Hunting High School

Chapter 24 Three-Pronged Sword

The Wizarding Union Investigation Bureau, referred to as the Wizarding Investigation Bureau, is a law enforcement department directly under the Wizarding Council. Because the emblem is a three-handed cross sword, it is also called the three-pronged sword by wizards.

As one of the three major constituent organizations of the Wizarding Union, the Wizarding Council gives a lot of preferential treatment to its subordinates, the Trident Sword.

For example, unlike the general local public security bureaus and police departments, the commissioners of the Trident Sword have worldwide law enforcement powers, and have the right to use many high-risk magic without liability.

For example, every year, the Bureau of Investigation has the right of selection priority, and can communicate with some outstanding talents in advance from the graduates of the first university to enrich the own team.

For another example, they can ignore the many losses of Daming Square and openly discuss the aftermath with Thomas.

Maybe the management committee of Damingfang knew this well. In order to avoid embarrassment, none of the staff of the management committee showed up before these black-robed commissioners left.

"Okay, Andrew, we should leave." The tall wizard put away his spell book and said goodbye in a deep voice: "It's nice to see you, Thomas."

Thomas bowed slightly.

Finally, a tall and thin wizard in black robe flipped through his own spell book. With the twist of his wrist, the dazzling runes jumped out of the scriptures one by one, and got into the ground.

Andrew did not leave immediately.

He discussed with his two colleagues for a while, and then walked back to Thomas with a brown paper envelope.

There was a puffing sound of a balloon leaking, and Zheng Qing followed the prestige and saw a few thick vines wrapping around the pig demon and slowly sinking into the ground. The tall wizard and the tall, thin wizard waved at them, turned into little stars, and disappeared into the street.

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"No need to look for it, they have already reported back to the bureau." Andrew handed the brown paper envelope in his hand to Thomas, and said to Zheng Qing with a smile.

Zheng Qing licked his lips.

Dry and slightly bitter, like freshly shelled almonds.

Whether it was the 'Dun' that Thomas brought himself to this Four Seasons Square, or the thunder spell 'Yin Qilei' that Thomas cast before, or the vines summoned by these three-pronged swords, and those figures that turned into little stars.

The magic, on this day, had impressed him in a very strong way.

"Why didn't you leave?" Thomas stared at the brown paper seal vigilantly, and didn't take it over, but said very seriously: "I need to remind you that I am performing official duties at First University, and time is very precious."

"I just want to ask you, which team are you betting on this season." The fluff on the corner of Andrew's mouth trembled exaggeratedly, and sincerity was written on his round baby face: "I'm on the safe side, and I'm betting on the Venus team. The rate is lower."

"A hunting team with such a high ranking, and the team's state is very stable, how can the odds be so high?" Thomas relaxed his vigilance, his expression relaxed: "I bet on the Flamingo, their new captain Doflamingo is very good Assistant Hunter. Professor Yi Jiazi praised me a while ago, saying that Doflamingo has always been excellent in his divination classes."

Zheng Qing was rubbing his own Dharma book on the side.

He remembered that Thomas had mentioned these terms in the tea garden conversation before.

He still couldn't understand it now, but he vaguely guessed that they were talking about wizards' sporting events.

"It's better to be at school, at least someone can talk about the World Cup." Andrew held the kraft paper in his hand and shook his head: "Unlike in the Bureau, everyone is busy recently, and there is no one to discuss the hunt."

"Everyone is busy? Have you all gone to the Dark Blue Castle?" Thomas said with a sneering smile: "Since he became the director of the Uzumaki Investigation Bureau, there have been more and more small actions against the next month's parliament."

Zheng Qing heard about the parliament next month.

Thomas once told him that the Wizarding Union is the government of the wizarding world, and the Parliament under the Moon, the First University, and the Wizarding Council are the three major institutions affiliated to the Wizarding Union.

But why did the Umno Investigation Bureau target the parliament next month?

Zheng Qing was a little confused.

"Did you see that news too?" Andrew smiled wryly: "He is Principal Shi's direct disciple, so he naturally inherited Principal Shi's envious style. If he hadn't been so firm in his position, he wouldn't have registered as a student. The level of the wizard sits in that seat. The matter of the Dark Blue Castle is probably just the beginning."

Dark Blue Castle Zheng Qing is somewhat impressed.

Talking at the tea garden earlier, he remembered that Thomas's paper had mentioned the place, as if it had been searched by the courts for illegal experiments.

As for the other nouns in their mouths, Zheng Qing was completely blind.

He turned his head and looked at Gu Huai next to him boredly.

Between the branches of the locust tree, a small furry head poked out.

It's a tree sperm.

I thought that the elves of Life on these trees were timid by nature, and would hide in their own tree holes for a long time after the previous thunderstorm. Unexpectedly, as soon as the wild monster was dragged away by the people with the three-pronged sword, these little guys would show up.

Zheng Qing turned over some hamster food from his own gray bag, put it in the palm of his hand, and made a 'tsk tsk' sound to tease these little elves.

Andrew glanced at him, approached Thomas, and said in a low voice: "But you guessed wrong, the bureau didn't invest too much power in Dark Blue Castle. I guess this is just a warning search. Now the headache for the higher-ups is other trouble."

"Other troubles?"

Andrew looked around, and said mysteriously: "Yesterday, there was some disturbance in the Silent Forest, and a little monster in rigid form took the opportunity to escape. The bureau is searching everywhere, so the manpower is a bit tight."

"Riot?" Thomas looked serious.

"That old guy deep in the woods is tossing around again." Andrew glanced at Zheng Qing again, and explained in secret.

Thomas nodded thoughtfully: "I was curious just now, it's just a wild monster, do you need to dispatch the quick response team of the Witch League Investigation Bureau?"

"It's just a wild monster, do I need to use the Thunder Curse?" Andrew returned the original words to him: "The teaching assistants in the school have been assigned a search mission, and you will definitely receive this mission when you go back. Instead of wasting time in the Silent Forest In a month, why not do a simple investigation for us."

As he spoke, he handed back the brown paper seal in his hand to Thomas.

Thomas pondered, but didn't immediately refuse.

"There is still a vacancy in the direction of Xusu, you go and check it out. The bureau will send a note to the school, and your interview report can be handed in later. Back in the bureau, I will submit a report on the use of Thunder Curse to Sijifang, and it's done." !" Andrew struck while the iron was hot, patted his chest and promised.

"Those guys have been doing a lot lately." Thomas nodded, took the brown paper envelope, and said, "It feels like they know something."

"Do you know anything?" Andrew raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zheng Qing with a smile.

Zheng Qing's arm, which was teasing the tree sperm, froze, and roared in his heart:

It's none of my business if I know!

Always watch what I do!

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