Hunting High School

Chapter 245: Equality And Justice

Poseidon hid his body in Zheng Qing's hood, with only his two front legs exposed, resting on his master's shoulders.

It shook its big ears, opened a pair of blue eyes, and looked around curiously. Whenever there was a disturbance, it immediately retracted into the warm and wide hood.

Around it, other pets also seemed a little vigilant.

Pigeon Xiaobai stood on Li Meng's shoulder, turning his head restlessly, making a continuous cooing sound in his throat; Liu Feifei's big snake hung around her neck like a shiny scarf, with the snake's head and tail It was tied in a knot and piled in her hood; Jiang Yu had the plush bear hanging on her arm, and Zheng Qing noticed that the mouth of this cheap bear had been tightly bound with a rope.

Compared with these familiar little things, Zheng Qing also met many fresh faces.

Matthew's pet is a red bat, crystal clear from top to bottom, looking like a huge ruby ​​from a distance; Downton is holding a huge eight-legged spider in the palm of his hand, even a few meters away, Zheng Qing You can also clearly see the black setae on the legs of the big spider; the most puzzling thing is Elena, who actually has a big crow.

"Oh, I seem to see something ominous." Xin Fatty approached Zheng Qing's ear, Yin & Yang said strangely.

He held the orange cat Tuantuan in his arms.

Since he had no pets, he abducted the fat cat at the cost of a chicken leg.

I have to admit, Fatty has a very sharp eye.

Although the figure is a bit out of shape, as the animal that has occupied the top spot in the "Wizard's Favorite Pet List" for the past ten years, Tuantuan attracted the attention of many witches as soon as it appeared in the class.

Many people yelled how cute they were, while viciously ravaging the fat cat's fur.

"No wizard likes crows," Fatty paused, and added, "Except for those dwarves on Dongying Island."

"Maybe you got it wrong." Zheng Qing hesitated, carefully looked at the black bird standing on Irina's shoulder, and said uncertainly: "That may also be a know, a starling looks like a crow Very similar."

As if to explain what he said, the black bird on Elena's shoulder turned its head, opened its mouth, and croaked.

Zheng Qing's face darkened immediately.

Xin Fatty covered the ball to his face, his shoulders shook violently, and he was out of breath from laughing.

The fat cat's four legs were lazily hanging in mid-air, and its round and fat face looked completely loveless.

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Laozi's face was completely lost, Tuantuan's beard trembled, and he seemed to see the Persian cat he was pursuing recently from the corner of his eyes. She was staring at this place in surprise with a pair of strange-colored eyes.

Ah Choo!

Fat Cat sneezed hard, spat a pool of saliva in Fatty's hair.

Fatty raised his head suspiciously, and looked at the dark void above his head.

Zheng Qing lowered his head and started laughing.

"Jiuyou College freshmen prepare!"

The resounding voice of the master of ceremonies resounded in the first hall.

The silver-white robes of the Alpha Academy are slowly receding into the corridor, like the ebb tide of the sea, leaving an empty world.

"Jiuyou Academy freshmen, please come forward to accept the badge."

After the red robes received the order, they squirmed forward in unison.

Zheng Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, walked with somewhat stiff steps, and followed the people around him in a neat line, moving towards the center of the hall.

"Students who have heard their names, please come forward in order and accept the badge."

"Your pet companions can receive the dean's blessing together."

"Please maintain a quiet and orderly discipline."

Following the rambling voice of the master of ceremonies, a tall figure passed through the lingering white mist and walked in front of the freshmen of Jiuyou College.

His shiny back hair, sallow complexion, and smiling eyes are almost indistinguishable from his appearance in class.

The only exception was the pipe.

Maybe it was because today was the opening ceremony, the atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn, maybe it was just because the leaders were standing by, Lao Yao didn't hold his black pipe in his hand after all.

Zheng Qing looked at him numbly.

"You don't seem surprised at all?" Xin Fatty's voice as thin as a mosquito came from my ear.

Zheng Qing smiled wryly and found it really strange.

The professor he was familiar with on weekdays suddenly became the dean of Jiuyou College, and he was not surprised at all.

In view of the impact of Professor Emma's appearance not long ago, unless someone puts a sketch in front of him, points to the stick figure on it and says, this is the dean of their college, maybe he will show some kind of degree of gaffe.

Lao Yao gently squinted at the freshmen and waved his hands habitually.

This made many people chuckle.

It's still a familiar style, and it's still a familiar professor.

"Please invite the first freshman of Jiuyou College, Liu Feifei, to come on stage."

The skinny witch tightly held the body of the big snake hanging on her sides, her face flushed red, as if she could cry at any moment.

The big snake seemed to have its Soul Expanding Aperture, even though the witch clutched his body white, he still obediently did not move, hanging limply around her neck.

Walking in front of Lao Yao, without further ado, she bowed at ninety degrees first.

Zheng Qing vaguely heard the chuckles of the professors on the upper terrace.

If it were me, I would definitely not bow, it would be too embarrassing.

He secretly thought in his heart that even bowing would not be so large.

Before he could continue to think for a few seconds, the professor of ceremonies called out his name:

"Student Zheng Qing, please come forward."

Obviously, the list of Jiuyou College is arranged according to the entrance scores.

With a hard smile on Zheng Qing's face, he moved forward like a puppet.

He didn't even know how he got in front of Professor Yao.

There seemed to be many familiar and subtle laughter coming from behind, but Zheng Qing had no time to distinguish them, nor did he have the heart to distinguish them.

He was very worried about falling while walking and becoming the laughing stock of the entire university.

Look, that's the public-funded student of Jiuyou College this year, the guy who fell after taking two steps on stage!

Thinking wildly in his mind, Lao Yao's lips seemed to be opening and closing to say something, and he couldn't hear a word clearly. Poseidon, contrary to his previous naughty and active behavior, curled his whole body into his hood, not even listening to his ears. Ken showed up.

It wasn't until the robe on his chest fell heavily that the young public finance student was pulled back from his thoughts.

He bowed his head, two shiny badges hung on his right chest.

"Go down." Lao Yao's gentle voice came from next to his ear.

Relieved, he quickly returned to the team.

Only then did he notice a smurf floating on a copper tray over the left shoulder of everyone in the line.

"Was there an elf next to us just now?" He scratched the little fox in the hood.

Poseidon whimpered and rolled over, but didn't answer.

Same as the self-introduction in the first class, Xiao Xiao was still the last one to get two badges.

When he walked back to the team, Lao Yao raised his hand to signal everyone's attention:

"No one is born to know, no one is born to be wise, no one is born to be holy!"

Standing in front of all the freshmen, he warned in a serious tone:

"Under God's will, all beings are equal;"

"What all living beings ask for, Heavenly Dao rewards those who work hard!"

"Do princes and generals care about each other?"

"Morality, benevolence, and righteousness cannot be done in violation of propriety; teachings are upright and common, and inappropriate propriety cannot be prepared;"

"Li said: Don't be disrespectful, just like thinking, An Ding speech!"

"This is the thinking of Jiuyou."

"This is justice and equality."

The atmosphere in the first hall seemed a bit serious.

Behind the circular corridor, the scrutiny eyes of other colleges fell on every nine freshmen, which seemed heavy and suffocating.

Nine freshmen silently puffed up their chests and silently looked at Dean Own.

Zheng Qing felt that it seemed that for a moment, they received some kind of will in the void.

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