Hunting High School

Chapter 234: The International Standard Of Magic Books


"What a charming and powerful word."

"It directly explores the origin of all things, connecting mystery and reality."

"It's a sign of our existence in this world."

"It's also an essential skill you'll need to master in college!"

Professor Yao took out a dark, heavy Dharma book inlaid with gold and silver threads from his pocket, and slapped it heavily on the desk:

"Dharma book!"

"The means by which you release magic, the medium through which the unknown mystery is realized, is also an important tool for your wizarding career."

"To learn magic spells, you must first understand the dharma books."

"What is a Dharma book? How to use a Dharma book correctly? Why do you use it like this?" Lao Yao hunched his shoulders, bit his pipe, and walked on the podium with his head down.

Every step of the way, a new question is raised: "How does the book work? What are the requirements of the Wizarding League for the book? What is the international standard for the book?"

A piece of white chalk slid vigorously on the dark green blackboard, making a creaking sound, imprinting every word the professor said on the blackboard with its life.

After listing the six questions, Chalk shook her body, shedding white sweat, and jumped back into the gray cardboard box out of thin air.

"In this class, we will solve these problems." Professor Yao took the pipe away from his mouth, and puffed out a puff of green smoke. He waved his arms, pointed to the problems on the blackboard, and asked loudly: "Now, Can any of you present here answer my question above?"

Everyone sat quietly in their seats, staring at the table in front of them, no one stood up.

Even Xiao Xiao frowned, stroked his own notebook, and didn't raise his hand.

Perhaps realizing that the question he asked was too complicated, Professor Yao squinted his eyes and lowered the difficulty a lot: "Or, who can answer one of the above-mentioned questions? ... It doesn't matter, as much as you know, say as much as you know. If you speak well, you will get bonus points, and if you say something incomplete, you will not lose points."

"Modern dharma books combine many elements." Li Meng stood up eagerly, and wrenched his hands seriously, saying: "The refining technique of the cultivator in the Middle Earth, the mysterious medium inherited from the West, and some of the souls of African black wizards. Application... I remember my grandma said that all Dharma books have souls. If you want to cast spells accurately, you must talk to the souls in the Dharma books... I bow to it every day before class, so my Dharma books Always been very good."

There was a suppressed low laugh in the classroom.

Even Professor Yao couldn't contain the smile on his face: "Sit down and talk, sit down and talk, everyone knows my habit in class, don't be restrained, just sit and talk."

As he spoke, he puffed a few puffs of smoke vigorously, covering his face with the smoke.

"That's why five out of ten of Li Meng's mantras are limp," Zhang Jixin grinned, then turned to Zheng Qing and said, "Only little witches who can't control the spells will respectfully please these people." Where's the guy!"

As he said that, the red-faced boy clenched his fists and slammed his Dharma book hard.

The hard-covered Dharma book made a popping sound, as if it had been smashed by a deflated rubber ball.

"While enshrining can increase the connection between dharma books and wizards, in a sense, it will lose the wizard's initiative. Therefore, the school will advise everyone to cherish their own dharma books, but it will not force everyone to burn incense and worship every day." Maybe he finally got his emotions under control, Professor Yao waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, and asked, "Who else can say more? Anyone want to add?"

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Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment and raised his hand.

" Dharma book was customized in Shangyuan Bookstore." He cleared his throat, tried to recall the scene at that time, and said slowly: "The old wizard who made the Dharma book said that every There is a demon spirit in this law book. When the wizard reads the spell, it is to drive the demon spirit to resonate with the heaven and the earth. Through this Demonic Beasts soul and the heaven and the earth induction... In this way, the wizard's original subtle ability can be geometrically magnified... and , My Dharma book has undergone blood refining, and Mr. Thomas said that such a Dharma book is more beneficial to spells."

There was a moment of silence in the classroom, and then suddenly there was a humming whisper.

Many people looked at Zheng Qing with surprised eyes, admiring that he was worthy of being a public fee student, and even the Dharma books were specially customized.

"Shangyuan Shusi?" Professor Yao walked up to Zheng Qing, touched the white Dharma book, brushed the brass buckle on the book cover with his fingertips, and said with certainty: "I remember you are in Damingfang The book I bought...was old Payne made it for you?"

Zheng Qing smiled awkwardly.

He didn't know the old man's name yet.

"There can be a clearer and closer connection between the blood-refined spell book and the wizard, so you will be more comfortable when casting spells." Professor Yao nodded and added: "But the alliance does not recommend wizards to use this kind of spell." Refining Dharma books in a rude and unhealthy way... After all, modern times are not a thousand years ago, and Dharma books are often updated, and no one will hold a Dharma book for a lifetime."

After finishing speaking, he patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder and motioned him to sit down: "Sit don't need to stand up to answer the questions later, you can just sit down and talk...who else wants to say?"

"Dharma books are more sensitive than our own spirit, so we can touch deeper power through them; but correspondingly, the tendency of the dharma book itself will affect the power of wizard spells," Downton still did not obey the professor's words, Standing up neatly, he replied with a steady expression:

"For example, spell books made of fish skin have a strong boost to water-attribute magic, but when used to cast fire-attribute magic, there will occasionally be dumb spells; and pre-Qin bamboo slips are used to cast fire-attribute magic. There is no hindrance, and there is even a certain benefit."

"Yeah, a very clear point of view." Lao Yao finally gave up letting the students sit and answer questions, and he turned to look at the others: "Who else wants to add?"

Xiao Xiao touched his own notebook, and finally stood up:

"I want to talk about the international standard of Dharma books."

Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses, and said quickly:

"According to international standards, all Dharma books must be hardcover, size: A4; number of pages (including cover): 108 pages."

"The title page is required to be blank for the wizard to brand their own badge, signature, and motto;"

"The protective page must be loaded to engrave the magic pattern talisman against insects, moisture, etc.;"

"The eternal common magic page needs to accommodate at least three spells according to the level of the book;"

"Two sub-pages, one is a sub-page of commonly used magic words, which must be marked with 32 commonly used magic words, so that wizards can check them at any time; the other is a simple spell formula, which needs to be randomly remarked 1-3 magic words mantra;"

"There is no mandatory requirement for the cover. Deerskin, fish skin, pigskin and other materials can be used, but it needs to be tanned by magic, which can be branded with protective spells; the pages of the book are specially made special magic paper according to the m7 standard, and it is forbidden to add any poisonous magic potions."

Having said that, Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses again, nodded, and said, "That's basically it."

It was very quiet in the classroom.

Zheng Qing looked blankly at the special recruit next to him.

Although he knew that Dr. Xiao Da was very knowledgeable, it was admirable that he could memorize so many trivial things like the standards of Dharma books.

"I don't have anything to add." Professor Yao spread out his hands, folded his hands together, shook his head, and sighed again and again: "Children nowadays are really scary... Have you memorized the Encyclopedia of Wizards?"

Xiao Xiao wrinkled his nose and didn't speak.

"Reward a credit, do you have any comments?"

There was a warm applause in the classroom immediately.

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