Hunting High School

Chapter 32 The Four Siren Ships

For high-level monsters, eating and drinking is more of a blood-driven instinct, and they can't curb their inner desire for flesh and blood. Almost all goblins are avid art lovers, although Bloody Life greatly impairs their artistic abilities. Many great goblins are brilliant connoisseurs, but very few goblins are great artists.

The reason why Nikita's culinary skills were loved by Sir Ulrich was because her meals began to have an artistic flavor. This is one of the reasons why she can finally survive in the Lich King's territory.

"Aren't you going to set off? Why are you furling the sails?" the banshee asked satisfiedly, looking at the praising diners in front of her.

No one made things difficult for her this time.

"Put down the sails before we can set off! Open the sails, that's the rhythm of stopping the ship!" Ryan took a big sip of the green drink and praised: "Our monster's boat can't be the same as those stupid mortals. "

Nikita thinks this is even more stupid, so she very wisely changes the subject:

"The captain said to go north, do you know where to go?"

"Beihai." Ryan replied simply.

For wizards, the North Sea is a very broad concept, and the entire Arctic Ocean falls within the scope of the North Sea. But in the words of the monsters, there is only one place that can be called the North Sea.

That is the territory of the Bingshan Daemon.

"Why did you go there?" The banshee frowned with her beautiful slender eyebrows. If the Krakens on the Misty were just a little rough, then the group of monsters on the iceberg were complete barbarians.

The liches privately said that the legendary iceberg monster had a mental problem when Qi Deviation advanced. So all the monsters under his command also became stupid.

"This should be asking you." Ryan glanced at the banshee.

"Beauty doesn't need to answer any questions from such a rough man." Harry's voice was vague, his mouth was still full of snacks. Monsters are big eaters, and the afternoon tea made by Nikita for a hundred people was stuffed into the belly of own by two energetic young men.

Nikita noticed some meat sauce on Harry's pink polo shirt.

"Originally our next step was to go to the Black Triangle, but after you came, the boss changed his mind." Ryan put down the knife and fork in his hand, and glanced at Nikita with a sad face: "I made an appointment for the siren concert a month in advance." Tickets to the meeting are void, and you won't be able to taste the sauce-flavored Minotaur hooves made by the chef in Havana. What did you tell the captain?"

He took out a piece of green leather from his pocket and shook it vigorously in front of the banshee. Nikita saw a few sirens lying on the reef boredly and twisting their bodies on the leather case. A moon-like jade coin hung above their heads, surrounded by three or four golden beans.

"One jade coin and four golden beans." Ryan slammed the leather concert ticket on the table.

"It's far to the north, how long will it take to get there?" Nikita ignored the blond young man's complaints. Holding the cup of green drink, she took a sip and asked a new question.

With his mouth still full, Harry glanced at Ryan.

"What's the name of our ship?" Ryan put away the own ticket boringly and asked.

"The Mist!"

"Look what's around?"

Nikita looked around for a while, feeling a little dazed. Although the hot sun could still be felt in the sky, a hazy layer of mist surrounded it unconsciously from all directions. Moreover, the fog was getting thicker and thicker, and in just a few minutes, the visibility was reduced to three to five meters.

"Quiet." The old boatman roared angrily in everyone's ears.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the thick fog in front of me did not show any sign of dissipating. Nikita could only hear the bubbling of running water and some unsettling screams from the thick fog.

Gradually, a slight chill surrounded him from all directions. The banshee raised her head, quietly looking at the foggy sky and the foggy sea, not knowing where the chill came from.

As the chill grew stronger, the mist slowly thinned, and the afterglow of the setting sun began to fall on the deck through this heavy curtain.

Nikita blinked and shook his head, his scarlet eyes suddenly burst into shock. She raised her head and stared fixedly at the sky.

Overhead, is a brilliant Galaxy Cluster.

The Banshee jumped up and ran to the side of the boat.

Not far from the Misty, a white iceberg was slowly sliding past her eyes. On the iceberg, a lazy polar bear patted its belly, lying on the top of the mountain, looking unscrupulously at the big black ship that suddenly appeared in front of it.

The Mist has traveled thousands of miles across the ocean and arrived at the North Sea.

Flying thousands of miles across the sea, these words suddenly appeared in the banshee's heart.

"You were just asking how long it would take to come to the north, weren't you?" Harry strolled to her side with a smirk on his face, and held up the pocket watch in his hand, pretending to be solemn: "After careful measurement by my lord, it will take about five minutes and thirty minutes." Seven seconds, um, about five minutes and thirty-six seconds."

"A mistake?" Although Nikita wanted to give him a kick, he was more curious about what the mistake was.

"It's just to calculate the time for us to enter and exit the fog."

The banshee didn't speak, but expressed her inner excitement with trembling breaths.

Ryan looked at the performance of the new crew member with satisfaction, and comforted: "Don't get excited, this is just a small scene. You will know what a real miracle is after staying on the ship for a long time."

"Not excited, just too cold!" The banshee chattered her teeth as she spoke.

Harry rushed into the cabin, holding a brand new set of white velvet cloak, and put it on the banshee.

The banshee gave him a sideways look, but said nothing.

"That's my new coat!" Lion growled, fighting with Harry.

On the iceberg not far away, the big white bear was biting a big fish, standing there, staring at the small red eyes, curiously watching the twisted show on the deck.

Nikita didn't pay attention to the fight between the two, her eyes were attracted by the sea not far away.

The water in the North Sea is darker than the previous warm waters. The surface of the navy-blue sea was sparkling, and there were large and small ice blocks floating on it. Compared with that iceberg, these ice cubes looked fragile and deserted, only a few tired seals rested their tails on them.

Not far from the Misty, ripples appeared on the calm sea. The seals resting their tails raised their heads vigilantly, staring at the ripples on the sea surface, and flapped their tails on the ice under them anxiously.

In less than a minute, a huge vortex appeared in Nikita's eyes. The center of the deep vortex is like the legendary sea eye, unfathomable.

The seals screamed, jumped off the ice, and swam away from the whirlpool.

But it was too late.

A huge gray boat covered with seaweed and shells, spitting sea water, drilled out of the deep sea eye. The seals caught in the vortex were like chickens hitting rocks, seaweeds and shells, leaving only dark red scars.

Nikita looked at the two young sirens who had stopped fighting.

"The Vortex, another big ship comparable to ours!" Harry explained to Nikita proudly, "I guess the boss is going to meet the old guy from the Vortex this time."

"It's not just him." Ryan's astonished voice came from behind them.

Turning around, following Ryan's stiff figure, Nikita saw a hazy image.

It seems to be a mirage in the eyes of ordinary people. In this mirage, a fat five-masted ship is safely moored in a scenic harbor. Nikita could even see the sight of a drunk sailor being stripped of all his valuables by a few hooligans on the port not far away, and thrown on the ground.

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"This mirage is so clear, it seems real!" She couldn't help admiring.

"Because it's true." Harry's voice was not as smooth as before, and seemed a little gloomy.

Nikita looked at him in astonishment, but saw Harry looking at the mirage with a serious face.

"This is the Poseidon, a huge ship that dominates the East China Sea." Ryan explained softly beside him.

Nikita was stunned, then stunned.

"Mist, Vortex, Poseidon, plus that stable iceberg." Harry smacked his fingers, "Something really happened."

"Iceberg?" Nikita turned around in a daze, looking at the iceberg not far away.

It was indeed an iceberg, a real iceberg. The polar bear above seemed dissatisfied with the successive intruders and howled angrily.

"At first I thought it was an iceberg. But looking at the legendary sea monster ships jumping out one after another, I couldn't help but think of the legend in the north."

"What did you tell the boss?" Harry looked at Nikita seriously.

The young banshee looked bewildered.

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