Hunting High School

Chapter 233 The Key To Learning The Spell

A stick figure is a stick figure after all.

There is absolutely no room for a normal soul in its crude head made of rough graphite lines.

Why would the professor bring a thug to the classroom?

It doesn't make sense at all.

Before Zheng Qing could complain to his friends about the strange way of thinking of the stick figures, the classroom door slammed open.

Professor Yao hurriedly walked into the classroom with his handouts in his hand, and he was followed by two stout gray-robed janitors, who were carrying a wooden box in their hands.

The box is about half a meter high, with a red base of patent leather, a brass lotus leaf lock, and landscape patterns inlaid on the top of the cabinet, which looks green and jade-like.

"Good morning!" The professor simply waved his hand and nodded to the students: "You don't need to get up...sit, sit, just sit...You two just put the boxes here."

He pointed to the open space beside the desk, and gestured to the two gray-robed janitors.

The box was very heavy, and there was a dull echo when it landed. The two janitors seemed really relieved, and they left the classroom straight away after saluting slightly to the professor.

Zheng Qing poked his head and stretched his neck hard, trying to see what was in the box.

There were many students who had similar thoughts with him, and the noise of tables and chairs rubbing against the floor suddenly sounded in the classroom.

Only Nicholas, an old student who had repeated grades twice, sitting in the back corner of the classroom, put an end to these curiosity. He just smiled slightly, and then buried his head in the exercise book in his hand, not caring about the gradually agitated atmosphere in the classroom.

"Professor, what's in the box?" Li Meng quickly raised her short arms, asking everyone's questions.

No matter what the course is, among all the students, she seems to be the only one who can ignore the intimidating aura of every professor and dare to ask her own doubts anytime and anywhere.

Professor Yao narrowed his eyes and smiled, instead of answering everyone's questions directly, he asked another question:

"Have you finished your homework?"

The homework for the last Charms class was not about practicing the newly learned spells. In fact, apart from the first binding spell learned, the second spell that Professor Yao taught everyone, Yuanchen Guardian, has not been released until now.

Even if Zheng Qing memorized the incantation formula of that spell by heart, and could master it in the dharma book, he still couldn't make a little change in the own dharma book, let alone release the spell successfully.

Zheng Qing didn't even know what kind of scene would appear after the spell was released.

It was as if the professor had passed on a wrong spell to everyone.

Therefore, after the last class ended, Professor Yao did not arrange for everyone to practice "Guardian of Yuanchen" or write down its mantra silently after class as usual, but arranged a new task.

Analyze the 'law book'.

Each person writes an article of more than 3,000 words, with the theme of "Understanding of Dharma Books", with unlimited content, scope, and format—except for the number of words, there is no limit.

This means a lot of room for play.

The prose written by Zhang Jixin lists the few Dharma books he has used since he was a child and their endings, and at the same time feels the passage of time—— Zheng Qing has never discovered that this rough man has such delicate brushstrokes.

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Dr. Xiao Da wrote a concise paper. He briefly summarized the reasons for the rise of Dharma books, the root causes of the decline of magic wands and hand formulas, and the focus of his discussion was "how Dharma books become a medium for casting spells".

Xin Fatty wrote a 3,000-word argumentative essay on the types and specifications of Dharma books.

In Zheng Qing's view, this is purely opportunistic.

In Dylan’s words, ‘Fatty’s thesis is just a copy of the product introduction in Shangyuan Bookshop…without any technology content! But the amazing thing is that this assignment still meets the requirements of the professor...’

In contrast, although Zheng Qing didn't have a deep understanding of Dharma books, he accidentally participated in the process of "Blood Refining Dharma Books" when he bought the book, so he briefly described the process of buying the book in a reminiscent tone.

In any case, the homework left by Professor Yao in the last class was not that difficult.

But the atmosphere in the classroom, which was a little restless because of the strange big box, quickly calmed down after the professor asked about the homework, so that there was no sound.

Although everyone has finished their homework, no one can guarantee that the professor will not order a certain student to recite his homework in public due to Lao Yao's bad taste.

Even Li Meng, who has always been bold and reckless, quietly retracted her arms and hid her body slightly under the desk.

"Didn't you do your homework?" Professor Yao looked at everyone strangely, and frowned.

"I wrote it!" This time, everyone in the class replied loudly in unison.

"Why didn't you say anything after you wrote it..." Professor Yao scolded with a smile: "This group of bastards scared me!...Dangton, collect the homework first, and collect the homework for me."

The tall monitor rose up in response, dragging his heavy steps and began to put away one desk after another.

At the same time, Professor Yao did not remain silent.

He leaned on the podium, took out the pipe from his pocket, knocked it casually on the podium, and stuffed it back into his mouth.

There was no shredded tobacco, no ignition, and the green smoke rose from the pipe, hiding his face behind the smoke, leaving only a big black head looming in the air, like a big dormant beetle .

"It's been a month since school started... Everyone has learned two very powerful spells from me."

"Binding Curse, and Yuanchen Guardian."

"But, I'm disappointed."

"So far, it seems that most of the students in the class have not been able to fully cast these two spells."

Zheng Qing remembered the Yuanchen Guardian Curse that he still had no progress in, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"I thought about it after I went back."

"This is not entirely your reason...I found that you don't know a very critical basic problem."

Lao Yao brushed away the green smoke in front of him, showing a serious expression:

"That's the relationship between the spell and the book."

"This is a very basic question. I should have explained it to you in the first class, but I think if you adjust it this way, you will have a deeper impression on this class."

"Lessons are still boring and commonplace."

"Daniel, it is enough for you to really set foot in the world of spells."

Zheng Qing couldn't help raising his head.

"There are two keys to learning spells. One is the spell and the other is the book."

"Dharma books carry the projection of spells in this world, and spells are the introductions that trigger this projection."

Professor Yao opened the book in hand and flicked it with his fingers.

A string of radiant symbols floated from the pages of the book, splashing onto the blackboard like a rainbow.

A series of scribbled words are gradually revealed as the rainbow disappears:

"When you don't understand these two words correctly, you can't cast any spell, no matter how powerful."

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