Hunting High School

Chapter 239: The Triangular Shape On The School Emblem

Zheng Qing felt that it was a big mistake for the school to allow pets to participate in the opening ceremony.

What a disaster.

When Poseidon ran into the arms of the young public servant with his big furry tail waving, he had a moment of surprise—after all, he was at school, and he and the little fox got together all day long, except for morning exercises. They rarely get a chance to play tricks together.

The other animals that followed did not have the agility of Poseidon.

A fat pink pig whimpered and swayed its round buttocks, knocking a boy who stood in the way and turned over several times; two huge felines hooked their tails to each other, pacing gracefully, Walking through the corridors with their heads held high, they didn't know that they had scared several children to tears; there was also a group of teddy dogs wandering among the crowd, regardless of the bright light above their heads, hugging the witches' calves like a burst of madness , causing screams and laughter from the crowd.

Not to mention the giant tarantulas scurrying across the walls, the long worms gliding past the newborns' feet, and the toads with ugly poisonous glands, these grotesque pets are so creepy that their owners have been challenged a lot.

The worst thing is the crows, light falcons and many other birds flapping their wings in mid-air. Maybe they just eat too much at noon in order to reduce weight. From time to time, there were exclamations and curses.

"Be careful!" Zhang Jixin grabbed Zheng Qing's robe and dragged him back a step.

Zheng Qing was still in a daze, a bubble of hot bird droppings rubbed the tip of his nose and hit the ground.

"Damn it..." Thousands of words merged into one word, the muscles on the young public fee student's face trembled, and he couldn't pull out the book, and put the green head that had just landed on the ground and was squeezing its buttocks back and forth. The duck was hung up and beaten.


"Freshmen, please pay attention!"



A sharp and noisy voice came from his ears. Zheng Qing covered his ears and followed the sound. He saw many thick vines hanging upside down from the big pillars around the first hall at some point.

Their rhizomes took root in the dark void above their heads, and their branches spread out in all directions, revealing dense red patterns like spider webs on the broad leaves.

At the top of the rattan, colorful petunias are budding, budding, and blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Strange sounds are intertwined, gushing out from the trembling petals:

", attention..."

"New...students, please pay attention..."

"Freshmen...please pay attention!"

As the trumpet flowers bloomed more and more thoroughly, the intermittent noises gradually disappeared, and the sentences from the trumpets became more and more smooth, and the voice became louder and clearer:

"There is still half an hour before the opening ceremony officially begins."

"Freshmen, please use the college as a unit to quickly organize their own teams."

"The school work committee has just added a new notice, prohibiting pets from excreting at will in the first hall, feeding pets during the ceremony, freshmen please take good care of their pets, and pet injuries are strictly prohibited."

"Freshmen who are not wearing academic gowns, please leave and change as soon as possible. If there are still students wearing casual clothes when the ceremony starts, the school discipline picket team will deduct credits for this month's supervision."

"During the ceremony, fighting, making noise and other behaviors are prohibited."

"During the ceremony, it is strictly forbidden to move around..."

"It is forbidden to be late, leave early, etc..."


The morning glory fluttered its petals, repeating all kinds of forbidden things.

The freshmen listened to their nagging quietly at first, but soon, everyone discovered that these trumpet flowers have no other ability except to be louder.

And the wizards who took down the gray robes from the school work committee just lowered their heads and quietly dealt with the affairs at hand, turning a blind eye to the surrounding situation.

As a result, the phenomenon of whispering among the crowd gradually spread.

The voice of conversation also picked up again.

"Deduct a little to the east, deduct a little to the west, just that little point, and all of them will be deducted." Li Meng pointed her fingers, muttering to herself, her face full of melancholy: "Xiaobai wants to shit, how can I still put it on?" Is it blocked back?"

"Li Meng!" Jiang Yuliu raised her brows and glared at her with Killing intent on her face.

The little witch stuck out her tongue, turned around and hid behind Zheng Qing.

Dove Xiaobai was startled by his master's action and flew up, but soon saw his acquaintance, and with his wings retracted, he also landed on Zheng Qing's shoulder.

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Poseidon lay on Zheng Qing's other shoulder, shaking his ears and flicking his tail when he heard the sound, then quickly closed his eyes, deciding to pretend he didn't see the intruder.

"This problem, that problem, every day when I look up, I see problems all over my eyes." Zheng Qing tilted his head, rubbed Xiaobai's smooth feathers, and let out a long sigh.

"You're young, like an old man, why are you sighing!" Li Meng slapped him old-fashionedly, and said unceremoniously: "Tell me, I will help you solve the problem!"

Zheng Qing glanced at her blankly.

Li Meng blinked, puffed her mouth timidly.

"Do you know what is the most controversial issue in First University?" Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head from his notebook and asked with great interest.

"Do you want to wear uniforms of the same color?" Zheng Qing looked at the colorful robes on the square, and replied sullenly, "Or, do you want to abolish the credit system?"

He hadn't recovered from the shock of the school registration form, and the recent sudden indifference of the gypsy witch made him even more upset.

So in the face of Dr. Xiao Da's question, his attitude seemed a lot more perfunctory.

Xiao Xiao frowned, obviously not satisfied with this negative answer.

"I know! I know!" Li Meng raised her hand positively: "I heard from my cousin that it seems to have something to do with the school badge. Well, what is it?"

The little girl frowned, shaking her head in thought.

"Who is the backside of the triangular body?" Zhang Jixin approached.

"That's right! That's it!" The little girl nodded again and again, then turned around and kicked Zhang Jixin: "You interrupted me just as I was about to say it, it's really bad!"

Zhang Jixin smiled wryly and avoided her.

"Who is on the back of the triangular prism?" Zheng Qing was a little interested, and repeated in doubt, bewildered: "What kind of contradiction is this!"

The school badge is a regular triangular prism, he knows it well.

Whether it is the admission notice, the center of the majestic stone gate not far away, or the ubiquitous brand marks on the campus, they all clearly mark the appearance of the school badge.

But he didn't understand the meaning of the question.

"The triangular body of the school badge only shows three sides, and there is another side that we can't see." Li Meng explained next to him: "But our school has four colleges, which is very troublesome. The invisible side Which school to refer to, this is the most controversial issue at First University."

"It is said that every year in the debate competition, this question is a must-discussed question." Zhang Jixin couldn't help but said another sentence, and then flexibly moved away when Li Meng turned around and kicked him.

Li Meng was so aggressive that he called his own pigeons and the little fox Poseidon who was eager to try to jump on him.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but laugh.

Not only because of the laughter and slapstick in front of him, but also because of this so-called biggest controversy.

It's just unreasonable.

"Invisible does not mean that we don't pay attention to it. On the contrary, every college is vying for the invisible glory." Xiao Xiao added: "Many independent observers, including critics of the Wizarding Union, believe that the invisible part of the school badge That side represents the hidden truth of First University, or in other words, represents the cornerstone of that triangular body."

"It's too boring." Zheng Qing felt that this contradiction was a bit of an overkill: "The school can put a rotating magic on the school badge, so that every side has a chance to be seen!"

"This is the strangest thing. The school refuses to do this." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses: "A small magic that can solve a big conflict, but the school turns a blind eye. This is almost telling everyone clearly that the three-edged edge on the school badge There is a meaning to the fact that the body only embodies three aspects."

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes immediately.

Looking around, the courtyard robes of four colors clearly surrounded the corridors around the first hall without any overlap.

Even the atmosphere at the celebration couldn't make this disagreement seem more harmonious.

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