Hunting High School

Chapter 247: Hero

"Looking at the robe, it looks like someone from the Wizarding Union."

"To be precise, it's the Wizarding Council... Aren't they always at odds with the First University? Why are you here today to attend the opening ceremony?"

"Could it be the investigation team that is said to be stationed at First University? I heard that the investigation team will stay at the school for three months."

"Then what are they doing at the opening ceremony?"

"Three-pronged sword! Those who have a three-pronged sword..."

"The three-pronged sword is specially designed to catch demons... Could it be that demons really got mixed into the new students?"

The freshmen were extremely curious about the new figures that appeared in the hall, speculating on their identities one after another, guessing all kinds of sensational reasons without hesitation.

Zheng Qing has no such doubts.

After seeing that chubby figure and that inexplicably familiar baby face, he suddenly remembered what Lao Yao told him after yesterday's regular meeting.

So he habitually touched his own gray cloth bag, planning to review those few lines before going on stage—although they were all nonsense, but he also put in a lot of effort, writing for several hours yesterday!

But after searching for a long time, he couldn't find that cute little piece of paper.

It was as if a lightning flashed across my heart.

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered something, and his arms froze in mid-air.

"It's terrible, it's terrible." He turned around in panic, grabbed Dr. Xiao Da's arm, shook it vigorously, and asked nervously, "Do you have any written acceptance speech... or something like that?"

"Award acceptance speech?" Xiao Xiao frowned and shook his head slightly: "Who would write that kind of nonsense in a notebook!"

"Are you going to receive the award?" Xin Fatty was keenly aware of the point in Zheng Qing's sentence, and raised his eyebrows: "What award! Why don't we know..."

"Why did I tell you!" Zheng Qing angrily shook off Fatty's fat hand on his shoulder, and his voice was full of frustration: "When I went out in the morning, I remembered that I had something to was you, early in the morning It’s okay to howl, which made me leave the written speech in the drawer.”

"Blame me," Fatty shrugged strenuously and spread his hands, with a gloating smile on his face: "If you spend five minutes in the morning helping me find homework for Charms, you will never miss your speech draft."

Zheng Qing was downcast and didn't refute.

As if feeling his master's depressed mood, Poseidon broke free from Li Meng's embrace, flicked his big tail, jumped back onto Zheng Qing's shoulder, then stuck out his little pink tongue, and lovingly smeared his face with saliva.

This made the young public payers even more frustrated.

"Do you know those two members of the Wizarding Council?" Zhang Jixin also came over with a curious look on his face: "Look at the paper on their bodies, everyone says they are the people with the three-pronged sword..."

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"It's indeed a three-pronged sword." Zheng Qing sighed, pulled himself together, and patiently explained: "I don't know that tall, thin wizard. He must be a big brother from the three-pronged sword... the one behind him That short, fat, baby-faced wizard, I met in Damingfang, named Andrew, belongs to the Rapid Response Team of the Wizarding Union Investigation Bureau, is a registered wizard, and seems to be a graduate of our school ..."

"Andrew?" Zhang Jixin squinted his eyes, his face tended to turn purple: "Why do you think this name sounds familiar... I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"Andrew Taylor, this year's freshman of Alpha College, the little Young Master of Taylor's family, is now standing in the direction of your seven o'clock, a hundred steps away." Xiao Xiao didn't even shake his eyelids, and hummed: "The last time In practice class, you and Xin Fatty gave that little Young Master a lot of embarrassment...have you forgotten?"

"Oh! It's that wolf cub!" Zhang Jixin suddenly realized, he punched his left palm with his right fist, and nodded repeatedly: "I just said that the name sounds familiar..."

"Idiot." Dr. Xiao finally suppressed the anger in his heart, glared at him, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "If you look more clearly, you can find that Commissioner Andrew with the three-pronged sword is from the East... His surname is An, and his name is De. Lu."

"And the wolf cub you mentioned has a completely western face. His surname is Taylor and his name is Andrew!"

"What kind of logical thinking is needed to confuse these two people!" Dr. Xiao Da finally lamented, shaking his head: "Have you trained your muscles into your brain yet?"

"Not yet," Zhang Jixin smiled naively: "I, Dage, said that the family-inherited mental method must be practiced to more than ten levels, which is equivalent to the level of a great wizard, in order to train the muscles into the brain... I am still far away. .”

Zheng Qing finally forgot the frustration a few seconds ago, and laughed wantonly.

The others laughed too.

For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to be much more active.

"Quiet!" Finally, class leader Jiang couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and once again squeezed in front of several boys, his pretty face was slightly cold: "In the whole Jiuyou College, your place is the most chaotic... Let's see other colleges, can you not be here?" Disgraceful in public!"

The boys raised their hands in unison, shut their mouths, and expressed their surrender.

Jiang Yu stomped her feet helplessly, stretched out her hand, and grabbed Poseidon from Zheng Qing's shoulder, then turned around, and picked up the fat cat in Xin Fatty's arms.

"If you make a mess again, I'll stew them and eat them!" Before leaving, she warned viciously.

Poseidon and Tuantuan drooped their tails, their little faces wrinkled into balls.

Zheng Qing blinked, waved his hand cautiously, and bid farewell to own little fox.

Fatty squinted, trying to squeeze a little water from under his eyelids, but the cheerful smile on his face completely betrayed his mood.

"I bet she doesn't know how to stew meat." Fatty leaned into Zheng Qing's ear and whispered, "Even if she stewed that fat cat, it might be good news for our dormitory..."

Zheng smiled bluntly and slapped haha, kept his mouth shut and stopped talking.

Center of the hall.

The master of ceremonies has reappeared in front of everyone.

The huge roster in his hand was gone, replaced by a thin mahogany hard-bound manual.

"The following is a temporary addition to this year's opening ceremony." The master of ceremonies smiled, and his voice became much more lively:

"Everyone knows that a banshee appeared on the school's special plane this year... There is no doubt that this is a serious dereliction of duty by the school."

"However, in this sudden disaster, some freshmen showed great courage and firm belief in the face of demons."

"First University is proud of you."

Suddenly there was warm applause in the hall.

Many freshmen of Jiuyou College turned their heads to look for Zheng Qing and others—thanks to Sir Friedman, the stories of several young wizards resisting the banshee in the cafeteria have been widely circulated since the beginning of the school year .

Xin Fatty tried his best to straighten his body, and tightened the crumpled robe on his body, making him look a little taller.

Zhang Jixin waved his hand nonchalantly, with a bright smile on his face.

Xiao Xiao still lowered his head and opened his notebook silently.

Only Zheng Qing, trying to reduce his sense of existence, tried to hide in the shadow of several companions.

"I hate this kind of thing the most," he murmured, and whispered to himself: "Show your face, like an actor..."

"It's similar to it." The voice of the professor of ceremonies suppressed the enthusiasm in the room.

The applause gradually quieted down.

"During the series of well-known terrorist attacks in August, multiple Sijifangs under the Wizards Union were attacked by unidentified wild monsters."

"There were heavy casualties."

"There is only one Four Seasons Square, which survived the disaster..."

Speaking of this, the master of ceremonies paused, brewing emotions:

"It's because a hero stepped forward!"

"Blocked in front of the crazy wild monster!"

"He used a thunder spell and a piece of talisman to almost destroy a street, frightened the demon's arrogance, and ended its sinful life!"

There was an uproar in the first hall.

The professor of ceremonies had to raise his voice and shouted with the loudest voice:

"This hero is this year's public-funded student of the Jiuyou College of our First University..."

"Student Zheng Qing!"

This time, not only the freshmen from Jiuyou Academy, but also the freshmen from several other academies poked their heads and tried to stretch their necks, wanting to see the legendary newcomer who "destroyed a street with a thunder curse".

Zheng Qing lowered his head, his face flushed red.

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