Hunting High School

Chapter 246: After The Ceremony

"The Universe is a dark forest!"

"The world is a cave of savagery!"

"Use the swords in your hands to pierce the dark night! Use your boiling blood to ignite the brilliance of the starry sky!"

"Heaven sends murderous intentions, then fight with the sky!"

"If the earth is murderous, then fight the earth!"

"If someone wants to kill someone, then fight with them!"

"Our souls will never wither!" The tall head of Starry Sky Academy raised his hands: "Life is endless..."

"The fight doesn't stop!" The blue-robed wizards waved their fists frantically:

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"



"It's really a complicated and lengthy ceremony." Zheng Qing felt the violent ups and downs of magic waves in the first hall, scratched Poseidon's chin, and murmured.

The little fox squinted his eyes comfortably, and his big tail was hanging in mid-air, swinging every now and then.

Even the roars of the starry sky academy's freshmen didn't wake it up from its nap.

After returning to the ring corridor, the little fox jumped out of the hood and resumed its former liveliness and cheerfulness. It seems that the complex magic circle in the center of the hall has a mysterious deterrent effect on it.

"Isn't this what people yearn for?" Xiao Xiao grabbed the brush, licked it in his mouth, spread out the notebook, and wrote something quickly.

His old tortoise fell heavily in his hood like a rock, and remained motionless.

"Longing?!" Zheng Qing almost laughed out loud when he heard this: "Are you kidding me? People yearn for this kind of thing?"

Perhaps his voice of doubt was a little louder, and several students around turned their heads and glanced at the two of them.

Xiao Xiao finally put down the brush in his hand.

There is still a trace of ink hanging from the corner of his mouth, which looks a little funny.

But he had a serious expression and explained in a very serious tone: "That's right, this is what people are after all the time... Or, you can call it something with a sense of ritual."

Immediately afterwards, he threw out a series of questions:

"Do you prefer chaos or order?"

"Do you prefer war or peace?"

"Do you like rules?"

Zheng Qing was somewhat puzzled by Dr. Xiao's meaning, but relying on the intuition he cultivated in the past twenty years, he subconsciously chose some beautiful words: "Peace is naturally better than war...and order is definitely better than chaos." Be strong."

"As for the rules," he thought for a while and replied cautiously: "In a sense, the rules have two sides."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Xiao Xiao hugged his heavy notebook, lowered his head, and looked carefully at the public fee student in front of him, with a dissatisfied tone:


"Rules are good too." Zheng Qing quickly replied.

"That's right." Xiao Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and turned his gaze to the center of the hall, where the students of Atlas were listening to the dean's final instruction.



"Faith is the sublimation of consciousness and the affirmation of personal will."

"The path you practice is your belief."

"Some people believe in the starry sky above their heads, some people believe in the morality in their hearts, and some people believe in the well-being of all beings and the unity of all generations."

"Our longing for love, pursuit of knowledge, and unstoppable sympathy for human suffering build the foundation of our beliefs and provide inexhaustible spiritual power for our beliefs."

"This is a world that still has faith!"

"This is a world worth saving!"

"This is where our Life and death is!"

The dean of Atlas looked at the own students peacefully: "Our covenant——"

"Don't do to others what you don't want done to you." The yellow-robed wizards spoke solemnly and solemnly.

The golden Lotus flower spewed out from the criss-crossing magic circle under their feet like a fountain, and after hitting the newborn body of Atlas, it disappeared without a trace like a phantom.



"All intelligent races, including the beasts, ghosts, and even demons in your eyes, are more accepting of an orderly and well-regulated Life."

"Even if that order comes at a price for them to some degree."

"Only order can concentrate the limited strength of an individual and safeguard the interests of the entire race—from a world perspective, the solidarity of the race is crucial to every individual."

When Xiao Xiao said this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Zheng Qing, and asked another question:

"So, have you ever thought about what this invisible order manifests in real life?"

"You mean these rituals?" Zheng Qing nodded thoughtfully.

"Since being born in this universe, human beings have been struggling with the strong sense of insecurity in their hearts." Xiao Xiao raised his head and looked at the roof of the first hall.

After the white mist dissipated, the magical celestial phenomenon reappeared under the hanging sky.

The dense dots of light are like a real starry sky, covering everyone's heads.

"The inner reflection reflects the real world outside."

"And these rituals and rules, like the order of the real world, build a solid fortress for our hearts."

"Let us be brave and strong to face any challenge."

Xiao Xiao pressed his own notebook and looked at the starry sky above his head, a little lost in thought.

"It sounds very complicated..." Zheng Qing looked at the big doctor blankly, feeling that he seemed to have talked about a very serious topic just now.


Poseidon seemed to finally be unable to stand Xiao Xiao's noise, and lazily got up from Zheng Qing's arms, jumped along his shoulders, and jumped into Li Meng's arms.

The little witch was overjoyed, threw the own dove away, and happily helped the little fox comb its long fur.

Pigeon Xiaobai cooed angrily, and flew to Jiang Yu's shoulder angrily.

"Just take the white men in the mundane world." Xiao Xiao frowned, trying to explain with an example that Zheng Qing could understand.

But Zheng Qing's focus is obviously a bit off: "Do you still know that Bai Ding is a thing?"

"Those who believe in authority," Xiao Xiao glared at him, emphasized: "It's not that they dislike freedom, but that authority can bring a sense of security more effectively... and those societies that are organized by contracts, the contracts that people believe in, It also gives them a sense of security.”

"For example, in our college, exams can be convincing... and in Alpha College, the family tree is obviously more convincing." Zheng Qing immediately drew inferences.

"Very accurate." Xiao Xiao was obviously very happy that someone had discussed this topic with him: "From small family and college to large country and society, these principles are actually interlinked."

"Whether it's those ancient families, emerging forces, or our school, people stick to the rules not because they appreciate its complicated and gorgeous appearance, but because of the sense of security behind them."

"Yeah, very correct, very correct." Zheng Qing perfunctory, his mind had already turned to a new figure that appeared in the middle of the hall.

"They are not from our school." The students next to each other whispered to each other.

A tall and thin wizard walked into the center of the first hall through the lingering white mist.

Behind him, followed a chubby figure that looked familiar to Zheng Qing.

The young public fee student couldn't help squinting his eyes.

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