Hunting High School

Chapter 229 If Life Deceived You

If Life deceived you

do not be sad

don't worry

You can get angry, rage, freak out, and rage.

everything is instant

everything will pass

It's a big deal to hang 'Life' and smash it.

In Zheng Qing's prediction, if Jiang Yu found out that she had been deceived, she might simply turn around and leave, or she might throw the album on her face before turning away. Of course, as a witch, she It is also possible to take out the Dharma books and give our public servants a few ruthless, and then leave in Shi Shiran.

No matter which choice, Zheng Qing feels that he deserves it.

However, what he expected did not happen.

Jiang Yu was still holding the heavy album, patiently choosing the right clothes for Elena, her expression was only a little unswerving, and there was no sign of leaving.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt more and more uneasy in his heart.

Erupting volcanoes are not scary, and people can run away from each other before the magma flows, away from the threat of nature; but silent active volcanoes can make people restless, because you never know whether you will be crushed in your sleep. buried by volcanic ash.

"How about this?" The witch's voice interrupted the young public servant's thoughts.

Zheng Qing keenly noticed that her tone was a little colder than before.

"It looks familiar." Zheng Qing looked at the dark red long dress floating above the album, hesitated: "I remember she wore this style of skirt."

"That's right... I remember quite clearly." Jiang Yu snorted, flipped through a few pages quickly, pointed to the type entry of this long dress, and said quickly: "This is a Bohemian long dress, belonging to The traditional costumes of the gypsies... Since you don't know anything about it, you can only choose the most appropriate style for her."

Zheng Qing blinked and nodded repeatedly.

The witch's words sound very reasonable.

"This is the autumn hot style launched by Green Silk, the Korean-style sleeveless chiffon long pleated skirt."

"The material is Dachun silk, which is popular nowadays, with elegant color and exquisite workmanship. Refreshing mantras are embroidered with golden silk at the seams, so that the wearer can keep the skin hydrated even in the dry autumn...the skirt is also attached. Clean the rune, and the mosquito mud will be automatically bounced off if it falls on it."

"The color of the jacket is slightly darker, and the wine red neckline and cuffs match her hair color very well... The amaranth dress is slightly darker than her hair color, and it can perfectly bring out her dazzling temperament... In addition, the belt on the The five-color tassels are taken from the story of the ancient wizard Bixie who knotted the rope."

"In addition, if you choose this dress, I recommend buying the box of pearls next to it... A qualified gypsy witch will always string herself the most appropriate accessories."

Zheng Qing followed her fingers and looked towards the corner of the album, where a brown wooden tube was filled with rouge-colored bean-sized pearls.

He swallowed, and carefully glanced at the price of this box of pearls.

Nine beans and seven horns.

Very good, within one jade coin.

Lu Xifang didn't tamper with these beads, so the price was still within the range that Zheng Qing could afford.

He was about to nod his head in agreement, but Jiang Yu threw the album in his hand into the air.

"Huh?" The young public finance student was dumbfounded.

"Before you agree," the witch turned her head to look at Zheng Qing, brushed her long hair by her ears, and snorted softly, "At least let those clothes hangers go around a few times...Why, do you have other opinions? ?”

Zheng Qing laughed dryly, shaking his head quickly.

He absolutely couldn't admit those slightly dark thoughts that came to him just now.

Two little elves swooped down from not far away, grabbed the picture album that flew into the air, screamed, and fell behind the curtain.

"It will take about a few minutes. You can have a sip of tea first and take a rest." Jiang Yu suddenly found a sharp knife between her fingers, then lowered her head under Zheng's terrified gaze, and took out a piece of wood from her bag , A knife stuck in the wood.

"What is this?" Zheng Qing held his breath, picked up a teacup from the tea table, and moistened his dry throat.

"Homework for the seal carving class." The witch replied quietly without raising her head, the knife moved slightly, and sawdust fell between her fingers.


"Thank you very much today." Zheng Qing took another sip of tea.

He shook the teacup in his hand, and the Amber-colored liquid rolled up and swirled in the cup, causing the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup to be turbulent.

When the tea leaves stopped floating, they slowly sank to the bottom of the water, overlapping each other, connecting head to tail, like a ring or a ouroboros.

Zheng Qing was stunned, raised his head, and poured the tea leaves and water into his stomach in one go.

"Actually, I'm a little curious." Jiang Yu's voice suddenly sounded, scaring Zheng Qing into choking on the tea a few times.

The witch raised her head suspiciously, but saw the young public finance student waved her hands repeatedly, indicating that she was fine.

So she continued to ask: "I'm curious about the reason why you chose clothes as a gift... As a girl, I think this kind of gift needs to be very cautious."

"I don't know what gift to give..." Zheng Qing chewed the tea residue in his mouth, swallowed it in one gulp, and replied very honestly: "Mu Ornament's jewelry is a bit expensive for me... I'm also interested in cosmetics. I don't really understand; besides, I haven't seen other wizards send flowers, and I don't know if the gypsies' flower language is different from ours... If you didn't help me choose clothes, I would almost go to Apple Court to buy a Pandora's box .”

Jiang Yu finally got rid of the stiffness on his face, revealing an expression of uncontrollable laughter.

"You can buy her a small pet," the witch said in a brisk tone: "kittens, puppies, birds... If you are afraid of trouble, small turtles and small hamsters are good choices."

Zheng Qing's eyes widened immediately.

"I should have asked you earlier..." He muttered, scratched his head, and sighed heavily: "I'm really not suitable for choosing gifts... In fact, I also considered the sugar store on the pedestrian street and planned to buy her a gift." A box of Bohemian cavalry."

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The witch finally couldn't help it, she covered her mouth, and leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Within a few minutes, a model wearing a long red dress came out from the backstage and walked around the T-table.

The corners of the skirt are flying, the speed of the flow is fluctuating, and Peiyu Mingluan.

"Is this dress a little..." Zheng Qing hesitated, trying to pick a suitable word.

"Zhang Yang?" Jiang Yu said with a smile: "Isn't this the most suitable style for her? I think she is the most energetic girl in the entire Jiuyou Academy."

"Indeed." Holding an empty teacup, Zheng Qing thought deeply.

Holding the album in their hands, the elves flew down again and landed on the witch's shoulder.

Jiang Yu put away the carving knife and wooden blocks, and flipped through the album again.

"This one is fine," Zheng Qing said involuntarily, "Don't bother looking at the others..."

"The last thing." Jiang Yu suppressed a smile, opened the album, and handed it to Zheng Qing: "A complete set of clothes, including underwear."

Zheng Qing looked at the bright apron on the album, shook his hand, and threw the teacup in his hand on the ground together with the album.

"Hahahaha!" The squad leader in front of him patted the table, shaking with laughter.

"We both lost our composure today." Zheng Qing picked up the album and the teacup, and couldn't help but smile wryly.


Until the time of payment and checkout, Jiang Yu still made fun of Zheng Qing's lame lies before and his embarrassment when he lost the album.

"Public fee students, 10% discount." The old woman at the front desk cracked the abacus in her hand, but her voice clearly reached the ears of the two young wizards: "Don't you want to take a photo?"

The long skirt had been properly folded and placed in a brown paper bag.

There is also a small wooden box next to the bag, which contains those carmine-colored real pearls.

"Photo?" Zheng Qing grabbed the wooden box and was stuffing it into the gray cloth bag. Hearing this, he was stunned, and then carefully glanced at the witch beside him from the corner of his eye.

"Why, really plan to let me kiss you!" Jiang Yu crossed his arms, glanced at the young public fee student, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"No way, no way! Hahahaha..." Zheng Qing scratched his head, laughed, his face flushed red: "Isn't it because I didn't remember the meaning of the photo just now... Ah, hahahaha..."

He quickly took out his student card from his pocket, patted it on the table, and tried to say in a calm tone: "10% off is enough... 10% off is fine... 10% off is very good, very good."

The old woman raised her eyebrows, but finally said nothing.

Zheng Qing let out a sigh of relief.

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