Hunting High School

Chapter 230: The Reality Is Cruel

Although the gift is bought, how to send the gift is still a very skill-testing task.

Since there is still a patrol mission on Saturday night, Zheng Qing plans to find a chance to stuff the gift into the hands of the gypsy witch tomorrow when he helps Elena with talisman lessons.

After returning to the dormitory from the pedestrian street, he didn't care about rest, spread out the letter paper, and excitedly agreed with Elena on the time and content of tutoring tomorrow.

The cyan paper crane took away his good hopes, but brought back endless disappointment.

The gypsy witch said that she needs to pray on Sunday. I am very sorry and hope to reschedule the tutoring time next time when I have free time.

"If my comprehension is fine, she is refusing." Xin Fatty stroking the orange cat, leaning against the wall lazily, revealing a certain fact very cruelly: "Young man, you have been dumped. "

Tuantuan lay on Fatty's lap, snoring comfortably.

"Life is so unpredictable." Dylan also shouted in the coffin: "Some things are over before they start."

Zheng Qing gave the two guys a vicious look, opened his mouth, and finally closed it in frustration.

Although the words were harsh and harsh, Fatty seemed to be right.

"According to my 1,500 years of life experience, you need a few catties of Amber light at this time." Mr. Vampire Werewolf lay on the edge of the coffin, drooping his head, showing off his bad memory again.

"A few days ago you were still 1,800 years old." Zheng Qing muttered, and finally found a place to refute.

On the other side of the desk, Dr. Xiao Da did not participate in the topic of Zheng Qing's emotional disputes.

Compared with this kind of nutritious thing, he is more interested in the elves who are still in the reaction stage after taking the medicine.

Perhaps because they had just received treatment not long ago, the elves were still drowsy, lying in disorder in the paper house, looking very listless.

"Have they been redeemed?" Xiao Xiao held a little elf, carefully looked at her condition, and bumped Zheng Qing with his arm: "I mean, do they have a follow-up treatment plan? Or Du Ze Did Dr. Mu rebind the magic contract for you?"

"There is no new contract bound." Zheng Qing cheered up and said weakly: "They are only fine for the time being... According to the doctor, this treatment will prolong their lifespan by about three months. I still It is necessary to record their physical examination data every day... If there is no abnormality, there is no need to go to the Abnormal Life Research Institute in the short term."

"Then what do they eat?" Xin Fatty finally opened his eyes, and hummed: "You must eat when you live..."

"Elves can absorb the free magic energy in the air to maintain their life," Zheng Qing did not speak, but Xiao Xiao explained: "This is what is inscribed on their basic alchemy formation."

As he spoke, he put the elf in his hand into the paper house on the desk, and helped the other elves adjust their sleeping positions by the way.

This paper house is a lounge built by the witches of Tianwen Class 08-1 for the elves. There are not only tables, chairs and big beds, but also silk jacquard satin hanging on the bare walls around, and even those soft mattresses It's stuffed with velvet.

"What I'm even more curious about is that Shashi Wang Jelly actually has an effect on elves." Xiao Xiao grabbed his own notebook with a serious face, took out a brush from his sleeve, licked it, and moved the brush like flying, while He said quickly: "You should pay more attention to your elves... Maybe you should write a paper as soon as possible. I can help you collect information. Remember to list me as the second author."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Thesis?" Zheng Qing couldn't make a turn in his head for a while.

"On the Interaction of Royal Jelly and Alchemy Products and Its New Efficacy in Sand Time", or "Philosophical Inquiry into the Relationship between Magical Alchemy Products and Magical Life." Dr. Xiao opened his mouth and said two extremely awkward names, It made the other people in the dormitory even more dizzy.

"What?" Xin Fatty wrinkled his round face and shouted loudly, "Can you speak human language!"

The orange cat yawned and howled, as if to support Fatty's point.

Zheng Qing still looked at the man with glasses blankly.

"That is to say, you can write a thesis from two angles." Xiao Xiao put down his pen and explained patiently: "Or you choose to explore the new effects of royal jelly in the sand, it can work on alchemy life, which is a very important task. Interesting discovery; you can also try to discuss whether elves, like other magical beings such as murlocs, have a real "magical life identity". work."

"There's something wrong with this matter!" Dylan struggled, sat up from the coffin, opened the curtain and shouted: "I remember that Andrew Shoroff in Manchester discovered the evolutionary effect of dragon blood on alchemy life, so Got admission to the Academy of Applied Magic... and won a Bronze Order of Merlin from the Wizarding League."

"That's roughly what it means." Xiao Xiao reluctantly agreed with the mixed-race child's point of view.

"You mean, to fight for the legal rights of survival of elves?" Zheng Qing's eyes gradually brightened, "It's not an alchemy product that can be discarded at will!"

"Hey hey hey, don't make me mean..." Dr. Xiao Da's face immediately collapsed: "It's the job of social activists to fight for rights and interests, and we are researchers, exploring the truth behind the phenomenon... …Don’t just increase the workload on yourself!”

"It's not me, it's us!" Zheng Qing nodded vigorously, pressed on Xiao Xiao's notebook, and said firmly: "You also said just now that you want to be the second author...I have already agreed."

"Excuse me, what we are talking about is not the same thing." Xiao Xiao tried to twitch his own notebook, but he didn't twitch, so he could only say helplessly: "If you want to change the "Wizard Code", you can't do it with just one or two papers... Do you know the magicians in the northern part of Beta Town?"

Zheng Qing nodded.

It is a very famous degenerate area, inhabited by many dangerous wizards who have achieved nothing. The junior students in the school will even be warned by their seniors to try not to get close to it.

"Magi are still human! But fifty years ago, even Kappa looked down on them...Many wizards directly used them as tools and experimental materials...They could not participate in the general meeting of wizards, and could not be in any institution of the Wizarding Union Even their children are not allowed to take the wizarding college entrance examination."

"I remember that Nicholas's house seems to be in the northern part of Beta Town." Zheng Qing hesitated and said.

"Yes." Xiao Xiao pulled out his own notebook forcefully and hugged it heavily in his arms: "How do you think they changed the opinion of the Wizarding Union and the "Wizard Code"?"

"Protest in the newspaper?" Zheng Qing guessed weakly: "Or a demonstration..."

"The great wizards have a hundred ways to make them shut up and go back to their huts that are leaking everywhere." Xiao Xiao shook his head, his expression became very serious: "The magician fifty years ago, in order to get the " The complete wizard identity in the Wizard Code, sacrificed nearly half of their lives in the wizard and demon battle, men, women, and even the elderly... In the post-war summary, their actions won the Great Wizard Council A moment of silence for all, the honor of the Wizarding Union's flag being lowered."

"This is the beginning of their respect from wizards."

"There is no struggle of any kind that is based on no sacrifice."

"Do your elves have this kind of determination? Or, can you 'represent' them and make this determination?"

Zheng Qing fell silent for a moment.

He glanced sadly at the elves sleeping in the paper house, and sighed deeply—not to mention representing them, he hadn't even had a formal conversation with the elves.

Apart from Xi Xi's cry, Zheng Qing could only vaguely feel their most intuitive emotions.

"Maybe you're right. But there are certain things that you won't do, I won't do, and he won't do's not fair to them." The young public finance student raised his head stubbornly, and looked at his own roommates: " I don't expect that I can change anything... I just hope that at some time in the future, I won't regret it because I'm shrinking back now."

"Brother Qing is very reasonable." Xin Fatty sat up, waving his thick arms vigorously, and shouted: "Maybe we just need to start, and the rolling wheels of history will crush the obstacles in front of us!"

"Tsk, it's difficult," Dylan smacked his lips, looked at his own fangs in the small mirror, and said, "Very difficult."

"If you have this determination, ask Elena out first." Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and said quietly.

"I just hope that at some time in the future, I won't regret it because I'm shrinking now..." Xin Fatty raised the ball to his eyes, swung its two front legs, and screamed, imitating Zheng Qing's tone just now.

"Ow!" The orange cat slapped Fatty on the face, rejecting his teasing.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, speechless.

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