manners?" Xiao Xiao looked at the young public finance student mockingly, almost pointing his nose at him and scolding him for not being self-aware.

Zheng Qing summoned a water mirror and looked at the face in the mirror that he thought was very ordinary.

"Could it be because I'm so handsome?" He had some doubts that Own's aesthetics were too harsh, so that for nineteen years he faced the handsome man in the mirror every day without knowing it.

Xin Fatty looked shocked, and looked at the shameless public fee student, full of admiration: "No wonder you can be a scumbag... With this not wanting face confidence, I will never learn it in my life!"

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath.

Zheng Qing changed his words immediately: "...Or, because I am a student of Jiuyou Academy?"

Xiao Xiao didn't take enough breath.

Zheng Qing deliberated, and speculated with reason and evidence: "The people in the next month's council are basically from the Alpha Academy, and they can't see me, a young nine-year-old, so they are excluded... Very beaver."

Xiao Xiao finally stopped breathing, turned his head, and began to exhale slowly.

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