Hunting High School

Chapter 232: The Beginning Of The Fifth Week

After half a month, Zheng Qing finally had a good dream.

In the dream, he finally found a suitable opportunity to give the bohemian dress to the gypsy witch - Irene especially liked the box of rouge pearls.

"I can use them to strung two guardian necklaces," the witch said happily in her dream, and tiptoed around a few times, like a happy butterfly: "You have one, I have one..."

Before the young public finance student could express his appreciation for the witch's suggestion, he was awakened by a terrifying sound.

"Ahhhhh! No!"

Sim Fatty howled in a middle-of-the-road voice, writhing wildly in front of his desk:

"Where's my homework for the spell class! Where's my homework...I must have done it...the 3,000-word 'Book of Knowledge'!"

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, turned over, pulled the quilt, and covered his head completely.

But Fatty's high-pitched wailing still pierced through layers of barriers and got into his ears.

"Doctor! Doctor, did you see my homework? I borrowed part of yours in the library, you know I wrote it... Brother Qing! Brother Qing! Do you know where I put my homework? ? If I can't find it, Lao Yao will definitely call out a gorilla to strangle me in class..."

In the end, Zheng Qing did not continue that beautiful dream.

The breath of morning came slowly, and with the recovery of spirit, Zheng Qing was horrified to find that the memories in the dream were disappearing rapidly. ——The witch spinning on her tiptoes, her silver-bell-like laughter, and her charming eyes, like the snow under the bright sun, melted quickly and turned into gurgling water, seeping into the deepest part of memory, never to be found again.

Zheng Qing seemed to hear the creaking sound of the eraser in his mind.

He didn't even remember how he gave that dress away in his dream.

"!" The young public fee student curled up into a ball, wailing, tore open the curtain angrily, and roared, "I'm going to die, you little red's so early in the morning that it disturbs my sleep, my brain is so rotten! "

The elves were very happy that he had finally woken up, screaming Xixi, hula la flew over from the desk, landed on his hair and shoulders, and squeezed back and forth.

Zheng Qing's original blazing anger seemed to be poured with cold water, and it quickly extinguished.

"What time is it?" he hummed weakly, his hazy eyes quickly scanned the dormitory.

Xin Fatty was lying on the desk, pawing at every gap where the next page could be hidden, hoping to find his missing homework; Xiao Xiao was holding a notebook, sitting cross-legged on the own bed, with messy hair and sleepy eyes; Dylan The curtains of the house were open, and the lid of the coffin was also open, and it was obvious that he had not returned all night.

The sky outside the window is still not bright, only the occasional chirping of birds heralds the approach of morning.

"It's going to be six o'clock soon... Lao Yao's charm class is two hours away, I'm dead!" Xin Fatty continued to howl as he grabbed his thinning hair.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Why did you suddenly remember to turn over your homework so early?" Zheng Qing was very hard to understand.

"I dreamed that a worm ate my homework piece by piece," Xin Fatty said with a mournful face, with sweaty oil on his face, looking like an upright slug: "Then I woke up and turned my paper." I searched, and I really can’t find it!...I’ve searched every place where I put my homework, and it’s really gone..."

Hearing the word 'dream', Zheng Qing's face suddenly darkened.

Like the sky outside the window.

"It's time to go to morning class." Zheng Qing ignored Fatty's wailing, turned to look at Dr. Xiao Da, and said firmly, "Let's go early today."

Xiao Xiao had nothing to do, turned around and took out his practice clothes from the cabinet.

"Hey, you just left like this?? Do you have any sympathy! Where's your conscience! Hey! Where's your conscience?!" Xin Fatty widened his eyes, watching the two roommates get dressed slowly, and opened the dormitory The door, the tone is extremely incredible.

"'s just October, and the weather is getting cold." When the door was opened, a gust of cold wind poured into the room, Zheng Qing shivered, and wrapped his robe tighter: "This little wind blows Yes, whoosh, my heart is blown cold..."

Xiao Xiao put on his glasses silently, hugged his notebook, and followed behind Zheng Qing.

"You guys are really leaving!...I bought you a meal! I helped you occupy a seat! I still signed a contract with can't do this! I want to see the professor! I will see the professor in two hours Already!..."


The dormitory door was shut heavily.

Cut off the whining autumn wind, and also blocked a certain Fatty's desperate howl.



It wasn't until ten minutes before the Charms class that Xin Fatty ran into the classroom, sweating profusely and panting.

Holding a piece of mulberry paper, he waved it in front of the two roommates with a proud face:

"See! I can find my own job without you guys!"

"Which idiot can't find own homework?" Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes and snorted.

Xin Fatty was speechless.

"Where did you find it?" Zheng Qing was very interested in this.

"Tuantuan used it for supper. I gave it a chicken leg, and it took me three seconds to pick it up from the table outside the window..." Xin Fatty sat on the chair resentfully, regardless of the condition of the chair. screamed, leaned back hard, raised his legs, and complained: "I want to break up with you! There is no such thing as you. When you see a friend in trouble, you run away..."

"The cafeteria has roast chicken for lunch today, and I just ordered one." Zheng Qing held his chin and gave Fatty a squinting look.

"Oh...well, actually I can understand your behavior." Xin Fatty immediately straightened his sitting posture, slapped the homework of the Charms class on the desk, and said with a serious expression: "Wake you up in the morning, I'm so sorry!"

"Do you have any principles!" Zheng Qing picked up Fatty's homework with two fingers.

The mulberry paper is full of tiny wrinkles, as if it had been crumpled and then stretched hard. In the blank space of the page, a suspicious dark purple stain can still be vaguely seen.

Zheng Qing very much suspected that it was the last trace left by a poor mouse in this world.

"Principle? What is a principle!" Xin Fatty looked at his own roommate solemnly, his face full of Sacred brilliance: "In this world, is there anything more important than eating? Eating is my principle! "

"I don't know the principle." Zheng Qing shook the piece of paper between his fingers and smacked his lips: "But if you hand in this piece of paper, there is a certain possibility that Lao Yao will ask an orangutan to come out and eat you..."

Before Fatty had time to refute, the stick figure behind the door screamed loudly:

"The teacher is here!"


"Old Yao brought two thugs over!"

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