Hunting High School

Chapter 238: The Slandered Newspaper

Under normal circumstances, First University will hold the opening ceremony on the weekend of the first week of freshman admission.

Most of the time, the school will also invite some non-famous performance groups outside the school to join in the welcome party, adding a bit of lively atmosphere to the ceremony.

But the freshmen of the 2008 class clearly enjoyed an informal treatment.

Their commencement ceremony was delayed for nearly a month—it was not until the last day of September that this class of freshmen truly became members of First University.

The school offered no explanation for the unusual delay.

But this does not affect the various rumors and speculations flying around the campus.

Some people say that the banshee Nikita is the culprit, because her act of breaking into the school plane and murdering a flight attendant shocked the entire wizarding world, causing First University to bear enormous pressure recently, and the Wizarding Union even sent A special investigation team was stationed in the campus, so that for a whole month, the school's main energy was put on inspecting the school's guard formation and investigating various safety hazards. Naturally, the opening ceremony was politely postponed for a few days .

Some people also said that this year's resurgence of silence came earlier than before, which caused the school's original response plan to go wrong, and even many small things that escaped from the forest of silence slipped into the school. I was so busy that most of the manpower was deployed along the Silent River, so I naturally didn't have more energy to hold the opening ceremony.

Others said that the opening ceremony was postponed because the top leaders of the school, including the principal and vice-principals, happened not to be at the school recently, and other professors did not have the ability to open the "soul baptism" in the first hall-according to the senior seniors. Explain that only freshmen who have been baptized are considered real students of First University—this is the most widely circulated and most credible statement.

How the soul is baptized, Zheng Qing does not understand.

He didn't even bother to think about those guesses that had no shadow at all.

The young public finance student is now so full of thoughts on how to give Elena that sad gift that he is distracted from time to time when he is flipping through the school newspaper.

"What are you looking at?" Xin Fatty put a hand on Zheng Qing's shoulder and squeezed his head away.

A burst of force pressed down on Zheng Qing's spine along that arm, and he even heard an ominous creaking sound from his own bones.

At the same time, a strong smell of sweat enveloped Zheng Qing's breathing range.

"Climb to the side..." Zheng Qing struggled to break free from Fatty's claws, staggered to the side, and there was still a little panic on his face: "Do you know how heavy you are? You will crush people to death, bastard!"

"Is there?" Xin Fatty was stunned, with an apologetic expression on his face: "I'm sorry... I didn't expect you to be so fragile..."

He looked up and down the public fee student with a kind of pity.

Zheng Qing felt the throbbing pain in own forehead.

"What are you two doing here?" Li Meng called out not far away: "The professor said that those little ancestors will also attend the opening ceremony after a while, let us take care of them."

"Little ancestor?" Zheng Qing looked blank.

"It's your pet," Jiang Yu pushed the little witch into the line behind him, with a tired smile on his face: "You two, don't stand outside the line... Freshmen should line up in advance."

"The pets will come here in a minute... Let them find their own people, and the team should not be chaotic!" Downton held a golden pocket watch in his right hand and waved it vigorously in mid-air, with a restless expression on his face: "Everyone is in a hurry. Are you all here? Who else is not here, take a look around you!"

Looking at the bustling crowd, Zheng Qing sighed, clutching the newspaper, and quietly squeezed into the queue.

There is still more than an hour before the opening ceremony officially begins.

In addition to the freshmen, there are many gray-robed janitors arranging the venue in the spacious first hall.

Flipping the dharma books in their hands, they lit up the big clusters of light above the auditorium one by one, making the originally dim hall gradually brighter, as if it were daytime.

On the iron-gray floor in the center of the hall, those criss-crossing silver-white lines also glowed faintly at some point, and the hollowed-out characters interspersed with them even faintly glowed with five colors.

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On the hundreds of dark giant pillars surrounding the hall, those giant beasts with exaggerated shapes and fierce expressions quietly opened their eyes, occasionally stretched their waists and shook their legs, and circled up and down endlessly, bringing out bursts of clouds and mist.

The freshmen were scattered and gathered in the corridor behind the giant pillar according to the division of colleges and classes.

After Zheng Qing squeezed to Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin, he finally stopped.

"Is this the September school newspaper?" A crisp voice next to him yelled, tugging at the stack of newspapers in Zheng Qing's hand: "Show me!"

Zheng Qing knew who the voice was without looking back.

"Miss, I have business..." Zheng Qing sighed, and his grip on the newspaper in his hand became tighter and tighter: "I'll give it to you after I finish reading it."

Li Meng didn't move, but kicked Zheng Qing angrily.

"Reading the newspaper is also business?" Xin Fatty ignored other people's complaints, perseveringly squeezed behind Zheng Qing, and continued to ask the question just now: "I was just asking, what are you reading?"

"What exactly do you want, Dage." Zheng Qing looked at Fatty wanting to cry without tears, and was very puzzled by his abnormal behavior today: "Don't you also want to read newspapers?"

"I don't read it," Xin Fatty waved his hands again and again: "Your newspaper is the one in our dormitory..."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and nodded suspiciously.

"That's right!" Xin Fatty grabbed a corner of the newspaper, turned it over, opened the middle seam of the fifth page, and moved it in front of Zheng Qing: "Someone has already declared can't just leave the newspaper just like that Take it away, and I will send it back."

A string of oily paw prints came into Zheng Qing's eyes.

"Is it human?" The young public fee student was powerless to complain: "And, why does it need newspapers?! When did you become the dog's leg of that fat cat!"

"The possibility that it is a human cannot be ruled out." Xiao Xiao suddenly interjected: "Actually, I very much doubt that the orange cat is a wizard who failed to transform and was trapped by Mundell's law."

"Since one of you sued it, I have to do something to stop it from urinating on my bed." Xin Fatty pulled the newspaper with a dark face: "I was just in Lao Yao's You told the truth in class... how about you? You are simply raped!"

Zheng Qing glanced away guiltily.

But he still didn't let go.

"I'll finish it right away," he insisted, "I'll give it to you as soon as I finish it."

"What are you looking at?" This time, Xiao Xiao was also curious: "I remember you grabbed this newspaper and read it endlessly after your lunch break... Is there any news about Elena?"

Immediately, several obscure gazes cast around.

Zheng Qing's face darkened, and he quickly explained loudly: "I just took a look at the admission list of the school's student union... Didn't I take the re-examination for the student union before?"

His voice became smaller and smaller, and the words that followed were almost whispers.

But several partners showed stunned expressions.

"Have you found it?" Xin Fatty flipped through the newspaper strangely: "I remember the list is on the side page of the third page, and there are not many names...Why did you take so long to read it!"

With a straight face, Zheng Qing grabbed the newspaper and hid his head behind the thick pages.

"It must be that I didn't see own's name." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and deduced with certainty.

Several other people showed stunned expressions.

"If he had his name, he would have called it out a long time ago." Xin Fatty showed a narrow expression on his face: "Does it seem like it, Grand Duke Fei Sheng?"

"There must be something wrong," Zheng Qing muttered in a low voice, and finally gave up searching, and stuffed the newspaper into Xin Fatty's arms indiscriminately, with a resentful look on his face: "There must be something can't be without my name ...I will go to the student union office tomorrow to inquire."

"Maybe the school newspaper underrecorded your name." Zhang Jixin patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

"This is slander! It's pure slander!!" The newspaper in Xin Fatty's hand suddenly raised a corner, revealing the front page of the newspaper. Next to the registration, a dark villain was waving his arms and screaming: "I will review it myself There is absolutely nothing wrong with the template...don’t spread rumors!!”

Zheng Qing viciously pulled out the newspaper from Fatty's arms, and rolled it into a roll with all his strength.

The voice of the little black man was buried by layers of paper.

never heard.

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