Hunting High School

Chapter 25 The Journey Of The Clock And The North Sea

"See you later." Andrew waved to Thomas with a smile, then patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder, and disappeared without a trace with a puff.

This sound really sounds like farting, Zheng Qing felt sorry for his talisman paper and thought maliciously.

The three-pronged sword finally stated that it could not compensate Zheng Qing for the meditation talisman lost.

According to Andrew's explanation, Zheng Qing's use of that talisman was an act of self-defense, and it was not that the three-pronged sword confiscated his talisman paper. So in theory, the Bureau of Investigation will not be responsible for compensation for such losses.

However, before Andrew left, he asked Thomas for Zheng Qing's identity materials, intending to apply for an honorary certificate for Zheng Qing.

"In any case, you have prevented this wild monster from further harming, and the bureau will definitely express this kind of behavior." Before leaving, the chunky black-robed wizard patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder vigorously, smiling brightly: "Maybe you can win a Merlin Brass Medal, and if you don't do well, you will be issued an 'Advanced Individual with Bravery'. This will be of great benefit to your year-end evaluation."

Zheng Qing knew nothing about these honorary titles.

He only cared about the talisman paper he hung on the pig's nose.

"It's lucky that I didn't get injured, and I saw such an exciting scene." Thomas watched Zheng Qing say goodbye to the tree sperm, and sighed: "You can get the honorary certificate before entering school."

"You won't have trouble casting that spell." Zheng Qing recalled the words of several commissioners of the Trident Sword before, and was a little uneasy: "I basically didn't do anything, and you are the hero who really stopped that monster. If the school because of It's unfair to punish you."

"Who said I would be punished." Thomas raised his eyebrows, with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "It's just that you need to make a report for using high-risk magic, because this kind of magic usually has a certain impact on the space-time stability of the place where you use it. Relevant departments will further observe and repair."

Zheng Qing stuffed the small handful of rat food left in his hand into the tree sperm's paws.

He stood up and sighed deeply.

He felt a little dispirited.

It turns out that the magical world is not as free as I thought.

Maybe it's because Thomas still needs to fill out an accident report after casting a spell.

Maybe it's the Wizarding Union, various parliaments, the Trident Sword, the Public Security Bureau, the Management Committee and other inexplicable institutions.

Zheng Qing felt that he had just jumped from one circle to another.

Circles maybe got a bit more fancy.

But it's actually still a circle.

In fantasy, wizards should wear long robes and guard their own laboratory all year round, letting the elves at home clean and do housework. When I have nothing to do, I keep a three-headed dog for fun; on a whim, I slaughter a fire dragon to serve with wine and food; when the road is uneven, I pull out my wand and cast a spell; occasionally have a small enmity, draw a circle and curse him.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

You can't do whatever you want, what you want is what magic is called!

"The real world of magic is no different from the outside world." Zheng Qing said sullenly, "I thought magic could be used casually. When I saw someone who didn't like it, I could open the book and turn him into a pig."

"Of course not." Frowning slightly, Thomas glanced at Zheng Qing sternly with his green eyes, and said, "Maybe you should prepare a "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", a version released by the Quality Education Office of the Wizarding Union Education Committee It should be very useful to you. Flipping the law books to other wizards at will is a serious provocation, and you will be fined from 100 copper coins to 10 gold beans; if the circumstances are bad, you will be detained by the Public Security Bureau for 15 days! "

Zheng Qing sighed again.

Thomas didn't take Zheng Qing very far.

After turning two corners, the two stopped in front of a huge wooden clock.

The clock is about two meters high, with simple lines and no extra decorations. With the maroon varnish, it looks more calm and heavy. The dial is white and the Roman numerals are reinforced with black brass sleeves. There is no heavy weight hanging under the dial like other mechanical clocks, only a very thin silk thread hangs a polished copper pendulum.

As soon as he stopped, the extremely shiny copper-faced pendulum swung, and at the same time, melodious Westminster Abbey music rang out from the clock.

Zheng Qing is very familiar with this bell.

There is an old-fashioned walnut clock in Grandpa's study, and every time it strikes the hour, it is this music.

According to my grandfather, this bell is the bell of Big Ben in England. Because of its elegance and solemnity, it is used by many clocks.

"Isn't this our music?" Zheng Qing asked in surprise.

"This is the blessing music of the bitter cultivators. It is popular with you because the bitter cultivators want to pray for more people." Thomas took out his mobile phone-shaped instrument and looked at it for a long time, finally nodded: " time up."

Zheng Qing looked at the clock time, it was seventeen o'clock in the afternoon.

After thinking about it, he took out his own pocket watch, and the time was correct, exactly.

"A good habit." Thomas nodded: "For wizards, there is nothing more important than time."

Zheng Qing silently put away her pocket watch.

This sentence has also been said to himself.

Thomas opened the glass door of the grand clock, pushed Zheng Qing, and said, "Go in."

"What is this?" Zheng Qing pushed aside the filaments hanging from the copper-faced pendulum, and looked inside.

The clock was very quiet inside, and the pendulum did not swing.

"Wizards usually call it the 'big clock'." Thomas squeezed into the clock behind Zheng Qing, closed the glass door behind him, and said in a muffled voice, "Do you understand it as a means of rapid transportation, or alchemy?" Solidified 'Dun' is fine."

"That means you can go back to my house from here?" Zheng Qing understood a little bit.

Thomas didn't speak, he was squinting, looking at the silver dial.

"Here is the seventeen o'clock station." He muttered to himself, took out a brass key from behind the dial, inserted it into the bottom of the dial, and turned it twice.

Zheng Qing heard the clock creak, and then the clock ticked.

"Touch, is there a doorknob on the wall behind you!" Thomas' voice trembled amid the ticking of the clock.

Zheng Qing groped in the dark, holding a round doorknob.

"Found it!" His voice was very loud in the narrow clock base.

"Turn around, push the door and go out." Thomas shouted hurriedly from behind: "We only have one minute, if we don't go out quickly, the music from Westminster Abbey will deafen us."

Pushing open the door, there is a dark corridor in front of you, with a faint light in the distance.

The air in the corridor seemed a little damp and turbid, but Zheng Qing felt very familiar with this smell.

There was the sound of Thomas closing the door behind him.

Zheng Qing vaguely heard the bell of Westminster Abbey ringing again.

"What did you mean by the seventeen o'clock station just now?" Zheng Qing didn't like this kind of dark environment, he tried his best to look at the bright place in front of him, so that his own voice seemed less nervous.

"The grand clock is a fixed station set up by the Wizarding Union all over the world. There are twelve hours on the dial, 720 minutes, one station per minute, and a total of 720 grand clocks. What we just passed is seventeen o'clock station."

"It sounds complicated." Zheng Qing muttered.

After walking a certain distance along the light source in the dark, and turning a corner, Zheng Qing saw a familiar staircase.

"We were in the basement just now!" He exclaimed in surprise, "I didn't even know there was such a place in my basement!"

"You really don't have one in your basement." Thomas followed him to the stairs. He patted the dust off his head, brushed off the cobwebs on his robe, and complained, "I originally wanted to go straight back to your bedroom, but it should be because all the doors in your house can't be opened, so I can only choose the basement."

Zheng Qing blinked and remembered.

I used to have nothing to do, so I pasted many talismans on the doors, windows, walls and corners of my house.

Perhaps these talismans interfered with the positioning of the big clock.

"Next, I will go to the north to have a look. I may not have time to contact you recently." Thomas repeatedly reminded: "Remember the flight to Chang'an Airport on August 31st, remember, there is only this one flight, I missed it If so, you don’t have to go. Don’t expect the school to violate Article 37 of the “Basic Management Measures for Wizards” for a new student, and don’t expect the school to open the guardian formation twice within a year.”

"You haven't bought me that standard timer yet." Seeing that Thomas was about to disappear, Zheng Qing suddenly thought of the book list and couldn't help but shouted.

"The pocket watch hanging around your neck is fine..." Thomas' voice became more and more ethereal as the figure faded, until it disappeared.

Zheng Qing sighed and pulled out the pocket watch hanging around his neck.

Afternoon time, 17:01:38.

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