Hunting High School

Chapter 31: The Six Crew

The bright sunshine outside the cabin slightly dispelled the haze in Nikita's heart.

On the deck, Harry, who was wearing beach pants, was furling the sails, and the blond young man was helping him pull the cable, while the burly man was hoisted to the mast again.

"The captain said he was going to the north." The banshee shouted to the busy two people.

"I see!" Harry pointed to the green lantern at the stern. Nikita remembered that when he boarded the ship, the lantern was still shining brightly, but now the light has gone out.

"The captain told you to send a message, does he agree with you to board the ship?" The blond young man dragged the thick cable and swung in front of the banshee, narrowing his blood-red eyes, and his tone was a bit malicious.

Nikita looked at him cautiously, but didn't speak.

"My name is Ryan, the boatswain on board." The blond young man pointed at Own's nose and threatened, "Since you are on board, you must obey my orders."

"You're the boatswain? Then I'm the deputy captain!" Harry stood on the mast above his head and shouted angrily, "Who has ever seen a boatswain who can't even catch a fish!"

"Besides, beauties don't need to obey anyone's orders." Turning his head, Harry's face was filled with joy, and he graciously moved the own deck chair for the banshee: "beauties just need to lie here and enjoy the scenery."

Ryan snorted mockingly, and pulled out "Ms. Dodo" from Harry's back pocket, with a sneer on his face.

Nikita did not sit down.

Looking at the two live treasures in front of her, she suddenly lost a little confidence in this legendary black ship.

"How many crew members are there on board?" She asked, interrupting the two who were torn into a ball.

"Including these two brats, there are a total of 113 senior crew members above the true demon level, excluding consumables such as deep-sea war beasts, elf servants, alchemy puppets, and fast-growing wild monster legions." Behind him, a dark The deep voice replied in a rough voice.

Nikita was taken aback. She turned around quickly, and saw a one-legged lame old man standing behind her holding an extinguished wind lantern.

The one who can quietly appear behind him is at least a big monster.

Nikita bowed her head respectfully.

"Harry, have you finished furling your sails! And Ryan! If any more cables come to me and complain that you are pulling them around, I will hang you upside down under Arnold's ass!" the one-legged old man pointed The strong man hanging on the mast yelled viciously at the blond young man.

Nikita saw a few off-white cables coiled around his neck on the old man's shoulders, shaking the ends of the ropes weakly.

Without saying a word, Harry and Ryan quickly disappeared in front of the old man.

"As for you, pretty little guy, what do you think you can do!" The old man turned his face, revealing two dark eye sockets. Two dark red lights flickered in the eye sockets, looking at the banshee in front of her.

"I can cook." Nikita replied quickly.

"Then go! There is indeed a lack of cooks on board." The old man snorted sullenly, stomped his feet, and disappeared on the deck.

The banshee opened the own Kun bag, took an inventory of the own inventory, and sighed.

She looked up. Harry was standing on the tallest transom and looking into the distance, his pink blouse looked like a melted candle in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking a little fuzzy and out of shape. The blond-haired Ryan is at the side of the ship, commanding the cables to be neatly coiled and rolled into the dry cabin; beside him, several black and thin white-eyed elves are dragging wooden brushes and basins, cleaning the floor vigorously .

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"Where's the kitchen?" the banshee called to Ryan.

"In the cabin, you can find it by yourself following the smell of blood."

"Why is he hanging on it all the time!" The banshee pointed to the strong man hanging on the mast: "Do you need to cook for him?"

"You don't have to do it for him." Ryan chewed his cigarette without turning his head: "He is receiving punishment. According to the rules on the ship, he needs to hang up for a month. Originally, after the sun went down today, it would be enough time, but when you came here just now He broke the rules and now needs to hang for an extra week."

"What are we going to the north for?" The banshee felt that she was full of doubts in her heart.

"If you respectfully call me 'senior', I will consider showing mercy to you." Ryan finally turned his head and looked at the Banshee angrily: "The crew before you all started from cleaning the floor. , but you can go directly to the kitchen! I thought the relationship between monsters would be simpler and more equal!"

The banshee tilted her head, looked at this inexplicable young man, blinked, and finally got into the cabin to look for the kitchen.

For wild monsters, blood food is an incomparable delicacy, without the stimulation of blood, it is like a mortal meal without salt, which is tasteless. For high-level monsters, the demand will naturally be higher.

When Nikita says she's good at cooking, she's not just talking about it. In that muddled childhood, she knew how to simply process the food obtained from the Silent Forest. Until the first day she was taken in by the teacher, after Sir Ulrich discovered her outstanding talent, she has been responsible for feeding her teacher and the group of brothers and sisters from wild monsters to big monsters.

Therefore, she can easily take out the old wine that the teacher treasures from the own Kun bag, and can also dig out a lot of suitable seasonings from it.

Since it is an afternoon tea, there will naturally not be too many things, and the Banshee only took a short while to prepare.

Each person has a snack and a drink. The dim sum is a piece of hind leg meat poured with a layer of yellow soup. The meat color is a bit blackened, and the material is unclear. It is covered with a thin layer of red jelly-like things and placed on a wooden plate. The drink looked very delicious, it was green, very much like the green bee that wizards drink.

The food of demons is blood food. As a witch who retains a lot of aesthetic ability, Nikita cannot tolerate the rough aesthetics of monsters. Unfortunately, in the kitchen of the Misty, she desperately found that all the kitchen utensils were only one knife, one anvil, and one pot.

"We need to stock up on more ingredients and suitable kitchen utensils." Nikita suggested when delivering afternoon tea to the captain's room.

The captain curled his lips and made no objection.

On the deck, two hard-working crew members are ready to go. The heavy anchor that sank into the deep sea has been lifted up, and the sails on the mast have also been retracted, rolled up, and hung there neatly.

"It's a good job, but the number of copies is wrong." The one-legged old boatman stared into his dark eyes and nodded.

Nikita frowned, and recounted the own dim sum, one hundred and thirteen servings, nothing wrong. She raised her head and looked at the old boatman blankly.

"There are indeed one hundred and thirteen senior crew members registered on board, but it doesn't mean that they are all on board now." With a mouth full of snacks, Harry explained in a low voice, "Most of them are going to the New World. Now, there are only six people on board now."

The captain, the old boatman, Harry in the flowery pants, the blond young man Ryan, the strong man Arnold, and himself!

Nikita helped her dizzy head, the legendary black ship that crossed the sea had completely sunk in her heart.

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