Hunting High School

Chapter 244 Freedom And Justice

A badge is a sign of identity.

On the robes of every senior student of the First University, there are usually two badges hanging on them.

One is the regular triangular logo of First University, and the other is the logo of their respective colleges.

The badge of Jiuyou Academy looks like a copper coin, with a round square hole etched with teeny-thin runes; the emblem of Alpha Academy is relatively simple, with an 'α' pattern twisted out of a short piece of silver wire. The silk is also covered with dense spells; the badge of Atlas is simpler, like a triangle, but its color is golden; among the four colleges, only the badge of Star Academy is relatively complicated, but it is also But it looks like a six-pointed star.

It is said that these badges have a powerful spell cast by the school's great wizard. After wearing them, they can not only help students concentrate, but also prevent dust and heat, and resist many small evil spells, so they are very popular.

It's just that freshmen can get these two heavy metal signs from their deans only after they have participated in the opening ceremony.

When Mrs. Bella of the school hospital was treating Zheng Qing, she once complained about this rigid rule.

"If you wear your badges as soon as you enter the school, don't talk about such vile nightmare curses, even the Five Poison Curse and the Yellow Plague Curse, they won't fall on you easily." The chubby head nurse complained loudly, and gave the Zheng Qing poured down a large glass of dusty talisman water, so he didn't choke him to death.

Zheng Qing was not fully awake at the time, but heard these complaints indistinctly.

But this does not affect the deep impression he left for it.

first hall.

The freshmen have returned to the corridor behind the stone pillar.

The stone platform under the unnamed principal's feet also slowly rose into the air again.

The white mist rolled out of the darkness again, turning into different images such as ancient wood, titan, and strange beast, and placed them under the dusty stone platform.

A chunky figure passed through the fog, walked to the center of the hall, and stood on top of the complicated formation.

"Alpha's new life!"

Her eyes were puffed out, and her curly red hair, which was hidden by a wide hood, looked much chunkier.

But that didn't affect her sonorous voice in the slightest:

"Alpha's new students, come out!"

The white robe surged forward like the tide under the moon, one after another, and finally stopped in front of the witch.

The witch's figure was like a solid dam, lying in front of the white robes.

Zheng Qing noticed Linguo's short figure.

He stood at the forefront of the Alpha team, his large courtyard robe was dragged under his feet, looking a little sloppy, the black goat standing next to him bit his robe corner from time to time to prevent the young wizard from accidentally falling.

But the funny scene didn't arouse Zheng Qing's teasing mood.

His eyes were fixed on another thing that surprised him.

"Professor Emma?" Zheng Qing looked around, his tone seemed a bit unbelievable: "She is the dean of Alpha College? Why didn't anyone tell me about this! Isn't she the professor who taught me?"

"Who stipulated that the professors of the Alpha Academy cannot teach us? Lao Yao's magic philosophy class also includes those registered wizards from the academy." Xin Fatty squinted at the young public fee student, and laughed: "And, why do you have to do it specially? Telling you this kind of thing...does this kind of well-known thing need special emphasis?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, speechless.

"Do you know who the dean of our college is?" Xiao Xiao suddenly turned his head and asked.

The young public fee student blinked, and finally shook his head quietly.

This time, even Zhang Jixin, Jiang Yu and others couldn't help turning their heads to look at him.

"No one told us these things... didn't they?" The young public finance student muttered, straightening the collar of his red robe, a little embarrassed: "And there are no deans on "Into the First University" introduction."

"Do you need someone to tell you everything?" Xiao Xiao said sharply, "You are already an adult...don't act like a child all the time."

With a dark face, Zheng Qing squeezed in front of Dr. Xiao Da, and stretched out his hand to draw the difference in size between the two.

Xiao Xiao was half a head shorter than him.

Poseidon's head popped out of his hood, grinning wildly with his little pink tongue sticking out.

" are as naive as your dog." Dr. Xiao Da put on a straight face, holding his notebook and turning his head, looking at the wizards in white robes who were accepting badges in the middle of the field.

“Poseidon is a fox!” Zheng Qing corrected.


"Freshman from Alpha Academy!"

The professor of ceremonies stood obliquely in front of the freshman team, holding a thick roster, and said loudly:

"Alpha freshmen, after hearing their names, please step forward in order to accept the badges."

"Your animal companions can come forward with you and receive the blessing."

"Now, the first freshman please."

"Linguo!" He called out the first name.

The little wizard stumbled forward, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment.

This made many people sweat for him.

In contrast, the black goat next to him walked with a steady and dignified demeanor.

Professor Emma looked at him sternly with a straight face, until Lin Guo stood up straight, then took out the two silver badges from the elf's tray, and hung them on the little wizard's chest.

off the field.

The young public finance student seemed to have forgotten the quarrel a few minutes ago, rubbed against Dr. Xiao who was next to him, and asked in a low voice: "Tell me, is Alpha's badge made of sterling silver?"

"I don't know." Xiao Xiao replied bluntly.

Zheng Qing gave a 'cut' and turned his gaze to the center of the hall again.

Lingo had already followed the black goat back to the back of the line. He happily raised the badge in his hand and waved it at every face he knew.

The blue elves are wearing light white gauze, holding silver trays, floating in a neat line on the shoulders of every freshman, like angels.

After each freshman accepted the badge, the elves would hold the silver platter and quickly turn to the depths of the hall, disappearing behind the deep curtain.

"How much longer..." Li Meng tugged on her cousin's robe, her tone already impatient.

"Quiet!" Jiang Yu grabbed her ear and reprimanded the little witch in a low voice.

Pigeon Xiaobai rubbed against the little witch's red ears, and let out a cooing sound in his throat.

Li Meng pursed her mouth and finally stopped complaining.

There are more than one hundred freshmen, not too many to say, but not too little to say.

Professor Emma took the trouble, one after another, pinning the two badges on each freshman very seriously.

After finishing the emblem, Professor Emma stood in front of the group of freshmen and said calmly:

"Talent is a gift from our blood."

"The own talent runs in everyone's blood."

"At Alpha Academy, you can fully explore your own potential and show your own talent!"

"Justice is to let everyone get what they want; freedom is to learn to give up. Give up what we are not good at, and show what we are good at - this is our pursuit!"

"For freedom and justice!" The freshmen of Alpha puffed up their chests and looked at Professor Emma firmly.

Professor Emma closed the Dharma book in her hand heavily.

Waves of white light penetrated the magic circle under her feet and shot towards the endless darkness above her head.

A few seconds later, dazzling white light suddenly flowed down from the void, like a long river, drowning the figures of the wizards in white robes.

The entire first hall is shrouded in milky white, and this ancient building seems to be transformed into a holy place in the Garden of Eden in an instant.

Zheng Qing couldn't help raising her hand to block in front of her.

His eyes hurt from the white light.

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